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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Table of Contents
Gad, the Tribe Of
Descended from Jacob's seventh son — Ge 30:11
Predictions respecting — Ge 49:19; De 33:20,21
Persons selected from
To number the people - Nu 1:14
To spy out the land - Nu 13:15
Strength of, on leaving Egypt — Nu 1:24,25
The rear of second division of Israel in their journeys — Nu 10:18-20
Encamped south of the tabernacle under the standard of Reuben — Nu 2:10,14
Offering of, at the dedication — Nu 7:42-47
Families of — Nu 26:15-17
Strength of, on entering Canaan — Nu 26:18
On Ebal, said amen to the curse — De 27:13
Sought and obtained its inheritance east of Jordan — Nu 32:1-33
Bounds of its inheritance — Jos 13:24-28
Cities built by — Nu 32:34-36
Assisted in conquest of Canaan — Jos 4:12,13
After the conquest, returned home — Jos 22:9
Assisted in building the altar of witness which excited the jealousy of Israel — Jos 22:10-29
Many from other tribes sought refuge with, from the Philistines — 1Sa 13:7
Eleven of, swam the Jordan, and joined David in the hold — 1Ch 12:8-15
Some of, at coronation of David — 1Ch 12:37,38
David appointed rulers over — 1Ch 26:32
Spoiled the Hagarites — 1Ch 5:18-22
Subdued by Hazael king of Syria — 2Ki 10:33
Taken captive to Assyria — 2Ki 15:29; 1Ch 5:22,26
Land of, seized by the Moabites and Ammonites — Jer 48:18-24; 49:1
Separated from Judea by Samaria — Joh 4:3,4
Upper part of, called Galilee of the Gentiles — Isa 9:1; Mt 4:15
Lake of Gennesaret, called the sea of — Mt 15:29; Lu 5:1
Kadesh the city of refuge for — Jos 21:32
Inhabitants of
Called Galilaeans - Ac 2:7
Used a peculiar dialect - Mt 26:73; Mr 14:70
Despised by the Jews - Joh 7:41,52
Opposed the Roman taxation - Ac 5:37
Cruelly treated by Pilate - Lu 13:1
Twenty cities of, given to Hiram — 1Ki 9:11
Conquered by the Syrians — 1Ki 15:20
Conquered by the Assyrians — 2Ki 15:29
Jurisdiction of, granted to Herod by the Romans — Lu 3:1; 23:6,7
Supplied Tyre, &c with provisions — Ac 12:20
Brought up in - Mt 2:22; Lu 2:39,51
Despised as of - Mt 26:69; Joh 7:52
Chose his Apostles from - Mt 4:18,21; Joh 1:43,44; Ac 1:11
Preaching in, predicted - Isa 9:1,2; Mt 4:14,15
Preached throughout - Mr 1:39; Lu 4:44
Commenced, and wrought many miracles in - Mt 4:23,24; 15:29-31
Kindly received in - Joh 4:45
Followed by the people of - Mt 4:25
Ministered to by women of - Mt 27:55; Mr 15:41; Lu 8:3
Sought refuge in - Joh 4:1,3
Appeared in, to his disciples after his resurrection - Mt 26:32; 28:7
Modern towns of
Accho or Ptolemais - Judg 1:31
Tiberias - Joh 6:23
Nazareth - Mt 2:22,23; Lu 1:26
Cana - Joh 2:1; 21:2
Capernaum - Mt 4:13
Chorazin - Mt 11:21
Bethsaida - Mr 6:45; Joh 1:44
Nain - Lu 7:11
Caesarea - Ac 9:30; 10:24
Caesarea Philippi - Mt 16:13; Mr 8:27
Christian churches established in — Ac 9:31
Often made by the banks of rivers — Nu 24:6
Kinds of, mentioned in scripture
Herbs - De 11:10; 1Ki 21:2
Cucumbers - Isa 1:8
Fruit trees - Ec 2:5,6
Spices, &c - Song 4:16; 6:2
Often enclosed — Song 4:12
Often refreshed by fountains — Song 4:15
Taken care of by gardeners — Joh 20:15
Lodges erected in — Isa 1:8
Often used for
Entertainments - Song 5:1
Retirement - Joh 18:1
Burial places - 2Ki 21:18,26; Joh 19:41
Idolatrous worship - Isa 1:29; 65:3
Blasting of, a punishment — Am 4:9
Jews ordered to plant, in Babylon — Jer 29:5,28
Of eden
Planted by the Lord - Ge 2:8
Called the garden of the Lord - Ge 13:10
Called the garden of God - Eze 28:13
Had every tree good for food - Ge 2:9
Watered by a river - Ge 2:10-14
Man placed in, to dress and keep - Ge 2:8,15
Man driven from, after the fall - Ge 3:23,24
Fertility of Canaan like - Ge 13:10; Joe 2:3
The future state of the Jews shall be like - Isa 51:3; Eze 36:35
Illustrative Of the church - Song 5:1; 6:2,11
(Enclosed,) of the pleasantness, fruitfulness, and security of the church - Song 4:12
(Well watered,) of spiritual prosperity of the church - Isa 58:11; Jer 31:12
(When dried up,) of the wicked - Isa 1:30
Origin of — Ge 3:7,21
Raiment - Ge 28:20; De 8:4
Clothes - Pr 6:27; Eze 16:39
Clothing - Job 22:6; 31:19
Vesture - Ge 41:42; Re 19:16
Materials used for
Wool - Pr 27:26; Eze 34:3
Silk - Pr 31:22
Linen - Le 6:10; Es 8:15
Camel's hair - Mt 3:4
Skins - Heb 11:37
Sackcloth - 2Sa 3:31; 2Ki 19:1
Not to be made of mixed materials — De 22:11
Of the sexes, not to be interchanged — De 22:5
Colours of, mentioned
White - Ec 9:8
Blue - Eze 23:6
Purple - Eze 7:27; Lu 16:19
Scarlet - 2Sa 1:24; Da 5:7
Different colours - Ge 37:3; 2Sa 13:18
Were often fringed and bordered — Nu 15:38; De 22:12
Scribes and Pharisees condemned for making broad the borders of — Mt 23:5
Worn long and flowing — Lu 20:46; Re 1:13
Girt up during employment — Lu 17:8; Joh 13:4
Mentioned in scripture
Hyke or upper garment - De 24:13; Mt 21:8
Burnouse or cloak - Lu 6:29; 2Ti 4:13
Tunic or coat - Joh 19:23; 21:7
Girdle - 1Sa 18:4; Ac 21:11
Bonnet or hat - Le 8:13; Da 3:21
Shoe or sandal - Ex 3:5; Mr 6:9
Vail - Ge 24:65
Liable to plague and leprosy — Le 13:47-59
Cleansed by water from ceremonial uncleanness — Le 11:32; Nu 31:20
Of the rich
Of the finest materials - Mt 11:8
Gay - Jas 2:23
Gorgeous - Lu 7:25; Ac 12:21
Embroidered - Ps 45:14; Eze 16:18
Perfumed - Ps 45:8; Song 4:11
Multiplied and heaped up - Job 27:17; Isa 3:22
Often moth-eaten - Job 13:28; Jas 5:2
Of the poor
Provided specially by God - De 10:18
Vile - Jas 2:2
Used as a covering by night - De 24:13
Not to be retained in pledge - De 24:12,13
Grew old and wore out — Jos 9:5; Ps 102:26
Of Israel preserved for forty years — De 8:4
Were often changed — Ge 35:2; 41:14
Of those slain with a sword not used — Isa 14:19
Given as a token of covenants — 1Sa 18:4
Given as presents — Ge 45:22; 2Ki 5:22
Often rent in affliction — 2Sa 15:32; Ezr 9:3,5
(White,) of righteousness - Mt 28:3; Re 3:18
(Rolled in blood,) of victory - Isa 9:5
(Washed in wine,) of abundance - Ge 49:11
Design of — Isa 62:10
Made of
Brass - Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2
Iron - Ac 12:10
Often two-leaved — Isa 45:1
Fastened with bars of iron — Ps 107:16; Isa 45:2
Made to
Cities - 1Ki 17:10
Houses - Lu 16:20; Ac 12:14
Temples - Ac 3:2
Palaces - Es 5:13
Prisons - Ac 12:10
Camps - Ex 32:26
Rivers - Na 2:6
Of cities
Chief places of concourse - Pr 1:21
Courts of justice held at - De 16:18; 2Sa 15:2; Pr 22:22,23
Land sold at - Ge 23:10,16
Land redeemed at - 2Ki 7:1,18
Markets held at - 2Ki 7:1,18
Proclamations made at - Pr 1:21; Jer 17:19
Councils of state held at - 2Ch 18:9; Jer 39:3
Conferences held at - Ge 34:20; 2Sa 3:27
Public commendation given at - Pr 31:23,31
Public censure passed at - Job 5:4; Isa 29:21
Shut at night-fall - Jos 2:5; Ne 13:19
Chief points of attack in war - Judg 5:8; Isa 22:7; Eze 21:15
Battering rams used against - Eze 21:22
Experienced officers placed over - 2Ki 7:17
Troops reviewed at, going to war - 2Sa 18:4
Often razed and burned - Ne 1:3; La 2:9
Idolatrous rites performed at - Ac 14:13
Criminals punished at - De 17:5; Jer 20:2
Custom of sitting at, in the evening, alluded to - Ge 19:1
Of the temple
Called gates of Zion - La 1:4
Called gates of righteousness - Ps 118:19
Called gates of the Lord - Ps 118:20
Overlaid with gold - 2Ki 18:16
One specially beautiful - Ac 3:2
Levites the porters of - 2Ch 8:14; 23:4
Charge of, given by lot - 1Ch 26:13-19
The treasury placed at - 2Ch 24:8; Mr 12:41
The pious Israelites delighted to enter - Ps 118:19,20; 100:4
Frequented by beggars - Ac 3:2
Of Jerusalem
High gate of Benjamin - Jer 20:2; 37:13
Fish gate - 2Ch 33:14; Ne 3:3
Sheep gate - Ne 3:1; Joh 5:2
Gate of Miphkad - Ne 3:31
Gate of Ephraim - Ne 12:39
Valley gate - 2Ch 26:9; Ne 2:13
Water gate - Ne 3:26; 8:3
Horse gate - 2Ch 23:15; Ne 3:28
Old gate - Ne 3:6; 12:39
Corner gate - 2Ch 26:9
Dung gate - Ne 3:14; 12:31
Gate of the fountain - Ne 3:15
Carcase of sin-offering burned without — Le 4:12; Heb 13:11-13
Criminals generally punished without — Le 24:23; Joh 19:17; Heb 13:12
Of Christ - Joh 10:9
(Of heaven,) of access to God - Ge 28:12-17
(Of hell,) of Satan's power - Mt 16:18
(Of the grave,) of death - Isa 38:10
(Strait,) of the entrance to life - Mt 7:14
(Wide,) of the entrance to ruin - Mt 7:13
The Jews reckoned by — 1Ch 9:1; 2Ch 31:19
Public registers kept of — 2Ch 12:15; Ne 7:5
Of Christ
Given - Mt 1:1-17; Lu 3:23-38
Prove his descent from Judah - Heb 7:14
Priests who could not prove their own, excluded from the priesthood — Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64
Subject of, to be avoided — 1Ti 1:4; Tit 3:9
Illustrative of the record of saints in the book of life — Lu 10:20; Heb 12:23; Re 3:5
Comprehend all nations except the Jews — Ro 2:9; 3:9; 9:24
Heathen - Ps 2:1; Ga 3:8
Nations - Ps 9:20; 22:28; Isa 9:1
Uncircumcised - Isa 14:6; 52:1
Uncircumcision - Ro 2:26
Greeks - Ro 1:16; 10:12
Strangers - Isa 14:1; 60:10
Ruled by God — 2Ch 20:6; Ps 47:8
Chastised by God — Ps 9:5; 94:10
Counsel of, brought to nought — Ps 33:10
Characterised as
Ignorant of God - Ro 1:21; 1Th 4:5
Refusing to know God - Ro 1:28
Without the law - Ro 2:14
Idolatrous - Ro 1:23,25; 1Co 12:2
Superstitious - De 18:14
Depraved and wicked - Ro 1:28-32; Eph 4:19
Blasphemous and reproachful - Ne 5:9
Constant to their false gods - Jer 2:11
Hated and despised the Jews — Es 9:1,5; Ps 44:13,14; 123:3
Often ravaged and defiled the holy land and sanctuary — Ps 79:1; La 1:10
The Jews
Not to follow the ways of - Le 18:3; Jer 10:2
Not to intermarry with - De 7:3
Permitted to have, as servants - Le 25:44
Despised, as if dogs - Mt 15:26
Never associated with - Ac 10:28; 11:2,3
Often corrupted by - 2Ki 17:7,8
Dispersed amongst - Joh 7:35
Excluded from Israel's privileges — Eph 2:11,12
Not allowed to enter the temple — Ac 21:28,29
Outer court of temple for — Eph 2:14; Re 11:2
Given to Christ as His inheritance — Ps 2:8
Christ given as a light to — Isa 42:6; Lu 2:32
Conversion of, predicted — Isa 2:2; 11:10
United with the Jews against Christ — Ac 4:27
The gospel not to be preached to, till preached to the Jews — Mt 10:5; Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46
First special introduction of the gospel to — Ac 10:34-45; 15:14
First general introduction of the gospel to — Ac 13:48,49,52; 15:12
Paul the apostle of — Ac 9:15; Ga 2:7,8
Jerusalem trodden down by, &c — Lu 21:24
Israel rejected till the fulness of — Ro 11:25
Descended from the Hivites and Amorites — Jos 9:3,7; 2Sa 21:2
A mighty and warlike people — Jos 10:2
Cities of — Jos 9:17
Deceived by - Jos 9:4-13
Made a league with - Jos 9:15
Spared on account of their oath - Jos 9:18,19
Appointed, hewers of wood, &c - Jos 9:20-27
Attacked by the kings of Canaan — Jos 10:1-5
Delivered by Israel — Jos 10:6-10
Saul sought to destroy — 2Sa 21:2
Israel plagued for Saul's cruelty to — 2Sa 21:1
Effected the destruction of the remnant of Saul's house — 2Sa 21:4-9
The office of the Nethinim probably originated in — 1Ch 9:2
Part of, returned from the captivity — Ne 7:25
Gift of the Holy Spirit, The
By the Father — Ne 9:20; Lu 11:13
By the Son — Joh 20:22
To Christ without measure — Joh 3:34
According to promise - Ac 2:38,39
Upon the exaltation - Ps 68:18; Joh 7:39
Through the intercession of Christ - Joh 14:16
In answer to prayer - Lu 11:13; Eph 1:16,17
For instruction - Ne 9:20
For comfort of saints - Joh 14:16
To those who repent and believe - Ac 2:38
To those who obey God - Ac 5:32
To the Gentiles - Ac 10:44,45; 11:17; 15:8
Is abundant — Ps 68:9; Joh 7:38,39
Is permanent — Isa 59:21; Hag 2:5; 1Pe 4:14
Is fruit bearing — Isa 32:15
Received through faith — Ga 3:14
An evidence of union with Christ — 1Jo 3:24; 4:13
An earnest of the inheritance of the saints — 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Eph 1:14
A pledge of the continued favour of God — Eze 39:29
Gifts of God, The
All blessings are — Jas 1:17; 2Pe 1:3
Are dispensed according to his will — Ec 2:26; Da 2:21; Ro 12:6; 1Co 7:7
Are free and abundant — Nu 14:8; Ro 8:32
Christ the chief of - Isa 42:6; 55:4; Joh 3:16; 4:10; 6:32,33
Are through Christ - Ps 68:18; Eph 4:7,8; Joh 6:27
The Holy Spirit - Lu 11:13; Ac 8:20
Grace - Ps 84:11; Jas 4:6
Wisdom - Pr 2:6; Jas 1:5
Repentance - Ac 11:18
Faith - Eph 2:8; Php 1:29
Righteousness - Ro 5:16,17
Strength and power - Ps 68:35
A new heart - Eze 11:19
Peace - Ps 29:11
Rest - Mt 11:28; 2Th 1:7
Glory - Ps 84:11; Joh 17:22
Eternal life - Ro 6:23
Not repented of by him - Ro 11:29
To be used for mutual profit - 1Pe 4:10
Pray for - Mt 7:7,11; Joh 16:23,24
Acknowledge — Ps 4:7; 21:2
Life - Isa 42:5
Food and raiment - Mt 6:25-33
Rain and fruitful seasons - Ge 27:28; Le 26:4,5; Isa 30:23
Wisdom - 2Ch 1:12
Peace - Le 26:6; 1Ch 22:9
All good things - Ps 34:10; 1Ti 6:17
To be used and enjoyed - Ec 3:13; 5:19,20; 1Ti 4:4,5
Should cause us to remember God - De 8:18
All creatures partake of - Ps 136:25; 145:15,16
Pray for - Zec 10:1; Mt 6:11
Illustrated — Mt 25:15-30
Worn upon the loins — 1Ki 2:5; Jer 13:1,11
Worn by priests about the breasts — Re 1:13
Made of
Fine linen - Eze 16:10
Twined linen with blue purple, &c - Ex 39:29
Gold - Re 1:13; 15:6
Leather - 2Ki 1:8; Mt 3:4
Sackcloth - Isa 3:24; La 2:10
Made for sale by industrious women — Pr 31:24
Used for
Strengthening the loins - Pr 31:17; Isa 22:21; 23:10
Girding up the garments when walking - 1Ki 18:46; 2Ki 4:29
Girding up the garments when working - Lu 12:37; 17:8; Joh 13:4
Suspending the sword - 2Sa 20:8; Ne 4:18
Suspending the inkhorn - Eze 9:2
Holding money - Mt 10:9; Mr 6:8
Taken off when at rest - Isa 5:27; Joh 13:4
Given as
A token of friendship - 1Sa 18:4
A reward of military service - 2Sa 18:11
Illustrative of
Strength - Ps 18:39; Isa 22:21
Gladness - Ps 30:11
Righteousness of Christ - Isa 11:5
Faithfulness of Christ - Isa 11:5
Truth - Eph 6:14
Glorifying God
Commanded — 1Ch 16:28; Ps 22:23; Isa 42:12
Due to him — 1Ch 16:29
For his
Holiness - Ps 99:9; Re 15:4
Mercy and truth - Ps 115:1; Ro 15:9
Faithfulness and truth - Isa 25:1
Wondrous works - Mt 15:31; Ac 4:21
Judgments - Isa 25:3; Eze 28:22; Re 14:7
Deliverance - Ps 50:15
Grace to others - Ac 11:18; 2Co 9:13; Ga 1:24
Obligation of saints to — 1Co 6:20
Is acceptable through Christ — Php 1:11; 1Pe 4:11
Christ, an example of — Joh 17:4
Accomplished by
Relying on his promises - Ro 4:20
Praising him - Ps 50:23
Doing all to him - 1Co 10:31
Dying for him - Joh 21:19
Confessing Christ - Php 2:11
Suffering for Christ - 1Pe 4:14,16
Glorifying Christ - Ac 19:17; 2Th 1:12
Bringing forth fruits of righteousness - Joh 15:8; Php 1:11
Patience in affliction - Isa 24:15
Faithfulness - 1Pe 4:11
Required in body and spirit — 1Co 6:20
Shall be universal — Ps 86:9; Re 5:13
Saints should
Resolve on - Ps 69:30; 118:28
Unite in - Ps 34:3; Ro 15:6
Persevere in - Ps 86:12
All the blessings of God are designed to lead to — Isa 60:21; 61:3
The holy example of saints may lead others to — Mt 5:16; 1Pe 2:12
All, by nature, fail in — Ro 3:23
The wicked averse to — Da 5:23; Ro 1:21
Punishment for not — Da 5:23,30; Mal 2:2; Ac 12:23; Ro 1:21
Heavenly host engaged in — Re 4:11
David - Ps 57:5
The Multitude - Mt 9:8; 15:31
The Virgin Mary - Lu 1:46
Angels - Lu 2:14
Shepherds - Lu 2:20
Man sick of the palsy - Lu 5:25
Woman with infirmity - Lu 13:13
Leper - Lu 17:15
Blind man - Lu 18:43
Centurion - Lu 23:47
The Church at Jerusalem - Ac 11:18
Gentiles at Antioch - Ac 13:48
Abraham - Ro 4:20
Paul - Ro 11:36
God is, to his people — Ps 3:3; Zec 2:5
Christ is, to his people — Isa 60:1; Lu 2:32
The gospel ordained to be, to saints — 1Co 2:7
Of the gospel, exceeds that of the law — 2Co 3:9,10
The joy of saints is full of — 1Pe 1:8
Is given by God - Ps 84:11
Is given by Christ - Joh 17:22
Christ - Joh 17:22
Is the work of the Holy Spirit - 2Co 3:18
Procured by the death of Christ - Heb 2:10
Accompanies salvation by Christ - 2Ti 2:10
Inherited by saints - 1Sa 2:8; Ps 73:24; Pr 3:35; Col 3:4; 1Pe 5:10
Saints called to - 2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10
Saints afore prepared to - Ro 9:23
Enhanced by present afflictions - 2Co 4:17
Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with - Ro 8:18
Of the Church shall be rich and abundant — Isa 60:11-13
The bodies of saints shall be raised in — 1Co 15:43; Php 3:21
Saints shall be, of their ministers — 1Th 2:19,20
Is given by God - Da 2:37
Passes away - 1Pe 1:24
The devil tries to seduce by - Mt 4:8
Of hypocrites turned to shame — Ho 4:7
Seek not, from man — Mt 6:2; 1Th 2:6
Of the wicked
Is in their shame - Php 3:19
Ends in destruction - Isa 5:14
Glory of God, The
Exhibited in Christ — Joh 1:14; 2Co 4:6; Heb 1:3
Exhibited in
His name - De 28:58; Ne 9:5
His majesty - Job 37:22; Ps 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; Isa 2:10
His power - Ex 15:1,6; Ro 6:4
His works - Ps 19:1; 111:3
His holiness - Ex 15:11
Described as
Great - Ps 138:5
Eternal - Ps 104:31
Rich - Eph 3:16
Highly exalted - Ps 8:1; 113:4
Exhibited to
Moses - Ex 34:5-7; 33:18-23
Stephen - Ac 7:55
His Church - De 5:24; Ps 102:16
Enlightens the Church — Isa 60:1,2; Re 21:11,23
Saints desire to behold — Ps 63:2; 90:16
God is jealous — Isa 42:8
Reverence — Isa 59:19
Plead in prayer — Ps 79:9
Declare — 1Ch 16:24; Ps 145:5,11
Magnify — Ps 57:5
The earth is full of — Isa 6:3
The knowledge of, shall fill the earth — Hab 2:14
Christ was falsely accused of — Mt 11:19
The wicked addicted to — Php 3:19; Jude 1:12
Leads to
Carnal security - Isa 22:13; 1Co 15:32; Lu 12:19
Poverty - Pr 23:21
Of princes, ruinous to their people — Ec 10:16,17
Is inconsistent in saints — 1Pe 4:3
Caution against — Pr 23:2,3; Lu 21:34; Ro 13:13,14
Pray against temptations to — Ps 141:4
Punishment of — Nu 11:33,34; Ps 78:31; De 21:21; Am 6:4,7
Danger of, illustrated — Lu 12:45,46
Esau - Ge 25:30-34; Heb 12:16,17
Israel - Nu 11:4; Ps 78:18
Sons of Eli - 1Sa 2:12-17
Belshazzar - Da 5:1
Goat, The
Clean and fit for food — De 14:4,5
Offered in sacrifice — Ge 15:9; Le 16:5,7
The male, best for sacrifice — Le 22:19; Ps 50:9
First-born of, not redeemed — Nu 18:17
Jews had large flocks of — Ge 32:14; 1Sa 25:2
Most profitable to the owner — Pr 27:26
Milk of, used as food — Pr 27:27
The young of
Called kids - Ge 37:31
Kept in small flocks - 1Ki 20:27
Fed near the shepherds' tents - Song 1:8
Not to be seethed in milk of mother - Ex 23:19
Offered in sacrifice - Le 4:23; 5:6
Offered at the passover - Ex 12:5; 2Ch 35:7
Considered a delicacy - Ge 27:9; Judg 6:19
Given as a present - Ge 38:17; Judg 15:1
The hair of
Offered for tabernacle - Ex 25:4; 35:23
Made into curtains, for covering the tabernacle - Ex 35:26; 36:14-18
Made into pillows - 1Sa 19:13
Skin of, often used as clothing — Heb 11:37
Bashan celebrated for — De 32:14
The Arabians traded in — Eze 27:21
Flocks of, always led by a male — Jer 50:8
When wild dwelt in the hills and rocks — 1Sa 24:2; Job 39:1; Ps 104:18
Of Macedonian empire - Da 8:5,21
Of the wicked - Zec 10:3; Mt 25:32,33
(Flock of,) of the church - Song 4:1
Is a spirit — Joh 4:24; 2Co 3:17
Is declared to be
Light - Isa 60:19; Jas 1:17; 1Jo 1:5
Love - 1Jo 4:8,16
Invisible - Job 23:8,9; Joh 1:18; 5:37; Col 1:15; 1Ti 1:17
Unsearchable - Job 11:7; 37:23; Ps 145:3; Isa 40:28; Ro 11:33
Incorruptible - Ro 1:23
Eternal - De 33:27; Ps 90:2; Re 4:8-10
Immortal - 1Ti 1:17; 6:16
Omnipotent - Ge 17:1; Ex 6:3
Omniscient - Ps 139:1-6; Pr 5:21
Omnipresent - Ps 139:7; Jer 23:23
Immutable - Ps 102:26,27; Jas 1:17
Only-wise - Ro 16:27; 1Ti 1:17
Glorious - Ex 15:11; Ps 145:5
Most High - Ps 83:18; Ac 7:48
Perfect - Mt 5:48
Holy - Ps 99:9; Isa 5:16
Just - De 32:4; Isa 45:21
True - Jer 10:10; Joh 17:3
Upright - Ps 25:8; 92:15
Righteous - Ezr 9:15; Ps 145:17
Good - Ps 25:8; 119:68
Great - 2Ch 2:5; Ps 86:10
Gracious - Ex 34:6; Ps 116:5
Faithful - 1Co 10:13; 1Pe 4:19
Merciful - Ex 34:6,7; Ps 86:5
Long-suffering - Nu 14:18; Mic 7:1
Jealous - Jos 24:19; Na 1:2
Compassionate - 2Ki 13:23
A consuming fire - Heb 12:29
None beside him — De 4:35; Isa 44:6
None before him — Isa 43:10
None like to him — Ex 9:14; De 33:26; 2Sa 7:22; Isa 46:5,9; Jer 10:6
None good but he — Mt 19:17
Fills heaven and earth — 1Ki 8:27; Jer 23:24
Should be worshipped in spirit and in truth — Joh 4:24
Found in the earth — Job 28:1,6
Abounded in
Havilah - Ge 2:11
Ophir - 1Ki 9:28; Ps 45:9
Sheba - Ps 72:15; Isa 60:6
Parvaim - 2Ch 3:6
Belongs to God — Joe 3:5; Hag 2:8
Described as
Yellow - Ps 68:13
Malleable - Ex 39:3; 1Ki 10:16,17
Fusible - Ex 32:3,4; Pr 17:3
Precious - Ezr 8:27; Isa 13:12
Valuable - Job 28:15,16
Most valuable when pure and fine — Job 28:19; Ps 19:10; 21:3; Pr 3:14
Refined and tried by fire — Zec 13:9; 1Pe 1:7
Working in, a trade — Ne 3:8; Isa 40:19
An article of commerce — Eze 27:22
The patriarchs were rich in — Ge 13:2
Imported by Solomon — 1Ki 9:11,28; 10:11
Abundance of, in Solomon's reign — 2Ch 1:15
Offerings of, for tabernacle — Ex 35:22
Offerings of, for temple — 1Ch 22:14; 29:4,7
Used as money — Mt 10:9; Ac 3:6
Priestly and royal garments adorned with — Ex 28:4-6; Ps 45:9,13
Was used for
Overlaying the tabernacle - Ex 36:34,38
Overlaying the temple - 1Ki 6:21,22
Overlaying cherubims in temple - 2Ch 3:10
Overlaying the ark, &c - Ex 25:11-13
Overlaying floor of temple - 1Ki 6:30
Overlaying throne of Solomon - 1Ki 10:18
Mercy seat and cherubims - Ex 25:17,18
Sacred candlesticks - Ex 25:31; 2Ch 4:7,20
Sacred utensils - Ex 25:29,38; 2Ch 4:19-22
Crowns - 2Sa 12:30; Ps 21:3
Sceptres - Es 4:11
Chains - Ge 41:42; Da 5:29
Rings - Song 5:14; Jas 2:2
Earrings - Judg 8:24,26
Ornaments - Jer 4:30
Shields - 2Sa 8:7; 1Ki 10:16,17
Vessels - 1Ki 10:21; Es 1:7
Idols - Ex 20:23; Ps 115:4; Da 5:4
Couches - Es 1:6
Footstools - 2Ch 9:18
Estimated by weight — 1Ch 28:14
Given as presents — 1Ki 15:19; Mt 2:11
Exacted as tribute — 1Ki 20:3,5; 2Ki 23:33,35
Taken in war, dedicated to God — Jos 6:19; 2Sa 8:11; 1Ki 15:15
Kings of Israel not to multiply — De 17:17
Jews condemned for multiplying — Isa 2:7
Vanity of heaping up — Ec 2:8,11
Liable to
Grow dim - La 4:1
Canker and rust - Jas 5:3
Illustrative of
Saints after affliction - Job 23:10
Tried faith - 1Pe 1:7
The doctrines of grace - Re 3:18
True converts - 1Co 3:12
Babylonish empire - Da 2:38
Goodness of God, The
Is part of his character — Ps 25:8; Na 1:7; Mt 19:17
Declared to be
Great - Ne 9:35; Zec 9:17
Rich - Ps 104:24; Ro 2:4
Abundant - Ex 34:6; Ps 33:5
Satisfying - Ps 65:4; Jer 31:12,14
Enduring - Ps 23:6; 52:1
Universal - Ps 145:9; Mt 5:45
To his Church - Ps 31:19; La 3:25
In doing good - Ps 119:68; 145:9
In supplying temporal wants - Ac 14:17
In providing for the poor - Ps 68:10
In forgiving sins - 2Ch 30:18; Ps 86:5
Leads to repentance - Ro 2:4
Recognise, in his dealings - Ezr 8:18; Ne 2:18
Pray for the manifestation of - 2Th 1:11
Despise not - Ro 2:4
Reverence - Jer 33:9; Ho 3:5
Magnify - Ps 107:8; Jer 33:11
Urge others to confide in - Ps 34:8
The wicked disregard - Ne 9:35
Gospel, The
Is good tidings of great joy for all people — Lu 2:10,11,31,32
Foretold — Isa 41:27; 52:7; 61:1-3; Mr 1:15
Preached under the old testament — Heb 4:2
Exhibits the grace of God — Ac 14:3; 20:32
The knowledge of the glory of God is by — 2Co 4:4,6
Life and immortality are brought to light by Jesus through — 2Ti 1:10
Is the power of God to salvation — Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18; 1Th 1:5
Is glorious — 2Co 4:4
Is everlasting — 1Pe 1:25; Re 14:6
Preached by Christ — Mt 4:23; Mr 1:14
Ministers have a stewardship to preach — 1Co 9:17
Preached beforehand to Abraham — Ge 22:18; Ga 3:8
Preached to
The Jews first - Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46
The Gentiles - Mr 13:10; Ga 2:2,9
The poor - Mt 11:5; Lu 4:18
Every creature - Mr 16:15; Col 1:23
Must be believed — Mr 1:15; Heb 4:2
Brings peace — Lu 2:10,14; Eph 6:15
Produces hope — Col 1:23
Saints have fellowship in — Php 1:5
There is fulness of blessing in — Ro 15:29
Those who receive, should
Adhere to the truth of - Ga 1:6,7; 2:14; 2Ti 1:13
Not be ashamed of - Ro 1:16; 2Ti 1:8
Live in subjection to - 2Co 9:13
Have their conversation becoming - Php 1:27
Earnestly contend for the faith of - Php 1:17,27; Jude 1:3
Sacrifice friends and property for - Mt 10:37
Sacrifice life itself for - Mr 8:35
Profession of, attended by afflictions — 2Ti 3:12
Promises to sufferers — Mr 8:35; 10:30
Be careful not to hinder — 1Co 9:12
Is hid to them that are lost — 2Co 4:3
Testifies to the final judgment — Ro 2:16
Let him who preached another, be accursed — Ga 1:8
Awful consequences of not obeying — 2Th 1:8,9
Is called the
Dispensation of the grace of God - Eph 3:2
Gospel of peace - Eph 6:15
Gospel of God - Ro 1:1; 1Th 2:8; 1Pe 4:17
Gospel of Christ - Ro 1:9,16; 2Co 2:12; 1Th 3:2
Gospel of the grace of God - Ac 20:24
Gospel of the kingdom - Mt 24:14
Gospel of salvation - Eph 1:13
Glorious gospel of Jesus Christ - 2Co 4:4
Preaching of Jesus Christ - Ro 16:25
Mystery of the gospel - Eph 6:19
Word of God - 1Th 2:13
Word of Christ - Col 3:16
Word of grace - Ac 14:3; 20:32
Word of salvation - Ac 13:26
Word of reconciliation - 2Co 5:19
Word of truth - Eph 1:13; Jas 1:18
Word of faith - Ro 10:8
Word of life - Php 2:16
Ministration of the Spirit - 2Co 3:8
Doctrine according to godliness - 1Ti 6:3
Form of sound words - 2Ti 1:13
Rejection of, by many, foretold — Isa 53:1; Ro 10:15,16
Rejection of, by the Jews, a means of blessing to the Gentiles — Ro 11:28
God is the God of all — 1Pe 5:10
God is the Giver of — Ps 84:11; Jas 1:17
God's throne, the throne of — Heb 4:16
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of — Zec 12:10; Heb 10:29
Was upon Christ — Lu 2:40; Joh 3:24
Christ spoke with — Ps 45:2; Lu 4:22
Christ was full of — Joh 1:14
Came by Christ — Joh 1:17; Ro 5:15
Given by Christ — 1Co 1:4
Foretold by the prophets — 1Pe 1:10
Riches of, exhibited in God's kindness through Christ — Eph 2:7
Glory of, exhibited in our acceptance in Christ — Eph 1:6
Is described as
Great - Ac 4:33
Sovereign - Ro 5:21
Rich - Eph 1:7; 2:7
Exceeding - 2Co 9:14
Manifold - 1Pe 4:10
All-sufficient - 2Co 12:9
All-abundant - Ro 5:15,17,20
Glorious - Eph 1:6
The gospel, a declaration of — Ac 20:24,32
Is the source of
Election - Ro 11:5
The call of God - Ga 1:15
Justification - Ro 3:24; Tit 3:7
Faith - Ac 18:27
Forgiveness of sins - Eph 1:7
Salvation - Ac 15:11; Eph 2:5,8
Consolation - 2Th 2:16
Hope - 2Th 2:16
Necessary to the service of God — Heb 12:28
God's work completed in saints by — 2Th 1:11,12
The success and completion of the work of God to be attributed to — Zec 4:7
Inheritance of the promises by — Ro 4:16
Justification by, opposed to that by works — Ro 4:4,5; 11:6; Ga 5:4
Are heirs of - 1Pe 3:7
Are under - Ro 6:14
Receive, from Christ - Joh 1:16
Are what they are by - 1Co 15:10; 2Co 1:12
Abound in gifts of - Ac 4:33; 2Co 8:1; 9:8,14
Should be established in - Heb 13:9
Should be strong in - 2Ti 2:1
Should grow in - 2Pe 3:18
Should speak with - Eph 4:29; Col 4:6
Specially given
To ministers - Ro 12:3,6; 15:15; 1Co 3:10; Ga 2:9; Eph 3:7
To the humble - Pr 3:34; Jas 4:6
To those who walk uprightly - Ps 84:11
Not to be received in vain — 2Co 6:1
Pray for
For yourselves - Heb 4:16
For others - 2Co 13:14; Eph 6:24
Beware lest you fail of — Heb 12:15
Manifestation of, in others, a cause of gladness — Ac 11:23; 1Jo 1:3,4
Special manifestation of, at the second coming of Christ — 1Pe 1:13
Not to be abused — Ro 3:8; 6:1,15
Antinomians abused — Jude 1:4
A green herb — Mr 6:39
Grass of the earth - Re 9:4
Grass of the field - Nu 22:4
Springs out of the earth — 2Sa 23:4
Originally created - Ge 1:11,12
The giver of - De 11:15
Causes to grow - Ps 104:14; 147:8
Adorns and clothes - Mt 6:30
Often grew on the tops of houses — Ps 129:6
When young, soft and tender — Pr 27:25
Refreshed by rain and dew — De 32:2; Pr 19:12
Cattle fed upon — Job 6:5; Jer 50:11
Ovens often heated with — Mt 6:30
Destroyed by
Locusts - Re 9:4
Hail and lightning - Re 8:7
Drought - 1Ki 17:1; 18:5
Failure of, a great calamity — Isa 15:5,6
Sufferings of cattle from failure of, described — Jer 14:5,6
Of shortness and uncertainty of life - Ps 90:5,6; 103:15; Isa 40:6,7; 1Pe 1:24
Of prosperity of the wicked - Ps 92:7
(Refreshed by dew and showers,) of the saints refreshed by grace - Ps 72:6; Mic 5:7
(On tops of houses,) of the wicked - 2Ki 19:26; Isa 37:27
Antiquity of — Ge 21:33
Often on tops of hills — 1Ki 14:23; Ho 4:13
Often used as resting places — 1Sa 22:6
Idols were worshipped in — De 12:2
Not to be planted near God's altar — De 16:21
Of Canaanites, to be destroyed — Ex 34:13; De 7:5; 12:3
For idol worship planted
By Ahab - 1Ki 16:33
By Manasseh - 2Ki 21:3
By Israelites - 2Ki 17:16
Fondness of Israel for — Jer 17:2
Punishment for making and serving — 1Ki 14:15; Isa 1:28,29; Mic 5:14
Destroyed by
Gideon - Judg 6:25-28
Hezekiah - 2Ki 18:4
Asa - 2Ch 14:3
Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 17:6
Josiah - 2Ki 23:14; 2Ch 34:3,7
God promised to wean Israel from — Isa 17:7,8