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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Table of Contents
The ancient Salem — Ge 14:18; Ps 76:2
The ancient Jebusi or Jebus — Jos 15:8; 18:28; Judg 19:10
The king of, defeated and slain by Joshua — Jos 10:5-23
Allotted to the tribe of Benjamin — Jos 18:28
Partly taken and burned by Judah — Judg 1:8
The Jebusites
Formerly dwelt in - Judg 19:10,11
Held possession of, with Judah and Benjamin - Jos 15:63; Judg 1:21
Finally dispossessed of, by David - 2Sa 5:6-8
Enlarged by David — 2Sa 5:9
Made the royal city — 2Sa 5:9; 20:3
Specially chosen by God — 2Ch 6:6; Ps 135:21
The seat of government under the Romans for a time — Mt 27:2,19
Roman government transferred from, to Caesarea — Ac 23:23,24; 25:1-13
City of God - Ps 46:4; 48:1
City of the Lord - Isa 60:14
City of Judah - 2Ch 25:28
City of the great king - Ps 48:2; Mt 5:5
City of solemnities - Isa 33:20
City of righteousness - Isa 1:26
City of truth - Zec 8:3
A city not forsaken - Isa 62:12
Faithful city - Isa 1:21,26
Holy city - Ne 11:1; Isa 48:2; Mt 4:5
Throne of the Lord - Jer 3:17
Zion - Ps 48:12; Isa 33:20
Zion of the holy one of Israel - Isa 60:14
Surrounded by mountains — Ps 125:2
Surrounded by a wall — 1Ki 3:1
Protected by forts and bulwarks — Ps 48:12,13
Entered by gates — Ps 122:2; Jer 17:19-21
Hezekiah made an aqueduct for — 2Ki 20:20
Spoils of war placed in — 1Sa 17:54; 2Sa 8:7
Described as
Beautiful for situation - Ps 48:2
Compact - Ps 122:3
Comely - Song 6:4
The perfection of beauty - La 2:15
Joy of the whole earth - Ps 48:2; La 2:15
Princess among the provinces - La 1:1
Great - Jer 22:8
Populous - La 1:1
Full of business and tumult - Isa 22:3
Wealth, & c in the time of Solomon - 1Ki 10:26,27
Protected by God — Isa 31:5
Instances of God's care and protection of — 2Sa 24:16; 2Ki 19:32-34; 2Ch 12:7
The temple built in — 2Ch 3:1; Ps 68:29
The Jews
Went up to, at the feasts - Lu 2:42; Ps 122:4
Loved - Ps 137:5,6
Lamented the affliction of - Ne 1:2-4
Prayed for the prosperity of - Ps 51:18; 122:6
Prayed towards - Da 6:10; 1Ki 8:41
Wickedness of — Isa 1:1-4; Jer 5:1-5; Mic 3:10
Idolatry of — 2Ch 28:4; Eze 8:7-10
Wickedness of, the cause of its calamities — 2Ki 21:12-15; 2Ch 24:18; La 1:8; Eze 5:5-8
Was the tomb of the prophets — Lu 13:33,34
Preached in - Lu 21:37,38; Joh 18:20
Did many miracles in - Joh 4:45
Publicly entered, as king - Mt 21:9,10
Lamented over - Mt 23:37; Lu 19:41
Put to death at - Lu 9:31; Ac 13:27,29
Gospel first preached at — Lu 24:47; Ac 2:14
Miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit first given at — Ac 1:4; 2:1-5
Persecution of the Christian church commenced at — Ac 4:1; 8:1
First Christian council held at — Ac 15:4,6
Calamities of, mentioned
Taken and plundered by Shishak - 1Ki 14:25,26; 2Ch 12:1-4
Taken and plundered by Jehoash king of Israel - 2Ki 14:13,14
Besieged but not taken by Rezin and Pekah - Isa 7:1; 2Ki 16:5
Besieged but not taken by Sennacherib - 2Ki 18:17; 19:1-37
Taken and made tributary by Pharaoh-Necho - 2Ki 23:33-35
Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar - 2Ki 24:10,11
Taken and burned by Nebuchadnezzar - 2Ki 25:1-30; Jer 39:1-8
Threatened by Sanballat - Ne 4:7,8
Rebuilt after the captivity by order of Cyrus — Ezr 1:1-4
Prophecies respecting To be taken by king of Babylon - Jer 20:5
To be made a heap of ruins - Jer 9:11; 26:18
To be a wilderness - Isa 64:10
To be rebuilt by Cyrus - Isa 44:26-28
To be a quiet habitation - Isa 33:20
To be a terror to her enemies - Zec 12:2,3
Christ to enter, as king - Zec 9:9
The gospel to go forth from - Isa 2:3; 40:9
To be destroyed by the Romans - Lu 19:42-44
Its capture accompanied by severe calamities - Mt 24:21,29; Lu 21:23,24
Signs preceding its destruction - Mt 24:6-15; Lu 21:7-11,25,28
Of the church - Ga 4:25,26; Heb 12:22
Of the church glorified - Re 3:12; 21:2,10
(Its strong position,) of saints under God's protection - Ps 125:2
Jews, The
Descended from Abraham — Isa 51:2; Joh 8:39
Divided into twelve tribes — Ge 35:22; 49:28
Hebrews - Ge 14:13; 40:15; 2Co 11:22
Israelites - Ex 9:7; Jos 3:17
Seed of Abraham - Ps 105:6; Isa 41:8
Seed of Jacob - Jer 33:26
Seed of Israel - 1Ch 16:13
Children of Jacob - 1Ch 16:13
Children of Israel - Ge 50:25; Isa 27:12
Jeshurun - De 32:15
Chosen and loved by God — De 7:6,7
Circumcised in token of their covenant relation — Ge 17:10,11; Ac 7:8
Separated from all other nations — Ex 33:16; Le 20:24; 1Ki 8:53
Described as
A peculiar people - De 14:2
A peculiar treasure - Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4
A holy nation - Ex 19:6
A holy people - De 7:6; 14:21
A kingdom of priests - Ex 19:6
A special people - De 7:6
The Lord's portion - De 32:9
Sojourned in Egypt — Ex 12:40,41
Brought out of Egypt by God — Ex 12:42; De 5:15; 6:12
In the desert forty years — Nu 14:33; Jos 5:6
Settled in Canaan — Nu 32:18; Jos 14:1-5
Under the theocracy until the time of Samuel — Ex 19:4-6; 1Sa 8:7
Desired and obtained kings — 1Sa 8:5,22
Divided into two kingdoms after Solomon — 1Ki 11:31,32; 12:19,20
Often subdued and made tributary — Judg 2:13,14; 4:2; 6:2,6; 2Ki 23:33
Taken captive to Assyria and Babylon — 2Ki 17:32; 18:11; 24:16; 25:11
Restored to their own land by Cyrus — Ezr 1:1-4
Had courts of justice — De 16:18
Had an ecclesiastical establishment — Ex 28:1; Nu 18:6; Mal 2:4-7
Had a series of prophets to promote national reformation — Jer 7:25; 26:4,5; 35:15; 44:4; Eze 38:17
The only people who had knowledge of God — Ps 76:1; 1Th 4:5; Ps 48:3; Ro 1:28
The only people who worshipped God — Ex 5:17; Ps 96:5; 115:3,4; Joh 4:22
Religion of, according to rites prescribed by God — Le 18:4; De 12:8-11; Heb 9:1
Religion of, typical — Heb 9:8-11; 10:1
Their national greatness — Ge 12:2; De 33:29
Their national privileges — Ro 3:2; 9:4,5
Their vast numbers — Ge 22:17; Nu 10:36
National character of
Pride of descent, & c - Jer 13:9; Joh 8:33,41
Love of country - Ps 137:6
Fondness for their brethren - Ex 2:11,12; Ro 9:1-3
Attachment to Moses - Joh 9:28,29; Ac 6:11
Attachment to customs of the law - Ac 6:14; 21:21; 22:3
Fondness for traditionary customs - Jer 44:17; Eze 20:18,30,21; Mr 7:3,4
Stubborn and stiffnecked - Ex 32:9; Ac 7:51
Prone to rebellion - De 9:7,24; Isa 1:2
Prone to backsliding - Jer 2:11-13; 8:5
Prone to idolatry - Isa 2:8; 57:5
Prone to formality in religion - Isa 29:13; Eze 33:31; Mt 15:7-9
Self-righteous - Isa 65:5; Ro 10:3
Unfaithful to covenant engagements - Jer 3:6-8; 31:32; Eze 16:59
Ungrateful to God - De 32:15; Isa 1:2
Ignorant of the true sense of Scripture - Ac 13:27; 2Co 3:13-15
Distrustful of God - Nu 14:11; Ps 78:22
Covetous - Jer 6:13; Eze 33:31; Mic 2:2
Cowardly - Ex 14:10; Nu 14:3; Isa 51:12
Trusted to their privileges for salvation — Jer 7:4; Mt 3:9
Distinction of castes among, noticed — Isa 65:5; Lu 7:39; 15:2; Ac 26:5
Degenerated as they increased in national greatness — Am 6:4
Often displeased God by their sins — Nu 25:3; De 32:16; 1Ki 16:2; Isa 1:4; 5:24,25
A spiritual seed of true believers always among — 1Ki 19:18; Isa 6:13; Ro 9:6,7; 11:1,5
Modern, divided into
Hebrews or pure Jews - Ac 6:1; Php 3:5
Hellenists or Grecians - Ac 6:1; 9:29
Many sects and parties - Mt 16:6; Mr 8:15
An agricultural people — Ge 46:32
A commercial people — Eze 27:17
Obliged to unite against enemies — Nu 32:20-22; Judg 19:29; 20:1-48; 1Sa 11:7,8
Often distinguished in war — Judg 7:19-23; 1Sa 14:6-13; 17:32,33; Ne 4:16-22
Strengthened by God in war — Le 26:7,8; Jos 5:13,14; 8:1,2
Under God's special protection — De 32:10,11; 33:27-29; Ps 105:13-15; 121:3-5
Enemies of, obliged to acknowledge them as divinely protected — Jos 2:9-11; Es 6:13
Prohibited from
Associating with others - Ac 10:28
Covenanting with others - Ex 23:32; De 7:2
Marry with others - De 7:3; Jos 23:12
Following practices of others - De 12:29-31; 18:9-14
Despised all strangers — 1Sa 17:36; Mt 16:26,27; Eph 2:11
Held no intercourse with strangers — Joh 4:9; Ac 11:2,3
Condemned for associating with other nations — Judg 2:1-3; Jer 2:18
Received proselytes from other nations — Ac 2:10; Ex 12:44,48
Gentiles made one with, under the gospel — Ac 10:15,28; 15:8,9; Ga 3:28; Eph 2:14-16
All other nations
Envied - Ne 4:1; Isa 26:11; Eze 35:11
Hated - Ps 44:10; Eze 35:5
Oppressed - Ex 3:9; Judg 2:18; 4:3
Persecuted - La 1:3; 5:5
Rejoiced at calamities of - Ps 44:13,14; 80:5,6; Eze 36:4
None hated or oppressed, with impunity — Ps 137:8,9; Eze 25:15,16; 35:6; Ob 1:10-16
Promised to - Ge 49:10; Da 9:25
Expected by - Ps 14:7; Mt 11:3; Lu 2:25,38; Joh 8:56
Regarded as the restorer of national greatness - Mt 20:21; Lu 24:21; Ac 1:6
Sprang from - Ro 9:5; Heb 7:14
Rejected by - Isa 53:3; Mr 6:3; Joh 1:11
Murdered by - Ac 7:52; 1Th 2:15
Imprecated the blood of Christ upon themselves and their children — Mt 27:25
Many of, believed the gospel — Ac 21:20
Unbelieving, persecuted the Christians — Ac 17:5,13; 1Th 2:14-16
Cast off for unbelief — Ro 11:17,20
Scattered and peeled — Isa 18:2,7; Jas 1:1
Shall finally be saved — Ro 11:26,27
Punishment of, for rejecting and killing Christ, illustrated — Mt 21:37-43
Descendants of Abraham — Ps 105:6; Isa 51:2; Joh 8:33; Ro 9:7
The people of God — De 32:9; 2Sa 7:24; Isa 51:16
Separated to God — Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; De 4:34
Beloved for their father's sake — De 4:37; 10:15; Ro 11:28
Christ descended from — Joh 4:22; Ro 9:5
The objects of
God's love - De 7:8; 23:5; Jer 31:3
God's choice - De 7:6
God's protection - Ps 105:15; Zec 2:8
The covenant established with — Ex 6:4; 24:6-8; 34:27
Promises respecting made to
Abraham - Ge 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:18; 17:7,8
Isaac - Ge 26:2-5,24
Jacob - Ge 28:12-15; 35:9-12
Themselves - Ex 6:7,8; 19:5,6; De 26:18,19
Privileges of — Ps 76:1,2; Ro 3:1,2; 9:4,5
Punished for
Idolatry - Ps 78:58-64; Isa 65:3-7
Unbelief - Ro 11:20
Breaking covenant - Isa 24:5; Jer 11:10
Transgressing the law - Isa 1:4,7; 24:5,6
Changing the ordinances - Isa 24:5
Killing the prophets - Mt 23:37,38
Imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ - Mt 27:25
Scattered among the nations — De 28:64; Eze 6:8; 36:19
Despised by the nations — Eze 36:3
Their country trodden under foot by the Gentiles — De 28:49-52; Lu 21:24
Their house left desolate — Mt 24:38
Deprived of civil and religious privileges — Ho 3:4
Denunciations against those who
Cursed - Ge 27:29; Nu 24:9
Contended with - Isa 41:11; 49:25
Oppressed - Isa 49:26; 51:21-23
Hated - Ps 129:5; Eze 35:5,6
Aggravated the afflictions of - Zec 1:14,15
Slaughtered - Ps 79:1-7; Eze 35:5,6
God, mindful of — Ps 98:3; Isa 49:15,16
Christ was sent to — Mt 15:24; 21:37; Ac 3:20,22,26
Compassion of Christ for — Mt 23:37; Lu 19:41
The gospel preached to, first — Mt 10:6; Lu 24:47; Ac 1:8
Blessedness of blessing — Ge 27:29
Blessedness of favouring — Ge 12:3; Ps 122:6
Pray importunately for — Ps 122:6; Isa 62:1,6,7; Jer 31:7; Ro 10:1
Saints remember — Ps 102:14; 137:5; Jer 51:50
Promises respecting
The pouring out of the Spirit upon them - Eze 39:29; Zec 12:10
The removal of their blindness - Ro 11:25; 2Co 3:14-16
Their return and seeking to God - Ho 3:5
Their humiliation for the rejection of Christ - Zec 12:10
Pardon of sin - Isa 44:22; Ro 11:27
Salvation - Isa 59:20; Ro 11:26
Sanctification - Jer 33:8; Eze 36:25; Zec 12:1,9
Joy occasioned by conversion of - Isa 44:23; 49:13; 52:8,9; 66:10
Blessing to the Gentiles by conversion of - Isa 2:1-5; 60:5; 66:19; Ro 11:12,15
Reunion of - Jer 3:18; Eze 37:16,17,20-22; Ho 1:11; Mic 2:12
Restoration to their own land - Isa 11:15,16; 14:1-3; 27:12,13; Jer 16:14,15; Eze 36:24; 37:21,25; 39:25,28; Lu 21:24
Gentiles assisting in their restoration - Isa 49:22,23; 60:10,14; 61:4-6
Subjection of Gentiles to - Isa 60:11,12,14
Future glory of - Isa 60:19; 62:3,4; Zep 3:19,20; Zec 2:5
Future prosperity of - Isa 60:6,7,9,17; 61:4-6; Ho 14:5,6
That Christ shall appear amongst - Isa 59:20; Zec 14:4
That Christ shall dwell amongst - Eze 43:7,9; Zec 2:11
That Christ shall reign over - Eze 34:23,24; 37:24,25
Conversion of, illustrated — Eze 37:1-14; Ro 11:24
Jordan, the River
Eastern boundary of Canaan — Nu 34:12
Often overflowed — Jos 3:15; 1Ch 12:15
Overflowing of, called the swelling of Jordan — Jer 12:5; 49:19
Empties itself into the Dead Sea — Nu 34:12
The plains of
Thickly wooded - 2Ki 6:2
Exceeding fertile - Ge 13:10
Infested with lions - Jer 49:19; 50:44
Afforded clay for moulding brass, & c - 1Ki 7:46; 2Ch 4:17
Chosen by Lot for a residence - Ge 13:11
Fordable in some places — Jos 2:7; Judg 12:5,6
Ferry boats often used on — 2Sa 19:18
Remarkable events connected with
Division of its waters to let Israel pass over - Jos 3:12-16; 5:1
Return of its waters to their place - Jos 4:18
Slaughter of Moabites - Judg 3:28,29
Slaughter of the Ephraimites - Judg 12:4-6
Its division by Elijah - 2Ki 2:8
Its division by Elisha - 2Ki 2:14
Healing of Naaman the leper - 2Ki 5:10,14
Baptism of multitudes by John the Baptist - Mt 3:6; Mr 1:5; Joh 1:28
Baptism of our Lord - Mt 3:13,15; Mr 1:9
Passage of Israel over
Promised - De 4:22; 9:1; 11:31
In an appointed order - Jos 3:1-8
Preceded by priests with the ark - Jos 3:6,11,14
Successfully effected - Jos 3:17; 4:1,10,11
Commemorated by a pillar of stones raised in it - Jos 4:9
Commemorated by a pillar of stones in Gilgal - Jos 4:2-8,20-24
Alluded to - Ps 74:15; 114:3,5
A pledge that God would drive the Canaanites, & c out of their land - Jos 3:10
The Jews had great pride in — Zec 11:3
Despised by foreigners — 2Ki 5:12
Moses not allowed to cross — De 3:27; 31:2
God gives — Ec 2:26; Ps 4:7
Christ appointed to give — Isa 61:3
Is a fruit of the Spirit — Ga 5:22
The gospel, good tidings of — Lu 2:10,11
God's word affords — Ne 8:12; Jer 15:16
The gospel to be received with — 1Th 1:6
Promised to saints — Ps 132:16; Isa 35:10; 55:12; 56:7
Prepared for saints — Ps 97:11
Enjoined to saints — Ps 32:11; Php 3:1
Fulness of, in God's presence — Ps 16:11
Vanity of seeking, from earthly things — Ec 2:10,11; 11:8
Experienced by
Believers - Lu 24:52; Ac 16:34
Peace-makers - Pr 12:20
The just - Pr 21:15
The wise, and discreet - Pr 15:23
Parents of good children - Pr 23:24
Increased to the meek — Isa 29:19
Of saints is
In God - Ps 89:16; 149:2; Hab 3:18; Ro 5:11
In Christ - Lu 1:47; Php 3:3
In the Holy Spirit - Ro 14:17
For election - Lu 10:20
For salvation - Ps 21:1; Isa 61:10
For deliverance from bondage - Ps 105:43; Jer 31:10-13
For manifestation of goodness - 2Ch 7:10
For temporal blessings - Joe 2:23,24
For supplies of grace - Isa 12:3
For divine protection - Ps 5:11; 16:8,9
For divine support - Ps 28:7; 63:7
For the victory of Christ - Joh 16:33
For the hope of glory - Ro 5:2
For the success of the gospel - Ac 15:3
Of saints should be
Great - Zec 9:9; Ac 8:8
Abundant - 2Co 8:2
Exceeding - Ps 21:6; 68:3
Animated - Ps 32:11; Lu 6:23
Unspeakable - 1Pe 1:8
Full of glory - 1Pe 1:8
Constant - 2Co 6:10; Php 4:4
For evermore - 1Th 5:16
With awe - Ps 2:11
In hope - Ro 12:12
In sorrow - 2Co 6:10
Under trials - Jas 1:2; 1Pe 1:6
Under persecutions - Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23; Heb 10:34
Under calamities - Hab 3:17,18
Expressed in hymns - Eph 5:19; Jas 5:13
Afflictions of saints succeeded by — Ps 30:5; 126:5; Isa 35:10; Joh 16:20
Pray for restoration of — Ps 51:8,12; 85:6
Promote, in the afflicted — Job 29:13
Of saints, made full by
The favour of God - Ac 2:28
Faith in Christ - Ro 15:13
Abiding in Christ - Joh 15:10,11
The word of Christ - Joh 17:13
Answers to prayer - Joh 16:24
Communion of saints - 2Ti 1:4; 1Jo 1:3,4; 2Jo 1:12
Saints should afford, to their minsters — Php 2:2; Phm 1:20
Ministers should
Esteem their people as their - Php 4:1; 1Th 2:20
Promote, in their people - 2Co 1:24; Php 1:25
Pray for, for their people - Ro 15:13
Have, in the faith and holiness of their people - 2Co 7:4; 1Th 3:9; 3Jo 1:4
Come to their people with - Ro 15:32
Finish their course with - Ac 20:24
Desire to render an account with - Php 2:16; Heb 13:17
Serve God with — Ps 100:2
Liberality in God's service should cause — 1Ch 29:9,17
Is strengthening to saints — Ne 8:10
Saints should engage in all religious services with — Ezr 6:22; Ps 42:4
Saints should have, in all their undertakings — De 12:18
Saints shall be presented to God with exceeding — 1Pe 4:13; Jude 1:24
The coming of Christ will afford to saints, exceeding — 1Pe 4:13
Shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment day — Mt 25:21
Of the wicked
Is derived from earthly pleasures - Ec 2:10; 11:9
Is derived from folly - Pr 15:21
Is delusive - Pr 14:13
Is short-lived - Job 20:5; Ec 7:6
Should be turned into mourning - Jas 4:9
Shall be taken away - Isa 16:10
Holy — Illustrated — Isa 9:3; Mt 13:44
Holy — Exemplified
Hannah - 1Sa 2:1
David - 1Ch 29:9
Wise men - Mt 2:10
The Virgin Mary - Lu 1:47
Zacchaeus - Lu 19:6
Converts - Ac 2:46; 13:52
Peter, & c - Ac 5:41
Samaritans - Ac 8:8
Jailor - Ac 16:34
Joy of God Over His People, The
Greatness of, described — Zep 3:17
On account of their
Repentance - Lu 15:7,10
Faith - Heb 11:5,6
Fear of him - Ps 147:11
Praying to him - Pr 15:8
Hope in his mercy - Ps 147:11
Meekness - Ps 149:4
Uprightness - 1Ch 29:17; Pr 11:20
Leads to him
Prosper them - De 30:9
Do them good - De 28:63; Jer 32:41
Deliver them - 2Sa 22:20
Comfort them - Isa 65:19
Give them the inheritance - Nu 14:8
Illustrated — Isa 62:5; Lu 15:23,24
Solomon - 1Ki 10:9
Judah, the Tribe Of
Descended from Jacob's fourth son — Ge 29:35
Predictions respecting — Ge 49:8-12; De 33:7
Persons selected from
To number the people - Nu 1:7
To spy out the land - Nu 13:6
To divide the land - Nu 34:19
Strength of, on leaving Egypt — Nu 1:26,27; 2:4
Encamped with its standard east of the tabernacle — Nu 2:3
Led the first division of Israel in their journeys — Nu 10:14
Offering of, at dedication — Nu 7:12-17
Families of — Nu 26:19-21
Strength of on entering Canaan — Nu 26:22
On Gerizim said amen to the blessings — De 27:12
Bounds of inheritance — Jos 15:1-12
First and most vigorous in driving out the Canaanites — Judg 1:3-20
Went first against Gibeah — Judg 20:18
Furnished to Israel the first judge — Judg 3:9
Aided Saul in his wars — 1Sa 11:8; 15:4
After Saul's rebellion appointed to furnish kings to Israel — 1Sa 13:14; 15:28; 16:6,13; 2Sa 2:4; 7:16,17
The first to submit to David — 2Sa 2:10
Reigned over alone by David seven years and a half — 2Sa 2:11; 5:5
Officer placed over by David — 1Ch 27:18
Reproved for tardiness in bringing back David after Absalom's rebellion — 2Sa 19:11-15
Other tribes jealous of, on account of David — 2Sa 19:41-42; 20:1,2
With Benjamin alone, adhered to the house of David — 1Ki 12:21
The last tribe carried into captivity — 2Ki 17:18,20; 25:21
Out Lord sprang from — Mt 1:3-16; Lu 3:23-33; Heb 7:14
Remarkable persons of
Achan - Jos 7:18
Elimelech - Ru 1:1,2
Boaz - Ru 2:1
Obed - Ru 4:21
Jesse - Ru 4:22; 1Sa 16:1
David - 1Sa 16:1,13
Solomon - 1Ki 1:32-39
Elihu - 1Ch 27:18
Pethahiah - Ne 11:24
Bezaleel - Ex 31:2; 35:30
Nahshon - Nu 7:12
Caleb - Nu 14:24
Absalom - 2Sa 15:1
Elhanan - 2Sa 21:19; 23:24
Adonijah - 1Ki 1:5,6
Jonathan - 2Sa 21:21
Kings of Judah - (See 1st and 2nd Books of Kings)
Judea, Modern
One of the divisions of the Holy Land under the Romans — Lu 3:1
Comprised the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judah — 1Ki 12:21-24
The land of Judah - Mt 2:6
Jewry - Da 5:13; Joh 7:1
A mountainous district — Lu 1:39,65
Parts of, desert — Mt 3:1; Ac 8:26
Jerusalem the capital of — Mt 4:25
Towns of
Arimathea - Mt 27:57; Joh 19:38
Azotus or Ashdod - Ac 8:40
Bethany - Joh 11:1,18
Bethlehem - Mt 2:1,6,16
Bethphage - Mt 21:1
Emmaus - Lu 24:13
Ephraim - Joh 11:54
Gaza - Ac 8:26
Jericho - Lu 10:30; 19:1
Joppa - Ac 9:36; 10:5,8
Lydda - Ac 9:32,35,38
John the Baptist preached in — Mt 3:1
Our Lord
Born in - Mt 2:1,5,6
Tempted in the wilderness of - Mt 4:1
Frequently visited - Joh 11:7
Often left, to escape persecution - Joh 4:1-3
Several Christian churches in — Ac 9:31; 1Th 2:14
Judges, Extraordinary
Raised up to deliver Israel — Judg 2:16
Upheld and strengthened by God — Judg 2:18
Remarkable for their faith — Heb 11:32
Names of
Othniel - Judg 3:9,10
Ehud - Judg 3:15
Shamgar - Judg 3:31
Deborah - Judg 4:4
Gideon - Judg 6:11
Abimelech - Judg 9:6
Tola - Judg 10:1
Jair - Judg 10:3
Jephthah - Judg 11:1
Ibzan - Judg 12:8
Elon - Judg 12:11
Abdon - Judg 12:13
Samson - Judg 13:24,25; 16:31
Eli - 1Sa 4:18
Samuel - 1Sa 7:6,15-17
During four hundred and fifty years — Ac 13:20
Not without intermission — Judg 17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25
The office of, not always for life, or hereditary — Judg 8:23,29
Israel not permanently or spiritually benefitted by — Judg 2:17-19
Are from God — De 32:39; Job 12:23; Am 3:6; Mic 6:9
Different kinds of
Blotting out the name - De 29:20
Abandonment by God - Ho 4:17
Cursing men's blessings - Mal 2:2
Pestilence - De 28:21,22; Am 4:10
Enemies - 2Sa 24:13
Famine - De 28:38-40; Am 4:7-9
Famine of hearing the word - Am 8:11
The sword - Ex 22:24; Jer 19:7
Captivity - De 28:41; Eze 39:23
Continued sorrows - Ps 32:10; 78:32,33; Eze 24:23
Desolation - Eze 33:29; Joe 3:19
Destruction - Job 31:3; Ps 34:16; Pr 2:22; Isa 11:4
Inflicted upon
Nations - Ge 15:14; Jer 51:20,21
Individuals - De 29:20; Jer 23:34
False gods - Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4
Posterity of sinners - Ex 20:5; Ps 37:28; La 5:7
All enemies of saints - Jer 30:16
Sent for correction — Job 37:13; Jer 30:11
Sent for the deliverance of saints — Ex 6:6
Are sent, as punishment for
Disobedience to God - Le 26:14-16; 2Ch 7:19,20
Despising the warnings of God - 2Ch 36:16; Pr 1:24-31; Jer 44:4-6
Murmuring against God - Nu 14:29
Idolatry - 2Ki 22:17; Jer 16:18
Iniquity - Isa 26:21; Eze 24:13,14
Persecuting saints - De 32:43
Sins of rulers - 1Ch 21:2,12
Manifest the righteous character of God — Ex 9:14-16; Eze 39:21; Da 9:14
Are in all the earth — 1Ch 16:14
Are frequently tempered with mercy — Jer 4:27; 5:10,15-18; Am 9:8
Should lead to
Humiliation - Jos 7:6; 2Ch 12:6; La 3:1-20; Joe 1:13; Jon 3:5,6
Prayer - 2Ch 20:9
Contrition - Ne 1:4; Es 4:3; Isa 22:12
Learning righteousness - Isa 26:9
Should be a warning to others — Lu 13:3,5
May be averted by
Humiliation - Ex 33:3,4,14; 2Ch 7:14
Prayer - Judg 3:9-11; 2Ch 7:13,14
Forsaking iniquity - Jer 18:7,8
Turning to God - De 30:1-3
Preserved during - Job 5:19,20; Ps 91:7; Isa 26:20; Eze 9:6; Re 7:3
Provided for, during - Ge 47:12; Ps 33:19; 37:19
Pray for those under - Ex 32:11-13; Nu 11:2; Da 9:3
Sympathise with those under - Jer 9:1; 13:17; La 3:48
Acknowledge the justice of - 2Sa 24:17; Ezr 9:13; Ne 9:33; Jer 14:17
Upon nations - Exemplified
The old world - Ge 6:7,17
Sodom, & c - Ge 19:24
Egypt - Ex 9:14
Israel - Nu 14:29,35; 21:6
People of Ashdod - 1Sa 5:6
People of Bethshemesh - 1Sa 6:19
Amalekites - 1Sa 15:3
Upon individuals - Exemplified
Cain - Ge 4:11,12
Canaan - Ge 9:25
Korah, & c - Nu 16:33-35
Achan - Jos 7:25
Hophni, & c - 1Sa 2:34
Saul - 1Sa 15:23
Uzzah - 2Sa 6:7
Jeroboam - 1Ki 13:4
Ahab - 1Ki 22:38
Gehazi - 2Ki 5:27
Jezebel - 2Ki 9:35
Nebuchadnezzar - Da 4:31
Belshazzar - Da 5:30
Zacharias - Lu 1:20
Ananias, & c - Ac 5:1-10
Herod - Ac 12:23
Elymas - Ac 13:11
Preservation during - Exemplified
Noah - Ge 7:1,16
Lot - Ge 19:15-17
Joseph, & c - Ge 45:7
Elijah - 1Ki 17:9
Elisha & c - 2Ki 4:38-41
Shunammite - 2Ki 8:1,2
Judgment, The
Predicted in the Old Testament — 1Ch 16:33; Ps 9:7; 96:13; Ec 3:17
A first principle of the gospel — Heb 6:2
A day appointed for — Ac 17:31; Ro 2:16
Time of, unknown to us — Mr 13:32
Called the
Day of wrath - Ro 2:5; Re 6:17
Revelation of the righteous judgment of God - Ro 2:5
Day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men - 2Pe 3:7
Day of destruction - Job 21:30
Judgment of the great day - Jude 1:6
Shall be administered by Christ — Joh 5:22,27; Ac 10:42; Ro 14:10; 2Co 5:10
Saints shall sit with Christ in — 1Co 6:2; Re 20:4
Shall take place at the coming of Christ — Mt 25:31; 2Ti 4:1
Of Heathen, by the law of conscience — Ro 2:12,14,15
Of Jews, by the law of Moses — Ro 2:12
Of Christians, by the gospel — Jas 2:12
Shall be held upon
All nations - Mt 25:32
All men - Heb 9:27; 12:23
Small and great - Re 20:12
The righteous and wicked - Ec 3:17
Quick and dead - 2Ti 4:1; 1Pe 4:5
Shall be in righteousness — Ps 98:9; Ac 17:31
The books shall be opened at — Da 7:10
Shall be of all
Actions - Ec 11:9; 12:14; Re 20:13
Words - Mt 12:36,37; Jude 1:15
Thoughts - Ec 12:14; 1Co 4:5
None, by nature can stand in — Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:19
Saints shall, through Christ, be enabled to stand in — Ro 8:33,34
Christ will acknowledge saints at — Mt 25:34-40; Re 3:5
Perfect love will give boldness in — 1Jo 4:17
Saints shall be rewarded at — 2Ti 4:8; Re 11:18
The wicked shall be condemned in — Mt 7:22,23; 25:41
Final punishment of the wicked will succeed — Mt 13:40-42; 25:46
The word of Christ shall be a witness against the wicked in — Joh 12:48
The certainty of, a motive to
Repentance - Ac 17:30,31
Faith - Isa 28:16,17
Holiness - 2Co 5:9,10; 2Pe 3:11,14
Prayer and watchfulness - Mr 13:33
Warn the wicked of — Ac 24:25; 2Co 5:11
The wicked dread — Ac 24:25; Heb 10:27
Neglected advantages increase condemnation at — Mt 11:20-24; Lu 11:31,32
Devils shall be condemned at — 2Pe 2:4; Jude 1:6
Commanded — De 16:20; Isa 56:1
Christ, an example of — Ps 98:9; Isa 11:4; Jer 23:5
Specially required in rulers — 2Sa 23:3; Eze 45:9
To be done
In executing judgment - De 16:18; Jer 21:12
In buying and selling - Le 19:36; De 25:15
To the poor - Pr 29:14; 31:9
To the fatherless and widows - Isa 1:17
To servants - Col 4:1
Gifts impede — Ex 23:8
Requires - Mic 6:8
Sets the highest value on - Pr 2:13
Delights in - Pr 11:1
Gives wisdom to execute - 1Ki 3:11,12; Pr 2:6,9
Displeased with the want of - Ec 5:8
Brings its own reward — Jer 22:15
Saints should
Study the principles of - Php 4:8
Receive instruction in - Pr 1:3
Pray for wisdom to execute - 1Ki 3:9
Always do - Ps 119:121; Eze 18:8,9
Take pleasure in doing - Pr 21:15
Teach others to do - Ge 18:19
Promises to — Isa 33:15,16; Jer 7:5,7
The wicked
Scorn - Pr 19:28
Abhor - Mic 3:9
Call not for - Isa 59:4
Banish - Isa 59:14
Pass over - Lu 11:42
Afflict those who act with - Job 12:4; Am 5:12
Moses - Nu 16:15
Samuel - 1Sa 12:4
David - 2Sa 8:15
Solomon - 1Ki 3:16-27
Josiah - Jer 22:15
Joseph - Lu 23:50,51
Apostles - 1Th 2:10
Justice of God, The
Is a part of his character — De 32:4; Isa 45:21
Declared to be Plenteous - Job 37:23
Incomparable - Job 4:1
Incorruptible - De 10:17; 2Ch 19:7
Impartial - 2Ch 19:7; Jer 32:19
Unfailing - Zep 3:5
Undeviating - Job 8:3; 34:12
Without respect of persons - Ro 2:11; Col 3:25; 1Pe 1:17
The habitation of his throne - Ps 89:14
Not to be sinned against — Jer 50:7
Denied by the ungodly — Eze 33:17,20
Exhibited in
Forgiving sins - 1Jo 1:9
Redemption - Ro 3:26
His government - Ps 9:4; Jer 9:24
His judgments - Ge 18:25; Re 19:2
All his ways - Eze 18:25,29
The final judgment - Ac 17:31
Acknowledge — Ps 51:4; Ro 3:4
Magnify — Ps 98:9; 99:3,4
Justification Before God
Promised in Christ — Isa 45:25; 53:11
Is the act of God — Isa 50:8; Ro 8:33
Under law
Requires perfect obedience - Le 18:5; Ro 10:5; 2:13; Jas 2:10
Man cannot attain to - Job 9:2,3,20; 25:4; Ps 130:3; 143:2; Ro 3:20; 9:31,32
Under the gospel
Is not of works - Ac 13:39; Ro 8:3; Ga 2:16; 3:11
Is not of faith and works united - Ac 15:1-29; Ro 3:28; 11:6; Ga 2:14-21; 5:4
Is by faith alone - Joh 5:24; Ac 13:39; Ro 3:30; 5:1; Ga 2:16
Is of grace - Ro 3:24; 4:16; 5:17-21
In the name of Christ - 1Co 6:11
By imputation of Christ's righteousness - Isa 61:10; Jer 23:6; Ro 3:22; 5:18; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:21
By the blood of Christ - Ro 5:9
By the resurrection of Christ - Ro 4:25; 1Co 15:17
Blessedness of - Ps 32:1,2; Ro 4:6-8
Frees from condemnation - Isa 50:8,9; 54:17; Ro 8:33,34
Entitles to an inheritance - Tit 3:7
Ensures glorification - Ro 8:30
The wicked shall not attain to — Ex 23:7
By faith
Revealed under the Old Testament age - Hab 2:4; Ro 1:17
Excludes boasting - Ro 3:27; 4:2; 1Co 1:29,31
Does not make void the law - Ro 3:30,31; 1Co 9:21
Typified — Zec 3:4,5
Illustrated — Lu 18:14
Abraham - Ge 15:6
Paul - Php 3:8,9