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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Table of Contents
Sabbath, The
Instituted by God — Ge 2:3
Grounds of its institution — Ge 2:2,3; Ex 20:11
The seventh day observed as — Ex 20:9-11
Made for man — Mr 2:27
Blessed - Ge 2:3; Ex 20:11
Sanctified - Ge 2:3; Ex 31:15
Hallowed - Ex 20:11
Commanded, to be kept - Le 19:3,30
Commanded to be sanctified - Ex 20:8
Will have his goodness commemorated in the observance of - De 5:15
Shows favour in appointing - Ne 9:14
Shows considerate kindness in appointing - Ex 23:12
A sign of the covenant — Ex 31:13,17
A type of the heavenly rest — Heb 4:4,9
Is Lord of - Mr 2:28
Was accustomed to observe - Lu 4:16
Taught on - Lu 4:31; 6:6
Servants and cattle should be allowed to rest upon — Ex 20:10; De 5:14
No manner of work to be done on — Ex 20:10; Le 23:3
No purchases to be made on — Ne 10:31; 13:15-17
No burdens to be carried on — Ne 13:19; Jer 17:21
Divine worship to be celebrated on — Eze 46:3; Ac 16:13
The Scriptures to be read on — Ac 13:27; 15:21
The word of God to be preached on — Ac 13:14,15,44; 17:2; 18:4
Works connected with religious service lawful on — Nu 28:9; Mt 12:5; Joh 7:23
Works of mercy lawful on — Mt 12:12; 13:16; Joh 9:14
Necessary wants may be supplied — Mt 12:1; Lu 13:15; 14:1
The Sabbath of the Lord - Ex 20:10; Le 23:3; De 5:14
The Sabbath of rest - Ex 31:15
The rest of the holy Sabbath - Ex 16:23
God's holy Day - Isa 58:13
The Lord's day - Re 1:10
First day of the week kept as, by the church — Joh 20:26; Ac 20:7; 1Co 16:2
Observe - Ne 13:22
Honour God in observing - Isa 58:13
Rejoice in - Ps 118:24; Isa 58:13
Rejoice in - Ps 118:24; Isa 58:13
Testify against those who desecrate - Ne 13:15,20,21
Observance of, to be perpetual — Ex 31:16,17; Mt 5:17,18
Blessedness of honouring — Isa 58:13,14
Blessedness of keeping — Isa 56:2,6
Denunciations against those who profane — Neh 13:18; Jer 17:27
Punishment of those who profane — Ex 31:14,15; Nu 15:32-36
The wicked
Mock at - La 1:7
Pollute - Isa 56:2; Eze 20:13,16
Profane - Ne 13:17; Eze 22:8
Wearied by - Am 8:5
Hide their eyes from - Eze 22:26
Do their own pleasure on - Isa 58:13
Bear burdens on - Ne 13:15
Work on - Ne 13:15
Traffic on - Ne 10:31; 13:15,16
Sometimes pretend to zealous for - Lu 13:14; Joh 9:16
May be judicially deprived of - La 2:6; Ho 2:11
Honouring of — Exemplified
Moses - Nu 15:32-34
Nehemiah - Ne 13:15,21
The women - Lu 23:56
Paul - Ac 13:14
Disciples - Ac 16:13
John - Re 1:10
Dishonouring of — Exemplified
Gatherers of manna - Ex 16:27
Gatherers of sticks - Nu 15:32
Men of Tyre - Ne 13:16
Inhabitants of Jerusalem - Jer 17:21-23
Made of coarse hair — Mt 3:4; Re 6:12
Rough and unsightly — Zec 13:4
Of a black colour — Re 6:12
Was worn
By God's prophets - 2Ki 1:8; Isa 20:2; Mt 3:4; Re 11:3
By persons in affliction - Ne 9:1; Ps 69:11; Jon 3:5
Girt about the loins - Ge 37:34; 1Ki 20:31
Frequently next the skin in deep afflictions - 1Ki 21:27; 2Ki 6:30; Job 16:15
Often over the whole person - 2Ki 19:1,2
With ashes on the head - Es 4:1
Often with ropes on the head - 1Ki 20:31
In the streets - Isa 15:3
At funerals - 2Sa 3:31
The Jews lay in, when in deep affliction — 2Sa 21:10; 1Ki 21:27; Joe 1:13
No one clothed in, allowed into the palaces of kings — Es 4:2
(Girding with,) of heavy afflictions - Isa 3:24; 22:12; 32:11
(Covering the heavens with,) of severe judgments - Isa 50:3
(Heavens becoming as,) of severe judgments - Re 6:12
(Putting of,) of joy and gladness - Ps 30:11
Divine institution of — Ge 3:21; 1:29; 9:3; 4:4,5; Heb 11:4
To be offered to God alone — Ex 22:20; Judg 13:16; 2Ki 17:36
When offered to God, an acknowledgement of his being the supreme God — 2Ki 5:17; Jon 1:16
Consisted of
Clean animals or bloody sacrifices - Ge 8:20
The fruits of the earth or sacrifices without blood - Ge 4:4; Le 2:1
Always offered upon altars — Ex 20:24
The offering of, an acknowledgment of sin — Heb 10:3
Were offered
From the earliest age - Ge 4:3,4
By the patriarchs - Ge 22:2,13; 31:54; 46:1; Job 1:5
After the departure of Israel from Egypt - Ex 5:3,17; 18:12; 24:5
Under the Mosaic age - Le 1:1-7:38; Heb 10:1-3
Daily - Ex 29:38,39; Nu 28:3,4
Weekly - Nu 28:9,10
Monthly - Nu 28:11
Yearly - Le 16:3; 1Sa 1:3,21; 20:6
At all the feasts - Nu 10:10
For the whole nation - Le 16:15-30; 1Ch 29:21
For individuals - Le 1:2; 17:8
In faith of a coming Saviour - Heb 11:4,17,28
Required to be perfect and without blemish — Le 22:19; De 15:21; 17:1; Mal 1:8,14
Generally the best of their kind — Ge 4:4; 1Sa 15:22; Ps 66:15; Isa 1:11
Different kinds of
Burnt offering wholly consumed by fire - Le 1:1-17; 1Ki 18:38
Sin offering for sins of ignorance - Le 4:1-35
Trespass offering for intentional sins - Le 6:1-7; 7:1-7
Peace offering - Le 3:1-17
To be brought to the place appointed by God — De 12:6; 2Ch 7:12
Were bound to the horns of the altar — Ps 118:27
Were salted with salt — Le 2:13; Mr 9:49
Often consumed by fire from heaven — Le 9:24; 1Ki 18:38; 2Ch 7:1
When bloody, accompanied with meat and drink offering — Nu 15:3-12
No leaven offered with, except for — Ex 23:18; Le 7:13
Fat of, not to remain until morning — Ex 23:8
The priests
Appointed to offer - 1Sa 2:28; Eze 44:11,15; Heb 5:1; 8:3
Had a portion of, and lived by - Ex 29:27,28; De 18:3; Jos 13:14; 1Co 9:13
Were typical of Christ's sacrifice — 1Co 5:7; Eph 5:2; Heb 10:1,11,12
Were accepted when offered in sincerity and faith — Ge 4:4; Heb 11:4; Ge 8:21
Imparted a legal purification — Heb 9:13,22
Could not take away sin — Ps 40:6; Heb 9:9; 10:1-11
Without obedience, worthless — 1Sa 15:22; Pr 21:3; Mr 12:33
The covenants of God confirmed by — Ge 15:9-17; Ex 24:5-8; Heb 9:19,20; Ps 50:5
The Jews
Condemned for not treating with respect - 1Sa 2:29; Mal 1:12
Condemned for bringing defective and blemished - Mal 1:13,14
Condemned for not offering - Isa 43:23,24
Unaccepted in, on account of sin - Isa 1:11,15; 66:3; Ho 8:13
Condemned for offering, to idols - 2Ch 34:25; Isa 65:3,7; Eze 20:28,31
Offered to false gods, are offered to devils — Le 17:7; De 32:17; Ps 106:37; 1Co 10:20
On great occasions, very numerous — 2Ch 5:6; 7:5
For public use often provided by the state — 2Ch 31:3
Illustrative of
Prayer - Ps 141:2
Thanksgiving - Ps 27:6; 107:22; 116:17; Heb 13:15
Devotedness - Ro 12:1; Php 2:17
Benevolence - Php 4:18; Heb 13:16
Righteousness - Ps 4:5; 51:19
A broken spirit - Ps 51:17
Martyrdom - Php 2:7; 2Ti 4:6
Sadducees, The
A sect of the Jews — Ac 5:17
Denied the resurrection and a future stated — Mt 22:23; Lu 20:27
The resurrection a cause of dispute between them and the Pharisees — Ac 23:6-9
Were refused baptism by John — Mt 3:7
Tempted by - Mt 16:1
Cautioned his disciples against their principles - Mt 16:6,11,12
Vindicated the resurrection against - Mt 22:24-32; Mr 12:19-27
Silenced - Mt 22:34
Persecuted the Christians — Ac 4:1; 5:17,18,40
Saints, Compared To
The sun — Judg 5:31; Mt 13:43
Stars — Da 12:3
Lights — Mt 5:14; Php 2:15
Mount Zion — Ps 125:1,2
Lebanon — Ho 14:5-7
Treasure — Ex 19:5; Ps 135:4
Jewels — Mal 3:17
Gold — Job 23:10; La 4:2
Vessels of gold and silver — 2Ti 2:20
Stones of a crown — Zec 9:16
Lively stones — 1Pe 2:5
Babes — Mt 11:25; 1Pe 2:2
Little children — Mt 18:3; 1Co 14:20
Obedient children — 1Pe 1:14
Members of the body — 1Co 12:20,27
Soldiers — 2Ti 2:3,4
Runners of the body — 1Co 12:20,27
Soldiers — 2Ti 2:3,4
Runners in a race — 1Co 9:24; Heb 12:1
Wrestlers — 2Ti 2:5
Good servants — Mt 25:21
Strangers and pilgrims — 1Pe 2:11
Sheep — Ps 78:52; Mt 25:33; Joh 10:4
Lambs — Isa 40:11; Joh 21:15
Calves of the stall — Mal 4:2
Lions — Pr 28:1; Mic 5:8
Eagles — Ps 103:5; Isa 40:31
Doves — Ps 68:13; Isa 60:8
Thirsting deer — Ps 42:1
Good fishes — Mt 13:48
Dew and showers — Mic 5:7
Watered gardens — Isa 58:11
Unfailing springs — Isa 58:11
Vines — Song 6:11; Ho 14:7
Branches of a vine — Joh 15:2,4,5
Pomegranates — Song 4:13
Good figs — Jer 24:2-7
Lilies — Song 2:2; Ho 14:5
Willows by the water courses — Isa 44:4
Trees planted by rivers — Ps 1:3
Cedars in Lebanon — Ps 92:12
Palm trees — Ps 92:12
Green olive trees — Ps 52:8; Ho 14:6
Fruitful trees — Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8
Corn — Ho 14:7
Wheat — Mt 3:12; 13:29,30
Salt — Mt 5:13
Characterised as good and useful — Mr 9:50
Used For
Seasoning food - Job 6:6
Seasoning sacrifices - Le 2:13; Eze 43:24
Ratifying covenants - Nu 18:19; 2Ch 13:5
Strengthening new-born infants - Eze 16:4
Partaking of another's a bond of friendship — Ezr 4:14
Lost its savour when exposed to the air — Mt 5:13; Mr 9:50
Often found
In pits - Jos 11:8; Zep 2:9
In springs - Jas 3:12
Near the Dead Sea - Nu 34:12; De 3:17
Places where it abounded barren and unfruitful — Jer 17:6; Eze 47:11
The valley of, celebrated for victories — 2Sa 8:13; 2Ki 14:7; 1Ch 18:12
Miracles connected with
Lot's wife turned into a pillar of - Ge 19:26
Elisha healed the bad water with - 1Ki 2:21
Places sown with, to denote perpetual desolation — Judg 9:45
Liberally afforded to the Jews after the captivity — Ezr 6:9; 7:22
Of saints - Mt 5:13
Of grace in the heart - Mr 9:50
Of wisdom in speech - Col 4:6
(Without savour,) of graceless professors - Mt 5:13; Mr 9:50
(Pits of,) of desolation - Zep 2:9
(Salted with fire,) of preparation of the wicked for destruction - Mr 9:49
Antiquity of — Ge 18:2; 19:1
Were given
By brethren to each other - 1Sa 17:22
By inferiors to their superiors - Ge 47:7
By superiors to inferiors - 1Sa 30:21
By all passers-by - 1Sa 10:3,4; Ps 129:8
On entering a house - Judg 18:15; Mt 10:12; Lu 1:40,41,44
Often sent through messengers — 1Sa 25:5,14; 2Sa 8:10
Often sent by letter — Ro 16:21-23; 1Co 16:21; Col 4:18; 2Th 3:17
Denied to persons of bad character — 2Jo 1:10
Persons in haste excused from giving or receiving — 2Ki 4:29; Lu 10:24
Expressions used as
Peace be with thee - Judg 19:20
Peace to thee, and peace to thine house, and peace to all that thou hast - 1Sa 25:6
Peace be to this house - Lu 10:5
The Lord be with you - Ru 2:4
The Lord bless thee - Ru 2:4
The blessing of the Lord be upon you, we bless you in the name of the Lord - Ps 129:8
Blessed be thou of the Lord - 1Sa 15:13
God be gracious to thee - Ge 43:29
Art thou in health? - 2Sa 20:9
Hail - Mt 26:49; Lu 1:28
All hail - Mt 28:9
Often perfidious — 2Sa 20:9; Mt 26:49
Given to Christ in derision — Mt 27:29; 15:18
Often accompanied by
Falling on the neck and kissing - Ge 33:4; 45:14,15; Lu 15:20
Laying hold of the bear with the right hand - 2Sa 20:9
Bowing frequently to the ground - Ge 33:3
Embracing and kissing the feet - Mt 28:9; Lu 7:38,45
Touching the hem of the garment - Mt 14:36
Falling prostrate on the ground - Es 8:3; Mt 2:11; Lu 8:41
Kissing the dust - Ps 72:9; Isa 49:23
The Jews condemned for giving, only to their countrymen — Mt 5:47
The Pharisees condemned for seeking, in public — Mt 23:7; Mr 12:38
Is of God — Ps 3:8; 37:39; Jer 3:23
Is of the purpose of God — 2Ti 1:9
Is of the appointment of God — 1Th 5:9
God is willing to give — 1Ti 2:4
Is by Christ — Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23
Is by Christ alone — Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12
Announced after the fall — Ge 3:15
Of Israel, predicted — Isa 35:4; 45:17; Zec 9:16; Ro 11:26
Of the Gentiles, predicted — Isa 45:22; 49:6; 52:10
Revealed in the gospel — Eph 1:13; 2Ti 1:10
Came to the Gentiles through the fall of the Jews — Ro 11:11
The Captain of - Heb 2:10
The Author of - Heb 5:9
Appointed for - Isa 49:6
Raised up for - Lu 1:69
Has - Zec 9:9
Brings, with him - Isa 62:11; Lu 19:9
Mighty to effect - Isa 63:1; Heb 7:25
Came to effect - Mt 18:11; 1Ti 1:15
Died to effect - Joh 3:14,15; Ga 1:4
Exalted to give - Ac 5:31
Is not by works — Ro 11:6; Eph 2:9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5
Is of grace — Eph 2:5,8; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 2:11
Is of love — Ro 5:8; 1Jo 4:9,10
Is of mercy — Ps 6:4; Tit 3:5
Is of the long-suffering of God — 2Pe 3:15
Is through faith in Christ — Mr 16:16; Ac 16:31; Ro 10:9; Eph 2:8; 1Pe 1:5
Reconciliation to God, a pledge of — Ro 5:10
Is deliverance from
Sin - Mt 1:21; 1Jo 3:5
Uncleanness - Eze 36:29
The devil - Col 2:15; Heb 2:14,15
Wrath - Ro 5:9; 1Th 1:10
This present evil world - Ga 1:4
Enemies - Lu 1:71,74
Eternal death - Joh 3:16,17
Confession of Christ necessary to — Ro 10:10
Regeneration necessary to — Joh 3:3
Final perseverance necessary to — Mt 10:22
Described as
Great - Heb 2:3
Glorious - 2Ti 2:10
Common - Jude 1:3
From generation to generation - Isa 51:8
To the uttermost - Heb 7:25
Eternal - Isa 45:17; 51:6; Heb 5:9
Searched into and exhibited by the prophets — 1Pe 1:10
The gospel is the power of God to — Ro 1:16; 1Co 1:18
Preaching the word is the appointed means of — 1Co 1:21
The Scriptures are able to make wise to — 2Ti 3:15; Jas 1:21
Now is the day of — Isa 49:8; 2Co 6:2
From sin, to be worked out with fear and trembling — Php 2:12
Chosen to - 2Th 2:13; 2Ti 1:9
Appointed to obtain - 1Th 5:9
Are heirs of - Heb 1:14
Have, through grace - Ac 15:11
Have a token of, in their patient suffering for Christ - Php 1:28,29
Kept by the power of God to - 1Pe 1:5
Beautified with - Ps 149:4
Clothed with - Isa 61:10
Satisfied by - Lu 2:30
Love - Ps 40:16
Hope for - La 3:26; Ro 8:24
Wait for - Ge 49:18; La 3:26
Long for - Ps 119:81,174
Earnestly look for - Ps 119:123
Daily approach nearer to - Ro 13:11
Receive, as the end of their faith - 1Pe 1:9
Welcome the tidings of - Isa 52:7; Ro 10:15
Pray to be visited with - Ps 85:7; 106:4; 119:41
Pray for the assurance of - Ps 35:3
Pray for a joyful sense of - Ps 51:12
Evidence, by works - Heb 6:9,10
Ascribe, to God - Ps 25:5; Isa 12:2
Praise God for - 1Ch 16:23; Ps 96:2
Commemorate, with thanks - Ps 116:12
Rejoice in - Ps 9:14; 21:1; Isa 25:9
Glory in - 1Co 1:31; Ga 6:14
Declare - Ps 40:10; 71:15
Godly sorrow works repentance to — 2Co 7:10
All the earth shall see — Isa 52:10; Lu 3:6
Give the knowledge of - Lu 1:77
Show the way of - Ac 16:17
Should exhort to - Eze 3:18,19; Ac 2:40
Should labour to lead others to - Ro 11:14
Should be clothed in - 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:16
Should use self-denial to lead others to - 1Co 9:22
Should endure suffering that the elect may obtain - 2Ti 2:10
Are a sweet savour of Christ to God, in those who obtain - 2Co 2:15
The heavenly host ascribe, to God — Re 7:10; 19:1
Sought in vain from
Idols - Isa 45:20; Jer 2:28
Earthly power - Jer 3:23
No escape for those who neglect — Heb 2:3
Is far off from the wicked — Ps 119:155; Isa 59:11
Illustrated by
A rock - De 32:15; 2Sa 22:47; Ps 95:1
A horn - Ps 18:2; Lu 1:69
A tower - 2Sa 22:51
A helmet - Isa 59:17; Eph 6:17
A shield - 2Sa 22:36
A lamp - Isa 62:1
A cup - Ps 116:13
Clothing - 2Ch 6:41; Ps 132:16; 149:4; Isa 61:10
Wells - Isa 12:3
Walls and bulwarks - Isa 26:1; 60:18
Chariots - Hab 3:8
A victory - 1Co 15:57
Typified — Nu 21:4-9; Joh 3:14,15
Samaria, Ancient
The territory of Ephraim and Manasseh properly so called — Jos 17:17,18; Isa 28:1
The whole kingdom of Israel sometimes called — Eze 16:46,51; Ho 8:5,6
Had many cities — 1Ki 13:32
Samaria the capital of
Built by Omri king of Israel - 1Ki 16:23,24
Called after Shemer the owner of the hill on which it was built - 1Ki 16:24
Called the mountain of Samaria - Am 4:1; 6:1
Called the head of Ephraim - Isa 7:9
Kings of Israel sometime took their titles from - 1Ki 21:1; 2Ki 1:3
The residence of the kings of Israel - 1Ki 16:29; 2Ki 1:2; 3:1,6
The burial place of the kings of Israel - 1Ki 16:28; 22:37; 2Ki 13:13
Was a fenced city, and well provided with arms - 2Ki 10:2
The pool of Samaria near to - 1Ki 22:38
The prophet Elisha dwelt in - 2Ki 2:25; 5:3; 6:32
Besieged by Benhadad - 1Ki 20:1-12
Deliverance of, predicted - 1Ki 20:13,14
Deliverance of, effected - 1Ki 20:15-21
Besieged again by Benhadad - 2Ki 6:24
Suffered severely from famine - 2Ki 6:25-29
Elisha predicted plenty in - 2Ki 7:1,2
Delivered by miraculous means - 2Ki 7:6,7
Remarkable plenty in, as foretold by Elisha - 2Ki 7:16-20
Besieged and taken by Shalmaneser - 2Ki 17:5,6; 18:9,10
A mountainous country — Jer 31:5; Am 3:9
People of characterised as
Proud and arrogant - Isa 9:9
Corrupt and wicked - Eze 16:46,47; Ho 7:1; Am 3:9,10
Idolatrous - Eze 23:5; Am 8:14; Mic 1:7
Predictions respecting its destruction — Isa 8:4; 9:11,12; Ho 13:16; Am 3:11,12; Mic 1:6
Inhabitants of, carried captive to Assyria — 2Ki 17:6,23; 18:11
Repeopled from Assyria — 2Ki 17:24,25
Samaria, Modern
Situated between Judea and Galilee — Lu 17:11; Joh 4:3,4
Had many cities — Mt 10:5; Lu 9:52
Cities of, mentioned in scripture
Samaria - Ac 8:5
Sychar - Joh 4:5
Antipatris - Ac 23:31
Christ preached in — Joh 4:39-42
Christ at first forbade his disciples to visit — Mt 10:5
Christ after his resurrection commanded the gospel to be preached in — Ac 1:8
Inhabitants of
Their true descent - 2Ki 17:24; Ezr 4:9,10
Boasted descent from Jacob - Joh 4:12
Professed to worship God - Ezr 4:2
Their religion mixed with idolatry - 2Ki 17:41; Joh 4:22
Worshipped on Mount Gerizim - Joh 4:20
Opposed the Jews after their return from captivity - Ne 4:1-18
Expected the Messiah - Joh 4:25,29
Were superstitious - Ac 8:9-11
More humane and grateful than the Jews - Lu 10:33-36; 17:16-18
Abhorred by the Jews - Joh 8:48
Had no intercourse or dealings with the Jews - Lu 9:52,53; Joh 4:9
Ready to hear and embrace the gospel - Joh 4:39-42; Ac 8:6-8
The persecuted Christians fled to — Ac 8:1
The gospel first preached in, by Philip — Ac 8:5
Many Christian churches in — Ac 9:31
Is separation to the service of God — Ps 4:3; 2Co 6:17
Effected by
God - Eze 37:28; 1Th 5:23; Jude 1:1
Christ - Heb 2:11; 13:12
The Holy Spirit - Ro 15:16; 1Co 6:11
In Christ — 1Co 1:2
Through the atonement of Christ — Heb 10:10; 13:12
Through the word of God — Joh 17:17,19; Eph 5:26
Christ made, of God, to us — 1Co 1:30
Saints elected to salvation through — 2Th 2:13; 1Pe 1:2
All saints are in a state of — Ac 20:32; 26:18; 1Co 6:11
The Church made glorious by — Eph 5:26,27
Should lead to
Mortification of sin - 1Th 4:3,4
Holiness - Ro 6:22; Eph 5:7-9
Offering up of saints acceptable through — Ro 15:16
Saints fitted for the service of God by — 2Ti 2:21
God wills all saints to have — 1Th 4:3
Set apart to God's service by - Jer 1:5
Should pray that their people may enjoy complete - 1Th 5:23
Should exhort their people to walk in - 1Th 4:1,3
None can inherit the kingdom of God without — 1Co 6:9-11
Typified — Ge 2:3; Ex 13:2; 19:14; 40:9-15; Le 27:14-16
Scape Goat, The
Part of the sin offering on the day of atonement — Le 16:5,7
Chosen by lot — Le 16:8
The high priest transferred the sins of Israel to, by confessing them with both hands upon its head Le 16:21
Sent into the wilderness by the hands of a fit person — Le 16:21,22
Communicated uncleanness to
The high priest - Le 16:24
The man who lead him away - Le 16:26
Typical of Christ — Isa 53:6,11,12
Architecture — De 8:12; 1Ch 29:19
Arithmetic — Ge 15:5; Le 26:8; Job 29:18
Astronomy — Job 38:31,32; Isa 13:10
Astrology — Isa 47:13
Botany — 1Ki 4:33
Geography — Ge 10:1-30; Isa 11:11
History and Chronology — 1Ki 22:39; 2Ki 1:18; 1Ch 9:1; 29:29
Mechanics — Ge 6:14-16; 11:4; Ex 14:6,7
Medicine — Jer 8:22; Mr 5:26
Music — 1Ch 16:4-7; 25:6
Navigation — 1Ki 9:27; Ps 107:23
Surveying — Jos 18:4-9; Ne 2:12-16; Eze 40:5,6; Zec 2:2
Zoology — 1Ki 4:33
Scorning and Mocking
The sufferings of Christ by, predicted — Ps 22:6-8; Isa 53:3; Lu 18:32
Christ endured — Mt 9:24; 27:29
Saints endure, on account of
Being children of God - Ge 21:9; Ga 4:29
Their uprightness - Job 12:4
Their faith - Heb 11:36
Their faithfulness in declaring the word of God - Jer 20:7,8
Their zeal for God's house - Ne 2:19
The wicked indulge in, against
The second coming of Christ - 2Pe 3:3,4
The gifts of the Spirit - Ac 2:13
God's threatening - Isa 5:19; Jer 17:15
God's ministers - 2Ch 36:16
God's ordinances - La 1:7
Saints - Ps 123:4; La 3:14,63
The resurrection of the dead - Ac 17:32
All solemn admonitions - 2Ch 30:6-10
Idolaters addicted to — Isa 57:3-6
Drunkards addicted to — Ps 69:12; Ho 7:5
Those who are addicted to
Delight in - Pr 1:22
Are contentious - Pr 22:10
Are scorned by God - Pr 3:34
Are hated by men - Pr 24:9
Are avoided by saints - Ps 1:1; Jer 15:17
Walk after their own lusts - 2Pe 3:3
Are proud and haughty - Pr 21:24
Hear not rebuke - Pr 13:1
Love not those who reprove - Pr 15:12
Hate those who reprove - Pr 9:8
Go not to the wise - Pr 15:12
Bring others into danger - Pr 29:8
Shall themselves endure - Eze 23:32
Characteristic of the latter days — 2Pe 3:3; Jude 1:18
Woe denounced against — Isa 5:18,19
Punishment for — 2Ch 36:17; Pr 19:29; Isa 29:20; La 3:64-66
Ishmael - Ge 21:9
Children at Bethel - 2Ki 2:23
Ephraim and Manasseh - 2Ch 30:10
Chiefs of Judah - 2Ch 36:16
Sanballat - Ne 4:1
Enemies of Joab - Job 30:1,9
Enemies of David - Ps 35:15,16
Rulers of Israel - Isa 28:14
Ammonites - Eze 25:3
People of Tyre - Eze 26:2
Heathen - Eze 36:2,3
Soldiers - Mt 27:28-30; Lu 23:36
Chief Priests - Mt 27:41
Pharisees - Lu 16:14
The men who held Jesus - Lu 22:63,64
Herod - Lu 23:11
People and rulers - Lu 23:35
Some of the multitude - Ac 2:13
Athenians - Ac 17:32
Scorpion, The
Armed with a sharp sting in its tail — Re 9:10
Sting of, venomous and caused torment — Re 9:5
Abounded in the great desert — De 8:15
Unfit for food — Lu 11:12
Wicked men - Eze 2:6
Ministers of Antichrist - Re 9:3,5,10
Severe scourges - 1Ki 12:11
Christ gave his disciples power over — Lu 10:19
Antiquity of — Judg 5:14
Wore an inkhorn at their girdles — Eze 9:2,3
Families celebrated for furnishing
Kenites - 1Ch 2:55
Zebulun - Judg 5:14
Levi - 1Ch 24:6; 2Ch 34:13
Generally men of great wisdom — 1Ch 27:32
Often learned in the law — Ezr 7:6
Were ready writers — Ps 45:1
Acted as
Secretaries to kings - 2Sa 8:17; 20:25; 2Ki 12:10; Es 3:12
Secretaries to prophets - Jer 36:5,26
Notaries in courts of justice - Jer 32:11,12
Religious teachers - Ne 8:2-6
Writers of public documents - 1Ch 24:6
Keepers of the muster-rolls of the host - 2Ki 25:19; 2Ch 26:11; Jer 52:25
Were doctors of the law - Mr 12:28; Mt 22:35
Wore long robes and loved pre-eminence - Mr 12:38,39
Sat in Moses' seat - Mt 23:2
Were frequently Pharisees - Ac 23:9
Esteemed wise and learned - 1Co 1:20
Regarded as interpreters of Scripture - Mt 2:4; 17:10; Mr 12:35
Their manner of teaching contrasting with that of Christ - Mt 7:29; Mr 1:22
Condemned by Christ for hypocrisy - Mt 23:15
Often offended at out Lord's conduct and teaching - Mt 21:15; Mr 2:6,7,16; 3:22
Tempted our Lord - Joh 8:3
Active in procuring our Lord's death - Mt 26:3; Lu 23:10
Persecuted the Christians - Ac 4:5; 18:21; 6:12
Illustrated of well instructed ministers of the gospel — Mt 13:52
Scriptures, The
Given by inspiration of God — 2Ti 3:16
Given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit — Ac 1:16; Heb 3:7; 2Pe 1:21
Christ sanctioned, by appealing to them — Mt 4:4; Mr 12:10; Joh 7:42
Christ taught out of — Lu 24:27
Are called the
Word - Jas 1:21-23; 1Pe 2:2
Word of God - Lu 11:28; Heb 4:12
Word of Christ - Col 3:16
Word of truth - Jas 1:18
Holy Scriptures - Ro 1:2; 2Ti 3:15
Scripture of truth - Da 10:21
Book - Ps 40:7; Re 22:19
Book of the Lord - Isa 34:16
Book of the law - Ne 8:3; Ga 3:10
Law of the Lord - Ps 1:2; Isa 30:9
Sword of the Spirit - Eph 6:17
Oracles of God - Ro 3:2; 1Pe 4:11
Contain the promises of the gospel — Ro 1:2
Reveal the laws, statutes, and judgments of God — De 4:5,14; Ex 24:3,4
Record divine prophecies — 2Pe 1:19-21
Testify of Christ — Joh 5:39; Ac 10:43; 18:28; 1Co 15:3
Are full and sufficient — Lu 16:29,31
Are an unerring guide — Pr 6:23; 2Pe 1:19
Are able to make wise to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus — 2Ti 3:15
Are profitable both for doctrine and practice — 2Ti 3:16,17
Described as
Pure - Ps 12:6; 119:140; Pr 30:5
True - Ps 119:160; Joh 17:17
Perfect - Ps 19:7
Precious - Ps 19:10
Quick and powerful - Heb 4:12
Written for our instruction — Ro 15:4
Intended for the use of all men — Ro 16:26
Nothing to be taken from, or added to — De 4:2; 12:32
One portion of, to be compared with another — 1Co 2:13
Designed for
Regenerating - Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:23
Quickening - Ps 119:50,93
Illuminating - Ps 119:130
Converting the soul - Ps 19:7
Making wise the simple - Ps 19:7
Sanctifying - Joh 17:17; Eph 5:26
Producing faith - Joh 20:31
Producing hope - Ps 119:49; Ro 15:4
Producing obedience - De 17:19,20
Cleansing the heart - Joh 15:3; Eph 5:26
Cleansing the ways - Ps 119:9
Keeping from destructive paths - Ps 17:4
Supporting life - De 8:3; Mt 4:4
Promoting growth in grace - 1Pe 2:2
Building up in the faith - Ac 20:32
Admonishing - Ps 19:11; 1Co 10:11
Comforting - Ps 119:82; Ro 15:4
Rejoicing the heart - Ps 19:8; 119:111
Work effectually in them that believe — 1Th 2:13
The letter of, without the spirit, killeth — Joh 6:63; 2Co 3:6
Ignorance of, a source of error — Mt 22:29; Ac 13:27
Christ enables us to understand — Lu 24:45
The Holy Spirit enable us to understand — Joh 16:13; 1Co 2:10-14
No prophecy of, is of any private interpretation — 2Pe 1:20
Everything should be tried by — Isa 8:20; Ac 17:11
Should be
The standard of teaching - 1Pe 4:11
Believed - Joh 2:22
Appealed to - 1Co 1:31; 1Pe 1:16
Read - De 17:19; Isa 34:16
Read publicly to ALL - De 31:11-13; Ne 8:3; Jer 36:6; Ac 13:15
Known - 2Ti 3:15
Received, not as the word of men, but as the word of God - 1Th 2:13
Received with meekness - Jas 1:21
Searched - Joh 5:39; 7:52
Searched daily - Ac 17:11
Laid up in the heart - De 6:6; 11:18
Taught to children - De 6:7; 11:19; 2Ti 3:15
Taught to ALL - 2Ch 17:7-9; Ne 8:7,8
Talked of continually - De 6:7
Not handled deceitfully - 2Co 4:2
Not only heard, but obeyed - Mt 7:24; Lu 11:28; Jas 1:22
Used against our spiritual enemies - Mt 4:4,7,10; Eph 6:11,17
All should desire to hear — Ne 8:1
Mere hearers of, deceive themselves — Jas 1:22
Advantage of possessing — Ro 3:2
Love exceedingly - Ps 119:97,113,159,167
Delight in - Ps 1:2
Regard, as sweet - Ps 119:103
Esteem, above all things - Job 23:12
Long after - Ps 119:82
Stand in awe of - Ps 119:161; Isa 66:2
Keep, in remembrance - Ps 119:16
Grieve when men disobey - Ps 119:158
Hide, in their hearts - Ps 119:11
Hope in - Ps 119:74,81,147
Meditate in - Ps 1:2; 119:99,148
Rejoice in - Ps 119:162; Jer 15:16
Trust in - Ps 119:42
Obey - Ps 119:67; Lu 8:21; Joh 17:6
Speak of - Ps 119:172
Esteem, as a light - Ps 119:105
Pray to be taught - Ps 119:12,13,33,66
Pray to be conformed to - Ps 119:133
Plead the promises of, in prayer - Ps 119:25,28,41,76,169
They who search, are truly noble — Ac 17:11
Blessedness of hearing and obeying — Lu 11:28; Jas 1:25
Let them dwell richly in you — Col 3:16
The wicked
Corrupt - 2Co 2:17
Make, of none effect through their traditions - Mr 7:9-13
Reject - Jer 8:9
Stumble at - 1Pe 2:8
Obey not - Ps 119:158
Frequently wrest, to their own destruction - 2Pe 3:16
Denunciations against those who add to, or take from — Re 22:18,19
Destruction of, punished — Jer 36:29-31
Sea, The
The gathering together of the waters originally called — Ge 1:10
Great rivers often called — Isa 11:15; Jer 51:36
Lakes often called — De 3:17; Mt 8:24,27,32
Created - Ex 20:11; Ps 95:5; Ac 14:15
Made the birds and fished out of - Ge 1:20-22
Founded the earth upon - Ps 24:2
Set bounds to, by a perpetual decree - Job 26:10; 38:8,10,11; Pr 8:27,29
Measures the waters of - Isa 40:12
Does what he pleases in - Ps 135:6
Dries up, by his rebuke - Isa 50:2; Na 1:4
Shakes, by his word - Hag 2:6
Stills, by his power - Ps 65:7; 89:9; 107:29
Of immense extent — Job 11:9; Ps 104:25
Of great depth — Ps 68:22
Rivers supplied by exhalations from — Ec 1:7
Replenished by rivers — Ec 1:7; Eze 47:8
Called the
Deep - Job 41:31; Ps 107:24; 2Co 11:25
Great waters - Ps 77:19
Great and wide sea - Ps 104:25
The clouds the garment of — Job 38:9
Darkness the swaddling band of — Job 38:9
Sand the barrier of — Jer 5:22
Inhabited by innumerable creatures great and small — Ps 104:25,26
The wonders of God seen in — Ps 107:24
Made to glorify God — Ps 69:34; 148:7
Seas mentioned in scripture
The Adriatic or sea of Adria - Ac 27:27
Mediterranean or great sea - Nu 34:6; De 11:24; 34:2; Zec 14:8
Red Sea - Ex 10:19; 13:18; 23:31
Sea of Joppa or sea of the Philistines - Ezr 3:7; Ex 23:21
Salt of Dead Sea - Ge 14:3; Nu 34:12
Sea of Galilee - Mt 4:18; 8:32; Joh 6:1
Sea of Jazer - Jer 48:32
Raised by the wind — Ps 107:25,26; Jon 1:4
Caused to foam by Leviathan — Job 41:31,32
The waves of
Raised upon high - Ps 93:3; 107:25
Tossed to and fro - Jer 5:22
Multitudinous - Jer 51:42
Mighty - Ps 93:4; Ac 27:41
Tumultuous - Lu 21:25; Jude 1:13
The shore of, covered with sand — Ge 22:17; 1Ki 4:29; Job 6:3; Ps 78:27
Numerous islands in — Eze 26:18
Passed over in ships — Ps 104:26; 107:23
Sailing on, dangerous — Ac 27:9,20; 2Co 11:26
Commercial nations
Often built cities on the borders of - Ge 49:13; Eze 27:3; Na 3:8
Derived great wealth from - De 33:19
Shall give up its dead at the last day — Re 20:13
The renewed earth shall be without — Re 21:1
Of heavy afflictions - Isa 43:2; La 2:13
(Trouble,) of the wicked - Isa 57:20
(Roaring,) of hostile armies - Isa 5:30; Jer 6:23
(Waves of,) of righteousness - Isa 48:18
(Waves of,) of devastating armies - Eze 26:3,4
(Waves of,) of the unsteady - Jas 1:6
(Covered with waters,) of the diffusion of spiritual knowledge over the earth in the latter days Isa 11:9; Hab 2:14
(Smooth as glass,) of the peace of heaven - Re 4:6; 15:2
Sealing of the Holy Spirit
Christ received — Joh 6:27
Saints receive — 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13
Is to the day of redemption — Eph 4:30
The wicked do not receive — Re 9:4
Judgment suspended until all saints receive — Re 7:3
Typified — Ro 4:11
Called signet — Ge 38:18,25
Precious stones set in gold used as — Ex 28:11
Inscriptions upon, alluded to — 2Ti 2:19
Generally worn as rings or bracelets — Jer 22:24
Impressions of
Frequently taken in clay - Job 38:14
Used for security - Da 6:17; Mt 27:66
Attached to all royal decrees - 1Ki 21:8; Es 3:12; 8:8
Attached to covenants - Ne 9:38; 10:1
Attached to lease and transfers of property - Jer 32:9-12,44
Set upon treasures - De 32:34
Attached to the victims approved for sacrifice, alluded to - Joh 6:27
Were given by kings as a badge of authority - Ge 41:41,42
Illustrative of
Circumcision - Ro 4:11
Converts - 1Co 9:2
What is dear or valued - Song 8:6; Jer 22:24; Hag 2:23
Secrecy - Da 12:4; Re 5:1; 10:4
Security - Song 4:12; 2Ti 2:19; Re 7:2-8; 20:3
Full approval - Joh 3:33
Appropriation of saints to God by the Spirit - 2Co 1:22; Eph 1:13; 4:30
Restraint - Job 9:7; 37:7; Re 20:3
Second Coming of Christ, The
Time of, unknown — Mt 24:36; Mr 13:32
Called the
Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord - Ac 3:19
Times of restitution of all things - Ac 3:21; Ro 8:21
Last time - 1Pe 1:5
Appearing of Jesus Christ - 1Pe 1:7
Revelation of Jesus Christ - 1Pe 1:13
Glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour - Tit 2:13
Coming of the day of God - 2Pe 3:12
Day of our Lord Jesus Christ - 1Co 1:8
Foretold by
Prophets - Da 7:13; Jude 1:14
Himself - Mt 25:31; Joh 14:3
Apostles - Ac 3:20; 1Ti 6:14
Angels - Ac 1:10,11
Signs preceding — Mt 24:3-51
The Manner of
In clouds - Mt 24:30; 26:64; Re 1:7
In the glory of his Father - Mt 16:27
In his own glory - Mt 25:31
In flaming fire - 2Th 1:8
With power and great glory - Mt 24:30
As he ascended - Ac 1:9,11
With a shout and the voice of the Archangel - 1Th 4:16
Accompanied by Angels - Mt 16:27; 25:31; Mr 8:38; 2Th 1:7
With his saints - 1Th 3:13; Jude 1:14
Suddenly - Mr 13:36
Unexpectedly - Mt 24:44; Lu 12:40
As a thief in the night - 1Th 5:2; 2Pe 3:10; Re 16:15
As the lightning - Mt 24:27
The heavens and earth shall be dissolved, &c at — 2Pe 3:10,12
They who shall have died in Christ shall rise first at — 1Th 4:16
The saints alive at, shall be caught up to meet him — 1Th 4:17
Is not to make atonement — Heb 9:28; Ro 6:9,10; Heb 10:14
The purposes of, are to
Complete the salvation of saints - Heb 9:28; 1Pe 1:5
Be glorified in his saints - 2Th 1:10
Be admired in them that believe - 2Th 1:10
Bring to light the hidden things of darkness - 1Co 4:5
Judge - Ps 50:3,4; Joh 5:22; 2Ti 4:1; Jude 1:15; Re 20:11-13
Reign - Isa 24:23; Da 7:14; Re 11:15
Destroy death - 1Co 15:25,26
Every eye shall see him at — Re 1:7
Should be always considered as at hand — Ro 13:12; Php 4:5; 1Pe 4:7
Blessedness of being prepared for — Mt 24:46; Lu 12:37,38
Assured of - Job 19:25,26
Love - 2Ti 4:8
Look for - Php 3:20; Tit 2:13
Wait for - 1Co 1:7; 1Th 1:10
Haste to - 2Pe 3:12
Pray for - Re 22:20
Should be ready for - Mt 24:44; Lu 12:40
Should watch for - Mt 24:42; Mr 13:35-37; Lu 21:36
Should be patient to - 2Th 3:5; Jas 5:7,8
Shall be preserved to — Php 1:6; 2Ti 4:18; 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24
Shall not be ashamed at — 1Jo 2:28; 4:17
Shall be blameless at — 1Co 1:8; 1Th 3:13; 5:23; Jude 1:24
Shall be like him at — Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2
Shall see him as he is, at — 1Jo 3:2
Shall appear with him in glory at — Col 3:4
Shall receive a crown of glory at — 2Ti 4:8; 1Pe 5:4
Shall reign with him at — Da 7:27; 2Ti 2:12; Re 5:10; 20:6; 22:5
Faith of, shall be found to praise at — 1Pe 1:7
The wicked
Scoff at - 2Pe 3:3,4
Presume upon the delay of - Mt 24:48
Shall be surprised by - Mt 24:37-39; 1Th 5:3; 2Pe 3:10
Shall be punished at - 2Th 1:8,9
The man of sin to be destroyed at — 2Th 2:8
Illustrated — Mt 25:6; Lu 12:36,39; 19:12,15
Every herb, tree and grass yields its own — Ge 1:11,12,29
Each kind of, has its own body — 1Co 15:38
Sowing of
Time for, called seed time - Ge 8:22
Necessary to its productiveness - Joh 12:24; 1Co 15:36
Required constant diligence - Ec 11:4,6
Often attended with great waste - Mt 13:4,5,7
Often attended with danger - Ps 126:5,6
Yearly return of time of sowing, secured by covenant — Ge 8:21,22
The ground carefully ploughed, and prepared for — Isa 28:24,25
Often sown beside rivers — Ec 11:1; Isa 32:20
Often trodden into the ground, by the feet of oxen — Isa 32:20
Required to be watered by the rain — Isa 55:10
In Egypt required to be artificially watered — De 11:10
Yielded an abundant increase in Canaan — Ge 26:12; Mt 13:23
Mosaic laws respecting
Different kinds of, not to be sown in the same field - Le 19:19; De 22:9
If dry, exempted from uncleanness though touched by an unclean thing - Le 11:37
If wet, rendered unclean by contact with an unclean thing - Le 11:38
The tithe of, to be given to God - Le 27:30
Not to be sown during the sabbatical year - Le 25:4,20
Not to be sown in year of jubilee - Le 25:11
Difference between, and the plant which grows from it, noticed — 1Co 15:37,38
The Jews punished by
Its rotting in the ground - Joe 1:17; Mal 2:3
Its yielding but little increase - Isa 5:10; Hag 1:6
Its increase being consumed by locusts - De 28:38; Joe 1:4
Its increase being consume by enemies - Le 26:16; De 28:33,51
Its being choked by thorns - Jer 12:13; Mt 13:7
Illustrative of
The word of God - Lu 8:11; 1Pe 1:23
Spiritual life - 1Jo 3:9
Sowing, illustrative of
Preaching the gospel - Mt 13:3,32; 1Co 9:11
Scattering or dispersing a people - Zec 10:9
Christian liberality - Ec 11:6; 2Co 9:6
Men's works producing a corresponding recompence - Job 4:8; Ho 10:12; Ga 6:7,8
The death of Christ and its effects - Joh 12:24
The burial of the body - 1Co 15:36-38
Seeking God
Commanded — Isa 55:6; Mt 7:7
Includes seeking
His Name - Ps 83:16
His word - Isa 34:16
His face - Ps 27:8; 105:4
His strength - 1Ch 16:11; Ps 105:4
His commandments - 1Ch 28:8; Mal 2:7
His precepts - Ps 119:45,94
His kingdom - Mt 6:33; Lu 12:31
His righteousness - Mt 6:33
Christ - Mal 3:1; Lu 2:15,16
Honour which comes from him - Joh 5:44
Justification by Christ - Ga 2:16,17
The city which God has prepared - Heb 11:10,16; 13:14
By prayer — Job 8:5; Da 9:3
In his house — De 12:5; Ps 27:4
Should be
Immediate - Ho 10:12
Evermore - Ps 105:4
While he may be found - Isa 55:6
With diligence - Heb 11:6
With the heart - De 4:29; 1Ch 22:19
In the day of trouble - Ps 77:2
His being found - De 4:29; 1Ch 28:9; Pr 8:17; Jer 29:13
His favour - La 3:25
His protection - Ezr 8:22
His not forsaking us - Ps 9:10
Life - Ps 69:32; Am 5:4,6
Prosperity - Job 8:5,6; Ps 34:10
Being heard of him - Ps 34:4
Understanding all things - Pr 28:5
Gifts of righteousness - Ho 10:12
Imperative upon all — Isa 8:19
Afflictions designed to lead to — Ps 78:33,34; Ho 5:15
None, by nature, are found to be engaged in — Ps 14:2; Ro 3:11; Lu 12:23,30
Specially exhorted to - Zep 2:3
Desirous of - Job 5:8
Purpose, in heart - Ps 27:8
Prepare their hearts for - 2Ch 30:19
Set their hearts to - 2Ch 11:16
Engage in, with the whole heart - 2Ch 15:12; Ps 119:10
Early in - Job 8:5; Ps 63:1; Isa 26:9
Earnest in - Song 3:2,4
Characterised by - Ps 24:6
Is never in vain — Isa 45:19
Blessedness of — Ps 119:2
Leads to joy — Ps 70:4; 105:3
Ends in praise — Ps 22:26
Promise connected with — Ps 69:32
Shall be rewarded — Heb 11:6
The wicked
Are gone out of the way of - Ps 14:2,3; Ro 3:11,12
Prepare not their hearts for - 2Ch 12:14
Refuse, through pride - Ps 10:4
Not led to, by affliction - Isa 9:13
Sometimes pretend to - Ezr 4:2; Isa 58:2
Rejected, when too late in - Pr 1:28
They who neglect denounced — Isa 31:1
Punishment of those who neglect — Zep 1:4-6
Asa - 2Ch 14:7
Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 17:3,4
Uzziah - 2Ch 26:5
Hezekiah - 2Ch 31:21
Josiah - 2Ch 34:3
Ezra - Ezr 7:10
David - Ps 34:4
Daniel - Da 9:3,4
A characteristic of the wicked — Ps 49:18
Prosperity frequently leads to — Ps 30:6; Ho 12:8; Lu 12:17-19
Obstinate sinners often given up to — Ps 81:11,12; Ho 4:17; 2Th 2:10,11
Exhibited in thinking that
Our own ways are right - Pr 14:12
We should adhere to established wicked practices - Jer 44:17
We are pure - Pr 30:12
We are better than others - Lu 18:11
We are rich in spiritual things - Re 3:17
We may have peace while in sin - De 29:19
We are above adversity - Ps 10:6
Gifts entitle us to heaven - Mt 7:21,22
Privileges entitle us to heaven - Mt 3:9; Lu 13:25,26
God will not punish our sins - Ps 10:11; Jer 5:12
Christ shall not come to judge - 2Pe 3:4
Our lives shall be prolonged - Isa 56:12; Lu 12:19; Jas 4:13
Frequently preserved in, to the last — Mt 7:22; 25:11,12; Lu 13:24,25
Fatal consequences of — Mt 7:23; 24:48-51; Lu 12:20; 1Th 5:3
Ahab - 1Ki 20:27,34
Israelites - Ho 12:8
Jews - Joh 8:33,41
Church of Laodicea - Re 3:17
Babylon - Isa 47:7-11
Christ set an example of — Mt 4:8-10; 8:20; Joh 6:38; Ro 15:3; Php 2:6-8
A test of devotedness to Christ — Mt 10:37,38; Lu 9:23,24
In following Christ - Lu 14:27-33
In the warfare of saints - 2Ti 2:4
To the triumph of saints - 1Co 9:25-27
Ministers especially called to exercise — 2Co 6:4,5
Should be exercised in
Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts - Ro 6:12; Tit 2:12
Controlling the appetite - Pr 23:2
Abstaining from fleshly lusts - 1Pe 2:11
No longer living to lusts of men - 1Pe 4:2
Mortifying sinful lusts - Mr 9:43; Col 3:5
Mortifying deeds of the body - Ro 8:13
Not pleasing ourselves - Ro 15:1-3
Not seeking out own profit - 1Co 10:24,33; 13:5; Php 2:4
Preferring the profit of others - Ro 14:20,21; 1Co 10:24,33
Assisting others - Lu 3:11
Even lawful things - 1Co 10:23
Forsaking all - Lu 14:33
Taking up the cross and following Christ - Mt 10:38; 16:24
Crucifying the flesh - Ga 5:24
Being crucified with Christ - Ro 6:6
Being crucified to the world - Ga 6:14
Putting off the old man which is corrupt - Eph 4:22; Col 3:9
Preferring Christ to all earthly relations - Mt 8:21,22; Lu 14:26
Becomes strangers and pilgrims — Heb 11:13-15; 1Pe 2:11
Danger of neglecting — Mt 16:25,26; 1Co 9:27
Reward of — Mt 19:28,29; Ro 8:13
Happy result — 2Pe 1:4
Abraham - Ge 13:9; Heb 11:8,9
Widow of Zarephath - 1Ki 17:12-15
Esther - Es 4:16
Rechabites - Jer 35:6,7
Daniel - Da 1:8-16
Apostles - Mt 19:27
Simon, Andrew, James, and John - Mr 1:16-20
Poor Widow - Lu 21:4
The Christians - Ac 2:45; 4:34
Barnabas - Ac 4:36,37
Paul - Ac 20:24; 1Co 9:19,27
Moses - Heb 11:24,25
Enjoined — 2Co 13:5
Necessary before the communion — 1Co 11:28
Cause of difficulty in — Jer 17:9
Should be engaged in
With holy awe - Ps 4:4
With diligent search - Ps 77:6; La 3:40
With prayer for divine searching - Ps 26:2; 139:23,24
With purpose of amendment - Ps 119:59; La 3:40
Advantages of — 1Co 11:31; Ga 6:4; 1Jo 3:20-22
Contrary to the law of God — Le 19:18; Mt 22:39; Jas 2:8
The example of Christ condemns — Joh 4:34; Ro 15:3; 2Co 8:9
God hates — Mal 1:10
Exhibited in
Being lovers of ourselves - 2Ti 3:2
Pleasing ourselves - Ro 15:1
Seeking our own - 1Co 10:33; Php 2:21
Seeking after gain - Isa 56:11
Seeking undue precedence - Mt 20:21
Living to ourselves - 2Co 5:15
Neglect of the poor - 1Jo 3:17
Serving God for reward - Mal 1:10
Performing duty for reward - Mic 3:11
Inconsistent with Christian love — 1Co 13:5
Inconsistent with communion of saints — Ro 12:4,5; 1Co 12:12-27
Especially forbidden to saints — 1Co 10:24; Php 2:4
The love of Christ should constrain us to avoid — 2Co 5:14,15
Ministers should be devoid of — 1Co 9:19-23; 10:33
All men addicted to — Eph 2:3; Php 2:21
Saints falsely accused of — Job 1:9-11
Characteristic of the last days — 2Ti 3:1,2
Cain - Ge 4:9
Nabal - 1Sa 25:3,11
Haman - Es 6:6
Priests - Isa 56:11
Jews - Zec 7:6
James and John - Mr 10:37
Multitude - Joh 6:26
Man is prone to — Pr 20:6; 30:12
Hateful to God — Lu 16:15
Is vain because our righteousness is
But external - Mt 23:25-28; Lu 11:39-44
But partial - Mt 23:25; Lu 11:44
No better than filthy rags - Isa 64:6
Ineffectual for salvation - Job 9:30,31; Mt 5:20; Ro 3:20
Unprofitable - Isa 57:12
Is boastful — Mt 23:30
They who are given to
Audaciously approach God - Lu 18:11
Seek to justify themselves - Lu 10:29
Seek to justify themselves before men - Lu 16:15
Reject the righteousness of God - Ro 10:3
Condemn others - Mt 9:11-13; Lu 7:39
Consider their own way right - Pr 21:2
Despise others - Isa 65:5; Lu 18:9
Proclaim their own goodness - Pr 20:6
Are pure in their own eyes - Pr 30:12
Are abominable before God - Isa 65:5
Folly of — Job 9:20
Saints renounce — Php 3:7-10
Warning against — De 9:4
Denunciation against — Mt 23:27,28
Illustrated — Lu 18:10-12
Saul - 1Sa 15:13
Young man - Mt 19:20
Lawyer - Lu 10:25,29
Pharisees - Lu 11:39; Joh 8:33; 9:28
Israel - Ro 10:3
Church of Laodicea - Re 3:17
Self-Will and Stubbornness
Forbidden — 2Ch 30:8; Ps 75:5; 95:8
Proceed from
Unbelief - 2Ki 17:14
Pride - Ne 9:16,29
An evil heart - Jer 7:24
God knows — Isa 48:4
Exhibited in
Refusing to hearken to God - Pr 1:24
Refusing to hearken to the messengers of God - 1Sa 8:19; Jer 44:16; Zec 7:11
Refusing to walk in the ways of God - Ne 9:17; Ps 78:10; Isa 42:24; Jer 6:16
Refusing to hearken to parents - De 21:18,19
Refusing to receive correction - De 21:18; Jer 5:3; 7:28
Rebelling against God - De 31:27; Ps 78:8
Resisting the Holy Spirit - Ac 7:51
Walking in the counsels of an evil heart - Jer 7:24; 23:17
Hardening the neck - Ne 9:16
Hardening the heart - 2Ch 36:13
Going backward and not forward - Jer 7:24
Heinousness of — 1Sa 15:23
Ministers should
Be without - Tit 1:7
Warn their people against - Heb 3:7-12
Pray that their people may be forgiven for - Ex 34:9; De 9:27
Characteristic of the wicked — Pr 7:11; 2Pe 2:10
The wicked cease not from — Judg 2:19
Punishment for — De 21:21; Pr 29:1
Illustrated — Ps 32:9; Jer 31:18
Simeon and Levi - Ge 49:6
Israelites - Ex 32:9; De 9:6,13
Saul - 1Sa 15:19-23
David - 2Sa 24:4
Josiah - 2Ch 35:22
Zedekiah - 2Ch 36:13
Created by God — Job 26:13
Characterised as subtle — Ge 3:1; Mt 10:16
Called crooked — Job 26:13; Isa 27:1
Unclean and unfit for food — Mt 7:10
Hedges - Ec 10:8
Holes in walls - Am 5:19
Deserts - De 8:15
Produced from eggs — Isa 59:5
Cursed above all creatures — Ge 3:14
Doomed to creep on their belly — Ge 3:14
Doomed to eat their food mingled with dust — Ge 3:14; Isa 65:25; Mic 7:17
Many kinds of poisonous — De 32:24; Ps 58:4
All kinds of, can be tamed — Jas 3:7
Were often enchanted or fascinated — Ec 10:11
Dangerous to travellers — Ge 49:17
Man's aversion and hatred to — Ge 3:15
Often sent as a punishment — Nu 21:6; De 32:24; 1Co 10:9
Miracles connected with
Moses' rod turned into - Ex 4:3; 7:9,15
Israelites cured by looking at one of brass - Nu 21:8,9; Joh 3:14,15
Power over, given to the disciples - Mr 16:18; Lu 10:19
Of the devil - Ge 3:1; 2Co 11:3; Re 12:9; 20:2
Of hypocrites - Mt 23:33
Of the tribe of Dan - Ge 49:17
Of enemies who harass and destroy - Isa 14:29; Jer 8:17
(Sharp tongue of,) of malice of the wicked - Ps 140:3
(Poisonous bite of,) of baneful effects of wine - Pr 23:21,32
Early mention of — Ge 9:25,26
Divided into
Male - Ge 24:34; 32:5
Female - Ge 16:6; 32:5
Bond - Ge 43:18; Le 25:46
Hired - Mr 1:20; Lu 15:17
Persons devoted to the service of another so called — Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6
The subjects of a prince or king so called — Ex 9:20; 11:8
Persons of low condition so called — Ec 10:7
Persons devoted to God so called — Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6; Ro 1:1
The term often used to express humility — Ge 18:3; 33:5; 1Sa 20:7; 1Ki 20:32
Called hireling - Job 7:1; Joh 10:12,13
Engaged by the year - Le 25:53; Isa 16:14
Engaged by the day - Mt 20:2
Not to be oppressed - De 24:14
To be paid without delay at the expiration of their service - Le 19:13; De 24:15
To be esteemed worthy of their hire - Lu 10:7
To partake of the produce of the land in the sabbatical year - Le 25:6
If foreigners not allowed to partake of the passover or holy things - Ex 12:45; Le 22:10
Anxiety of, for the end of their daily toil, alluded to - Job 7:2
Hebrew slaves serving their brethren to be treated as - Le 25:39,40
Hebrew slaves serving strangers to be treated as - Le 25:47,53
Often stood in the market place waiting for employment - Mt 20:1-3
Often will fed and taken care of - Lu 15:17
Often oppressed and their wages kept back - Mal 3:5; Jas 5:4
Slaves or bond
Called bondmen - Ge 43:18; 44:9
By birth - Ge 14:14; Ps 116:16; Jer 2:14
By purchase - Ge 17:27; 37:36
Captives taken in war often kept as - De 20:14; 2Ki 5:2
Strangers sojourning in Israel might be purchased as - Le 25:45
Persons belonging to other nations might be purchased as - Le 25:44
Persons unable to pay their debts liable to be sold as - 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:4,5; Mt 18:25
Thieves unable to make restitution were sold as - Ex 22:3
More valuable than hired servants - De 15:18
When Israelites not to be treated with rigour - Le 25:39,40,46
When Israelites to have their liberty after six years service - Ex 21:2; De 15:12
Israelites sold as, refusing their liberty, to have their ears bored to the door - Ex 21:5,6; De 15:16,17
Israelites sold to strangers as, might be redeemed by their nearest of kin - Le 25:47-55
All Israelites sold as, to be free at the jubilee - Le 25:10,40,41,54
Could not when set free demand wives or children procured during servitude - Ex 21:3,4
To be furnished liberally, when their servitude expired - De 15:13,14
When foreigners to be circumcised - Ge 17:13,27; Ex 12:44
To be allowed to rest on the Sabbath - Ex 20:10
To participate in all national rejoicings - De 12:18; 16:11,14
Persons of distinction had many - Ge 14:14; Ec 2:7
Engaged in the most menial offices - 1Sa 25:41; Joh 13:4,5
Maimed of injured by masters to have their freedom - Ex 21:26,27
Masters to be recompensed for injury done to - Ex 21:32
Laws respecting the killing of - Ex 21:20,21
Of others not to be coveted or enticed away - Ex 20:17; De 5:21
Seeking protection not to be delivered up to masters - De 23:15
Custom of branding, alluded to - Ga 6:17
Sometimes rose to rank and station - Ec 10:7
Sometimes intermarried with their master's family - 1Ch 2:34,35
Laws respecting marriage with female - Ex 21:7-11
Seizing and stealing of men for, condemned and punished by the law - Ex 21:16; De 24:7; 1Ti 1:10
Laws respecting, often violated - Jer 34:8-16
Bond, illustrative
Of Christ - Ps 40:6; Heb 10:5; Php 2:7,8
Of saints - 1Co 6:20; 7:23
Of the wicked - 2Pe 2:19; Ro 6:16,19
Christ condescended to the office of — Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:5; Php 2:7
Are inferior to their masters — Lu 22:27
Should follow Christ's example — 1Pe 2:21
Duties of, to masters
To pray for them - Ge 24:12
To honour them - Mal 1:6; 1Ti 6:1
To revere them the more, when they are believers - 1Ti 6:2
To be subject to them - 1Pe 2:18
To obey them - Eph 6:5; Tit 2:9
To attend to their call - Ps 123:2
To please them well in all things - Tit 2:9
To sympathise with them - 2Sa 12:18
To prefer their business to their own necessary food - Ge 24:33
To bless God for mercies shown to them - Ge 24:27,48
To be faithful to them - Lu 16:10-12; 1Co 4:2; Tit 2:10
To be profitable to them - Lu 19:15,16,18; Phm 1:11
To be anxious for their welfare - 1Sa 25:14-17; 2Ki 5:2,3
To be earnest in transacting their business - Ge 24:54-56
To be prudent in the management of their affairs - Ge 24:34-49
To be industrious in labouring for them - Ne 4:16,23
To be kind and attentive to their guests - Ge 43:23,24
To be submissive even to the froward - Ge 16:6,9; 1Pe 2:18
Not to answer them rudely - Tit 2:9
Not to serve them with eye-service, as men-pleasers - Eph 6:6; Col 3:22
Not to defraud them - Tit 2:10
Should be contented in their situation — 1Co 7:20,21
Should be compassionate to their fellows — Mt 18:33
Should serve
For conscience towards God - 1Pe 2:19
In the fear of God - Eph 6:5; Col 3:22
As the servants of Christ - Eph 6:5,6
Heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men - Eph 6:7; Col 3:23
As doing the will of God from the heart - Eph 6:6
In singleness of heart - Eph 6:5; Col 3:22
With good will - Eph 6:7
When patient under injury are acceptable to God — 1Pe 2:19,20
When Good
Are the servants of Christ - Col 3:24
Are brethren beloved in the Lord - Phm 1:16
Are the Lord's freemen - 1Co 7:22
Are partakers of gospel privileges - 1Co 12:13; Ga 3:28; Eph 6:8; Col 3:11
Deserve the confidence of their masters - Ge 24:2,4,10; 39:4
Often exalted - Ge 41:40; Pr 17:2
Often advanced by master - Ge 39:4,5
To be honoured - Ge 24:31; Pr 27:18
Bring God's blessing upon their masters - Ge 30:27,30; 39:3
Adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things - Tit 2:10
Have God with them - Ge 31:42; 39:21; Ac 7:9,10
Are prospered by God - Ge 39:3
Are protected by God - Ge 31:7
Are guided by God - Ge 24:7,27
Are blessed by God - Mt 24:46
Are mourned over after death - Ge 35:8
Shall be rewarded - Eph 6:8; Col 3:24
The property of masters increased by faithful — Ge 30:29,30
Characteristics of wicked servants
Eye-service - Eph 6:6; Col 3:22
Men-pleasers - Eph 6:6; Col 3:22
Deceit - 2Sa 19:26; Ps 101:6,7
Quarrelsomeness - Ge 13:7; 26:20
Covetousness - 2Ki 5:20
Lying - 2Ki 5:22,24
Stealing - Tit 2:10
Gluttony - Mt 24:49
Unmerciful to their fellows - Mt 18:30
Will not submit to correction - Pr 29:19
Do not bear to be exalted - Pr 30:21,22; Isa 3:5
Shall be punished - Mt 24:50
Good — Exemplified Eliezer - Ge 24:1-67
Deborah - Ge 24:59; 35:8
Jacob - Ge 31:36-40
Joseph - Ge 39:3; Ac 7:10
Servants of Boaz - Ru 2:4
Jonathan's armour bearer - 1Sa 14:6,7
David's servants - 2Sa 12:18
Captive maid - 2Ki 5:2-4
Servants of Naaman - 2Ki 5:13
Servants of Centurion - Mt 8:9
Servants of Cornelius - Ac 10:7
Onesimus after his conversion - Phm 1:11
Bad — Exemplified
Servants of Abraham and Lot - Ge 13:7
Servants of Abimelech - Ge 21:25
Absalom's servants [Absalom's servants obeyed a bad master; they were bad men rather than
bad servants] - 2Sa 13:28,29; 14:30
Ziba - 2Sa 16:1-4
Servants of Shimei - 1Ki 2:39
Jeroboam - 1Ki 11:26
Zimri - 1Ki 16:9
Gehazi - 2Ki 5:20
Servants of Amon - 2Ki 21:23
Job's servants - Job 19:16
Servants of the High Priest - Mr 14:65
Onesimus before his conversion - Phm 1:11
Clean and used as food — De 14:4
Described as
Innocent - 2Sa 24:17
Sagacious - Joh 10:4,5
Agile - Ps 114:4,6
Being covered with a fleece - Job 31:20
Remarkably prolific - Ps 107:41; 144:13; Song 4:2; Eze 36:37
Bleating of, alluded to — Judg 5:16; 1Sa 15:14
Under man's care from the earliest age — Ge 4:4
Constituted a great part of patriarchal wealth — Ge 13:5; 24:25; 26:14
Males of called rams — 1Sa 15:22; Jer 51:40
Females of, called ewes — Ps 78:71
Young of, called lambs — Ex 12:3; Isa 11:6
Places celebrated for
Kedar - Eze 27:21
Bashan - De 32:14
Nebaioth - Isa 60:7
Bozrah - Mic 2:12
Flesh of, extensively used as food — 1Sa 25:18; 1Ki 1:19; 4:23; Ne 5:18; Isa 22:13
Milk of, used as food — De 32:14; Isa 7:21,22; 1Co 9:7
Skins of, worn as clothing by the poor — Heb 11:37
Skins of, made into a covering for the tabernacle — Ex 25:5; 36:10; 39:34
Wool of, made into clothing — Job 31:20; Pr 31:13; Eze 34:3
Offered in sacrifice from the earliest age — Ge 4:4; 8:20; 15:9,10
Offered in sacrifice under the law — Ex 20:24; Le 1:10; 1Ki 8:5,63
Flocks of
Attended by members of the family - Ge 29:9; Ex 2:16; 1Sa 16:11
Attended by servants - 1Sa 17:20; Isa 61:5
Guarded by dogs - Job 30:1
Kept in folds or cotes - 1Sa 24:3; 2Sa 7:8; Joh 10:1
Conducted to the richest pastures - Ps 23:2
Fed on the mountains - Ex 3:1; Eze 34:6,13
Fed in the valleys - Isa 65:10
Frequently covered the pastures - Ps 65:13
Watered every day - Ge 29:8-10; Ex 2:16,17
Made to rest at noon - Ps 23:2; Song 1:7
Followed the shepherd - Joh 10:4,27
Fled from strangers - Joh 10:5
Washed and shorn every year — Song 4:2
Firstlings of, not to be shorn — De 15:19
Firstlings of, not to be redeemed — Nu 18:17
Firstlings of, could not be dedicated as a free-will offering — Le 27:26
Tithe of, given to the Levites — 2Ch 31:4-6
First wool of, given to the priests — De 18:4
Time of shearing, a time of rejoicing — 1Sa 25:2,11,36; 2Sa 13:23
Were frequently
Given as presents - 2Sa 17:29; 1Ch 12:40
Given as tribute - 2Ki 3:4; 2Ch 17:11
Destroyed by wild beasts - Jer 50:17; Mic 5:8; Joh 10:12
Taken in great numbers in war - Judg 6:4; 1Sa 14:32; 1Ch 5:21; 2Ch 14:15
Cut off by disease - Ex 9:3
False prophets assume the simple appearance — Mt 7:15
Of the Jews - Ps 74:1; 78:52; 79:13
Of the people of Christ - Joh 10:7-26; 21:16,17; Heb 13:20; 1Pe 5:2
Of the wicked in their death - Ps 49:14
Of those under God's judgment - Ps 44:1
(In patience and simplicity,) of patience, of Christ - Isa 53:7
(In proneness to wander,) of those who depart from God - Ps 119:176; Isa 53:6; Eze 34:16
(Lost,) of the unregenerate - Mt 10:6
(When found,) of restored sinners - Lu 15:5,7
(Separation from the goats,) of the separation of saints from the wicked - Mt 25:32,33
Early mention of — Ge 4:2
Usually carried a scrip or bag — 1Sa 17:40
Carried a staff or rod — Le 27:32; Ps 23:4
Dwelt in tents while tending their flocks — Song 1:8; Isa 38:12
Members of the family both male and female acted as — Ge 29:6; 1Sa 16:11; 17:15
Had hired keepers under them — 1Sa 17:20
The unfaithfulness of hireling, alluded to — Joh 10:12
Care of the sheep by, exhibited in
Knowing them - Joh 10:14
Going before and leading them - Ps 77:20; 78:52; 80:1
Seeking out good pasture for them - 1Ch 4:39-41; Ps 23:2
Numbering them when they return from pasture - Jer 33:13
Watching over them by night - Lu 2:8
Tenderness to the ewes in lamb, and to the young - Ge 33:13,14; Ps 78:71
Defending them when attacked by wild beasts - 1Sa 17:34-36; Am 3:12
Searching them out when lost and straying - Eze 34:12; Lu 15:4,5
Attending them when sick - Eze 34:16
An abomination to the Egyptians — Ge 46:34
Of God as leader of Israel - Ps 77:20; 80:1
Of Christ as the good shepherd - Eze 34:23; Zec 13:7; Joh 10:14; Heb 13:20
Of kings as the leaders of the people - Isa 44:28; Jer 6:3; 49:19
Of ministers of the gospel - Jer 23:4
(Searching out straying sheep,) of Christ seeking the lost - Eze 34:12; Lu 15:2-7
(Their care and tenderness,) of tenderness of Christ - Isa 40:11; Eze 34:13-16
(Ignorant and foolish,) of bad ministers - Isa 56:11; Jer 50:6; Eze 34:2,10; Zec 11:7,8,15-17
Twelve cakes of fine flour — Le 24:5
Called hallowed bread — 1Sa 21:4
Materials for, provided by the people — Le 24:8; Ne 10:32,33
Prepared by Levites — 1Ch 9:32; 23:29
Placed in two rows on the table by the priests — Ex 25:30; 40:23; Le 24:6
Table of
Dimensions of - Ex 25:23
Covered with gold - Ex 25:24
Had an ornamental border - Ex 25:25
Had staves of shittim wood covered with gold - Ex 25:28
Had rings of gold in the corners for the staves - Ex 25:26,27
Had dishes, spoons, covers, and bowls of gold - Ex 25:29
Placed in the north side of the tabernacle - Ex 40:22; Heb 9:2
Directions for removing - Nu 4:7
Pure frankincense placed on — Le 24:7
Was changed every Sabbath day — Le 24:8
After removal from the table given to the priests — Le 24:9
Not lawful for any but the priests to eat, except in extreme cases — 1Sa 21:4-6; Mt 12:4
Illustrative of
Christ as the bread of life - Joh 6:48
The Church - 1Co 5:7; 10:17
A part of defensive armour — Ps 115:9; 140:7
Frequently made of, or covered with
Gold - 2Sa 8:7; 1Ki 10:17
Brass - 1Ki 14:27
Said to belong to God — Ps 47:9
Kinds of
The buckler or target - 2Ch 9:15; 1Ch 5:18; Eze 26:8
The small shield - 2Ch 9:16
Often borne by an armour bearer - 1Sa 17:7
Before war
Gathered together - Jer 51:11
Uncovered - Isa 22:6
Repaired - Jer 46:3
Anointed - 2Sa 1:21; Isa 21:5
Often made red - Na 2:3
Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance — 2Ch 11:12; 26:14; 32:5
A disgrace to lose, or throw away — 2Sa 1:21
Of the vanquished, often burned — Eze 39:9
In times of peace were hung up in towers or armouries — Eze 27:10; Song 4:4
Were scarce in Israel in the days of Deborah and Barak — Judg 5:8
Many of the Israelites used, with expertness — 1Ch 12:8,24,34; 2Ch 14:8; 25:5
Illustrative of
Protection of God - Ge 15:1; Ps 33:20
Favour of God - Ps 5:12
Truth of God - Ps 91:4
Salvation of God - 2Sa 22:36; Ps 18:35
Faith - Eph 6:16
Probably originated from the ark made by Noah — Ge 7:17,18
Antiquity of, among the Jews — Ge 49:13; Judg 5:17
Described as
Gallant - Isa 33:21
Large - Jas 3:4
Strong - Isa 23:14
Swift - Job 9:26
Solomon built a navy of — 1Ki 9:26
Mentioned in scripture
Of Chittim - Nu 24:24; Da 11:30
Of Tarshish - Isa 23:1; 60:9
Of Adramyttium - Ac 27:2
Of Alexandria - Ac 27:6
Of Chaldea - Isa 43:14
Of Tyre - 2Ch 8:18
Generally made of the fir tree — Eze 27:5
Sometimes made of bulrushes — Isa 18:2
The seams of, were caulked — Eze 27:9,27
Parts of mentioned
The forepart or foreship - Ac 27:30,41
The hinder part or stern - Ac 27:29,41
The hold or between the sides - Jon 1:5
The mast - Isa 33:23; Eze 27:5
The sails - Isa 33:23; Eze 27:7
The tackling - Isa 33:23; Ac 27:19
The rudder or helm - Jas 3:4
The rudder-bands - Ac 27:40
The anchors - Ac 27:29,40
The boats - Ac 27:30,32
The oars - Isa 33:21; Eze 27:6
Often the property of individuals — Ac 27:11
Commanded by a master — Jon 1:6; Ac 27:11
Guided in their course by pilots — Eze 27:8,27-29
Governed and directed by the helm — Jas 3:4
Course of frequently directed by the heavenly bodies — Ac 27:20
Worked by mariners or sailors — Eze 27:9,27; Jon 1:5; Ac 27:30
Generally impelled by sails — Ac 27:2-7
Often impelled by oars — Jon 1:13; Joh 6:19
Rivers - Isa 33:21
Lakes - Lu 5:1,2
The ocean - Ps 104:26; 107:23
Soundings usually taken for, in dangerous places — Ac 27:28
Usually distinguished by signs or figure heads — Ac 28:11
Course of, through the midst of the sea, wonderful — Pr 30:18,19
Employed in
Trading - 1Ki 22:48; 2Ch 8:18; 9:21
Fishing - Mt 4:21; Lu 5:4-9; Joh 21:3-8
War - Nu 24:24; Da 11:30,40
Carrying passengers - Jon 1:3; Ac 27:2,6; 28:11
The hinder part of, occupied by the passengers — Mr 4:38
Endangered by
Storms - Jon 1:4; Mr 4:37,38
Quicksands - Ac 27:17
Rocks - Ac 27:29
When damaged were sometimes undergirded with cables — Ac 27:17
Were often wrecked — 1Ki 22:48; Ps 48:7; Ac 27:41-44; 2Co 11:25
Of industrious women - Pr 31:14
(Wrecked,) of departure from the faith - 1Ti 1:19
Early use of — Ge 14:23
Called sandals — Mr 6:9; Ac 12:8
Soles of, sometimes plated with brass or iron — De 33:25
Bound round the feet with latchets or strings — Joh 1:27; Ac 12:8
Of ladies of distinction
Often made of badgers' skins - Eze 16:10
Often highly ornamental - Song 7:1
Probably often adorned with tinkling ornaments - Isa 3:18
Loosing of, for another a degrading office — Mr 1:17; Joh 1:27
Bearing, for another a degrading office, only performed by slaves — Mt 3:11
The Jews
Put on, before beginning a journey - Ex 12:11
Never wore, in mourning - 2Sa 15:30; Isa 20:2,3; Eze 24:17,23
Put off, when they entered sacred places - Ex 3:5; Jos 5:15
Worn out by a long journey — Jos 9:5,13
Of Israel preserved for forty years, while journeying in the wilderness — De 29:5
Often given as bribes — Am 2:6; 8:6
Customs connected with
A man who refused to marry a deceased brother's wife disgraced by pulling off his shoes - De 25:9,10
The right of redemption resigned by a man's giving one of his shoes to the next of kin - Ru 4:7,8
The Apostles prohibited from taking for their journey more, than the pair they had on — Mt 10:10; Mr 6:9; Lu 10:4
Of the preparation of the gospel - Eph 6:15
Of the beauty conferred on saints - Song 7:1; Lu 15:22
(Having blood on,) of being engaged in war and slaughter - 1Ki 2:5
(Taken off,) of an ignominious and servile condition - Isa 47:2; Jer 2:25
(Thrown over a place,) of subjection - Ps 60:8; 108:9
Sent by God — De 28:59-61; 32:39; 2Sa 12:15; Ac 12:23
The devil sometimes permitted to inflict — Job 2:6,7; Lu 9:39; 13:16
Often brought on by intemperance — Ho 7:5
Often sent as a punishment of sin — Le 26:14-16; 2Ch 21:12-15; 1Co 11:30
One of God's four sore judgments on a guilty land — Eze 14:19-21
Promises to heal - Ex 23:25; 2Ki 20:5
Heals - De 32:39; Ps 103:3; Isa 38:5,9
Exhibits his mercy in healing - Php 2:27
Exhibits his power in healing - Lu 5:17
Exhibits his love in healing - Isa 38:17
Often manifests saving grace to sinners during - Job 33:19-24; Ps 107:17-21
Permits saints to be tried by - Job 2:5,6
Strengthens saints in - Ps 41:3
Comforts saints in - Ps 41:3
Hears the prayers of those in - Ps 30:2; 107:18-20
Preserves saints in time of - Ps 91:3-7
Abandons the wicked to - Jer 34:17
Persecutes the wicked by - Jer 29:18
Healing of, lawful on the Sabbath — Lu 13:14-16
Christ compassionate those in — Isa 53:4; Mt 8:16,17
Christ healed
Being present - Mr 1:31; Mt 4:23
Not being present - Mt 8:13
By imposition of hands - Mr 6:5; Lu 13:13
With a touch - Mt 8:3
Through the touch of his garment - Mt 14:35,36; Mr 5:27-34
With a word - Mt 8:8,13
Faith required in those healed of, by Christ — Mt 9:28,29; Mr 5:34; 10:52
Often incurable by human means — De 28:27; 2Ch 21:18
The Apostles were endued with power to heal — Mt 10:1; Mr 16:18,20
The power of healing
One of the miraculous gifts bestowed on the early Church - 1Co 12:9,30; Jas 5:14,15
Acknowledge that, comes from God - Ps 31:1-8; Isa 38:12,15
Are resigned under - Job 2:10
Mourn under, with prayer - Isa 38:14
Pray for recovery from - Isa 38:2,3
Ascribe recovery from, to God - Isa 38:20
Praise God for recovery from - Ps 103:1-3; Isa 38:19; Lu 17:15
Thank God publicly for recovery form - Isa 38:20; Ac 3:8
Feel for others in - Ps 35:13
Visit those in - Mt 25:36
Visiting those in, an evidence of belonging to Christ — Mt 25:34,36,40
Pray for those afflicted with — Ac 28:8; Jas 5:14,15
God's aid should be sought in — 2Ch 16:12
The wicked
Have much sorrow, with - Ec 5:17
Forsake those in - 1Sa 30:13
Visit not those in - Mt 25:43
Not visiting those in, an evidence of not belonging to Christ — Mt 25:43,45
Illustrative of sin — Le 13:45,46; Isa 1:5; Jer 8:22; Mt 9:12
Sidonians, The
Descended from Sidon, son of Canaan — Ge 10:15; 1Ch 1:13
Formerly a part of the Phoenician nation — Mt 15:21,22; Mr 7:24,26
Dwelt on the sea coast — Lu 6:17; Ac 27:3
Cities of mentioned
Zidon - Jos 11:8; 19:28
Zarephath or Sarepta - 1Ki 17:9; Lu 4:26
Governed by kings - Jer 25:22; 27:3
Character of
Careless and secure - Judg 18:7
Idolatrous - 1Ki 11:5
Superstitious - Jer 27:3,9
Wicked and impenitent - Mt 11:21,22
Engaged in extensive commerce — Isa 23:2
Were skilful sailors — Eze 27:8
Supplied the Jews with timber — 1Ch 22:4; Ezr 3:7
Supplied from Judea with provisions — Ac 12:20; Eze 27:17
Territory of
Bordered on the land of Canaan - Ge 10:19
Given by God to Israel - Ge 49:13; Jos 13:6
Allotted to the tribe of Asher - Jos 19:24,28
Visited by our Lord - Mt 15:21
Israel unable to expel — Judg 1:31; 3:3
Hostile and oppressive to God's people — Judg 10:12; Eze 28:22,24; Joe 3:5,6
Solomon intermarried with — 1Ki 11:1
Ahab intermarried with — 1Ki 16:31
Israel followed the idolatry of — Judg 10:6; 1Ki 11:33
Predictions respecting
Territory of, to be given to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon - Jer 27:3,6
Partaking with the other nations of God's judgments - Jer 25:22-28; Eze 32:20
All their helpers to be cut off - Jer 47:4
That God should be glorified in the judgments upon them - Eze 28:21-23
Their spoiling and oppression of the Jews to be fully recompensed - Joe 3:4,8
Many of, attended Christ's ministry — Mr 3:8
Having revolted from Herod, were obliged to propitiate him — Ac 12:20
Fenced cities invested by — 2Ki 18:13
Threatened as a punishment — De 28:52
Described as
Encamping against - 2Sa 12:28; 2Ch 32:1
Pitching against - 2Ki 25:1
Compassing about with armies - 2Ki 6:14; Lu 21:20
Setting in array against - Jer 50:9
Being against round about - Jer 51:2
Often lasted for a long time — 2Ki 17:5
Great noise and tumult of, alluded to — Joe 2:5
Those engaged in
Built forts and mounts - Eze 4:2; 26:8
Dug a trench round the city - Lu 19:43
Invested the city on every side - Eze 23:24
Cut off all supplies - 2Ki 19:24
Frequently laid ambushes - Judg 9:34
Called upon the city to surrender - 1Ki 20:2,3; 2Ki 18:18,20
Employed battering rams against the walls - Eze 4:2; 26:9
Cast arrows and other missiles into the city - 2Ki 19:32
Often suffered much during - Eze 29:18
The Jews forbidden to cut down fruit trees for the purpose of — De 20:19,20
Extreme difficulty of taking cities by, alluded to — Pr 18:19
Cities invested by
Repaired and newly fortified beforehand - 2Ch 32:5; Isa 22:9,10; Na 3:14
Supplied with water beforehand - Na 3:14
The inhabitants of, cut off beforehand supplies of water outside, useful to besiegers - 2Ch 32:3,4
Were strictly shut up - Jos 6:1
Walls of, defended by the inhabitants - 2Sa 11:20,21; 2Ki 18:26; 2Ch 32:18
Sometimes used ambushes or sorties - Jer 51:12
Often suffered from famine - 2Ki 6:26-29; 25:3; Eze 6:12
Often suffered from pestilence - Jer 21:6; 32:24
Often demanded terms of peace - 1Sa 11:1-3
Frequently taken by ambush - Judg 9:43,44
Frequently taken by assault - Jos 10:35; 2Sa 12:29
Frequently helped by allies - 1Sa 11:11; 23:5
Inhabitants of, exhorted to be courageous - 2Ch 32:6-8
Cities taken by
Given up to pillage - Jer 50:26,27
Inhabitants of, often put to the sword - Jos 10:28,30,32,35; Jer 50:30
Frequently broken down - Judg 9:45
Frequently destroyed by fire - Jos 8:19
Sometimes sown with salt - Judg 9:45
Sometimes called after the name of the captor - 2Sa 12:28
Mentioned in scripture
Jericho - Jos 6:2-20
Ai - Jos 7:2-4; 8:1-19
Makkedah - Jos 10:28
Libnah - Jos 10:29,30
Lachish - Jos 10:31,32
Eglon - Jos 10:34,35
Hebron - Jos 10:36,37
Debir - Jos 10:38,39
Shechem - Judg 9:34,45
Thebez - Judg 9:50
Jabesh-gilead - 1Sa 11:1
Keilah - 1Sa 23:1
Ziklag - 1Sa 30:1,2
Rabbah - 2Sa 11:1; 12:26-29
Gibbethon - 1Ki 16:15
Tirzah - 1Ki 16:17
Samaria - 1Ki 20:1; 2Ki 6:24; 17:5
Ramoth-gilead - 1Ki 22:4,29
Cities of Israel in Galilee - 2Ki 15:29
Cities of Judah - 2Ki 18:13
Jerusalem - 2Ki 24:10,11; 25:1,2
Illustrative Of
The omnipresence of God - Ps 139:5
The judgments of God - Mic 5:1
Zion in her affliction - Isa 1:8
Veins of, found in the earth — Job 28:1
Generally found in an impure state — Pr 25:4
Comparative value of — Isa 60:17
Described as
White and shining - Ps 68:13,14
Fusible - Eze 22:20,22
Malleable - Jer 10:9
Purified by fire — Pr 17:3; Zec 13:9
Purified, called
Refined silver - 1Ch 29:4
Choice silver - Pr 8:19
Tarshish carried on extensive commerce in — Jer 10:9; Eze 27:12
The patriarchs rich in — Ge 13:2; 24:35
Used as money from the earliest times — Ge 23:15,16; 37:28; 1Ki 16:24
Very abundant in the reign of Solomon — 1Ki 10:21,22,27; 2Ch 9:20,21,27
The working in, a trade — Ac 19:24
Made into
Cups - Ge 44:2
Dishes - Nu 7:13,84,85
Bowls - Nu 7:13,84
Thin plates - Jer 10:9
Chains - Isa 40:19
Wires (alluded to) - Ec 12:6
Sockets for the boards of the tabernacle - Ex 26:19,25,32; 36:24,26,30,36
Ornaments and hooks for the pillars of the tabernacle - Ex 27:17; 38:19
Candlesticks - 1Ch 28:15
Tables - 1Ch 28:16
Beds or couches - Es 1:6
Vessels - 2Sa 8:10; Ezr 6:5
Idols - Ps 115:4; Isa 2:20; 30:22
Ornaments for the person - Ex 3:22
Given by the Israelite for making the tabernacle — Ex 25:3; 35:24
Given by David and his subjects for making the temple — 1Ch 28:14; 29:2,6-9
Taken in war often consecrated to God — Jos 6:19; 2Sa 8:11; 1Ki 15:15
Taken in war purified by fire — Nu 31:22,23
Often given as presents — 1Ki 10:25; 2Ki 5:5,23
Tribute often paid in — 2Ch 17:11; Ne 5:15
Of the words of the Lord - Ps 12:6
Of the tongue of the just - Pr 10:20
Of good rulers - Isa 1:22,23
Of the Medo-Persian kingdom - Da 2:32,39
Of saints purified by affliction - Ps 66:10; Zec 13:9
(Labour of seeking for,) of diligence required for attaining knowledge - Pr 2:4
(Reprobate,) of the wicked - Jer 6:30
(Dross of,) of the wicked - Isa 1:22; Eze 22:18
Wisdom to be esteemed more than — Job 28:15; Pr 3:14; 8:10,19; 16:16
Simeon, the Tribe Of
Descended from Jacob's second son by Leah — Ge 29:33
Predictions respecting — Ge 49:5-7
Persons selected from
To number the people - Nu 1:6
To spy out the land - Nu 13:5
To divide the land - Nu 34:20
Formed part of the second division of Israel in their journeys — Nu 10:18,19
Encamped under the standard of Reuben south of the tabernacle — Nu 2:12
Strength of, on leaving Egypt — Nu 1:22,23; 2:13
Offering of, at the dedication — Nu 7:36-41
Families of — Nu 26:12-13
Strength of, on entering Canaan — Nu 26:14
Plagued for following the idolatry, of Midian, which accounts for their decrease — Nu 25:9,14; 26:14; 1:23
On Mount Gerizim said amen to the blessings — De 27:12
Inheritance of, within Judah — Jos 19:1-8
Bounds of their inheritance with cities and villages — Jos 19:2-8; 1Ch 4:28-33
United with Judah in expelling the Canaanites from their inheritance — Judg 1:3,17
Many of, at the coronation of David — 1Ch 12:25
Officer appointed over, by David — 1Ch 27:16
Part of, united with Judah under Asa — 2Ch 15:9
Josiah purged their land of idols — 2Ch 34:6
Part of, destroyed the remnant of the Amalekites, and dwelt in their land — 1Ch 4:39-43
Is opposed to fleshly wisdom — 2Co 1:12
Necessity for — Mt 18:2,3
Should be exhibited
In preaching the gospel - 1Th 2:3-7
In acts of benevolence - Ro 12:8
In all our conduct - 2Co 1:12
Concerning our own wisdom - 1Co 3:18
Concerning evil - Ro 16:19
Concerning malice - 1Co 14:20
Exhortation to — Ro 16:19; 1Pe 2:2
They who have the grace of
Are made wise by God - Mt 11:25
Are made wise by the word of God - Ps 19:7; 119:130
Are preserved by God - Ps 116:6
Made circumspect by instruction - Pr 1:4
Profit by the correction of others - Pr 19:25; 21:11
Beware of being corrupted from that, which is in Christ — 2Co 11:3
Illustrated — Mt 6:22
David - Ps 131:1,2
Jeremiah - Jer 1:6
The Christians - Ac 2:46; 4:32
Paul - 2Co 1:12
Is the transgression of the law — 1Jo 3:4
Is of the devil — 1Jo 3:8; Joh 8:44
All unrighteousness is — 1Jo 5:17
Omission of what we know to be good is — Jas 4:17
Whatever is not of faith is — Ro 14:23
The thought of foolishness is — Pr 24:9
All the imaginations of the unrenewed heart are — Ge 6:5; 8:21
Described as
Coming from the heart - Mt 15:19
The fruit of lust - Jas 1:15
The sting of death - 1Co 15:56
Rebellion against God - De 9:7; Jos 1:18
Works of darkness - Eph 5:11
Dead works - Heb 6:1; 9:14
The abominable thing that God hates - Pr 15:9; Jer 44:4,11
Reproaching the Lord - Nu 15:30; Ps 74:18
Defiling - Pr 30:12; Isa 59:3
Deceitful - Heb 3:13
Disgraceful - Pr 14:34
Often very great - Ex 32:20; 1Sa 2:17
Often mighty - Am 5:12
Often manifold - Am 5:12
Often presumptuous - Ps 19:13
Sometimes open and manifest - 1Ti 5:24
Sometimes secret - Ps 90:8; 1Ti 5:24
Besetting - Heb 12:1
Like scarlet and crimson - Isa 1:18
Reaching to heaven - Re 18:5
Entered into the world by Adam — Ge 3:6,7; Ro 5:12
All men are conceived and born in — Ge 5:3; Job 15:14; 25:4; Ps 51:5
All men are shapen in — Ps 51:5
Scripture concludes all under — Ga 3:22
No man is without — 1Ki 8:46; Ec 7:20
Christ alone was without — 2Co 5:21; Heb 4:15; 7:26; 1Jo 3:5
Abominates - De 25:16; Pr 6:16-19
Marks - Job 10:14
Remembers - Re 18:5
Is provoked to jealousy by - 1Ki 14:22
Is provoked to anger by - 1Ki 16:2
Alone can forgive - Ex 34:7; Da 9:9; Mic 7:18; Mr 2:7
Recompenses - Jer 16:18; Re 18:6
Punishes - Isa 13:11; Am 3:2
The Law
Is transgressed by every - Jas 2:10,11; 1Jo 3:4
Gives knowledge of - Ro 3:20; 7:7
Shows exceeding sinfulness of - Ro 7:13
Made to restrain - 1Ti 1:9,10
By its strictness stirs up - Ro 7:5,8,11
Is the strength of - 1Co 15:56
Curses those guilty of - Ga 3:10
No man can cleanse himself from — Job 9:30,31; Pr 20:9; Jer 2:22
No man can atone for — Mic 6:7
God has opened a fountain for — Zec 13:1
Christ was manifested to take away — Joh 1:29; 1Jo 3:5
Christ's blood redeems from — Eph 1:7
Christ's blood cleanses from — 1Jo 1:7
Made free from - Ro 6:18
Dead to - Ro 6:2,11; 1Pe 2:24
Profess to have ceased from - 1Pe 4:1
Cannot live in - 1Jo 3:9; 5:18
Resolve against - Job 34:32
Ashamed of having committed - Ro 6:21
Abhor themselves on account of - Job 42:6; Eze 20:43
Have yet the remains of, in them - Ro 7:17,23; Ga 5:17
The fear of God restrains — Ex 20:20; Ps 4:4; Pr 16:6
The word of God keeps from — Ps 17:4; 119:11
The Holy Spirit convinces of — Joh 16:8,9
If we say that we have no, we make God a liar — 1Jo 1:10
Confusion of face belongs to those guilty of — Da 9:7,8
Should be
Confessed - Job 33:27; Pr 28:13
Mourned over - Ps 38:18; Jer 3:21
Hated - Ps 97:10; Pr 8:13; Am 5:15
Abhorred - Ro 12:9
Put away - Job 11:14
Departed from - Ps 34:14; 2Ti 2:19
Avoided even in appearance - 1Th 5:22
Guarded against - Ps 4:4; 39:1
Striven against - Heb 12:4
Mortified - Ro 8:13; Col 3:5
Wholly destroyed - Ro 6:6
Specially strive against besetting — Heb 12:1
Aggravated by neglecting advantages — Lu 12:47; Joh 15:22
Guilt of concerning — Job 31:33; Pr 28:13
We should pray to God
To search for, in our hearts - Ps 139:23,24
To make us know our - Job 13:23
To forgive our - Ex 34:9; Lu 11:4
To keep us from - Ps 19:13
To deliver us from - Mt 6:13
To cleanse us from - Ps 51:2
Prayer hindered by — Ps 66:18; Isa 59:2
Blessings withheld on account of — Jer 5:25
The wicked
Servants to - Joh 8:34; Ro 6:16
Dead in - Eph 2:1
Guilty of, in everything they do - Pr 21:4; Eze 21:24
Plead necessity for - 1Sa 13:11,12
Excuse - Ge 3:12,13; 1Sa 15:13-15
Encourage themselves in - Ps 64:5
Defy God in committing - Isa 5:18,19
Boast of - Isa 3:9
Make a mock at - Pr 14:9
Expect impunity in - Ps 10:11; 50:21; 94:7
Cannot cease from - 2Pe 2:14
Heap up - Ps 78:17; Isa 30:1
Encouraged in, by prosperity - Job 21:7-15; Pr 10:16
Led by despair to continue in - Jer 2:25; 18:12
Try to conceal, from God - Ge 3:8,10; Job 31:33
Throw the blame of, on God - Ge 3:12; Jer 7:10
Throw the blame of, on others - Ge 3:12,13; Ex 32:22-24
Tempt others to - Ge 3:6; 1Ki 16:2; 21:25; Pr 1:10-14
Delight in those who commit - Ps 10:3; Ho 7:3; Ro 1:32
Shall bear the shame of - Eze 16:52
Shall find out the wicked — Nu 32:23
Ministers should warn the wicked to forsake — Eze 33:9; Da 4:27
Leads to
Shame - Ro 6:21
Disquiet - Ps 38:3
Disease - Job 20:11
The ground was cursed on account of — Ge 3:17,18
Toil and sorrow originated in — Ge 3:16,17,19; Job 14:1
Excludes from heaven — 1Co 6:9,10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:5; Re 21:27
When finished brings forth death — Jas 1:15
Death, the wages of — Ro 6:23
Death, the punishment of — Ge 2:17; Eze 18:4
Christ was an example of — 1Pe 2:22
Ministers should be examples of — Tit 2:7
Opposed to fleshly wisdom — 2Co 1:12
Should characterise
Our love to God - 2Co 8:8,24
Our love to Christ - Eph 6:24
Our service to God - Jos 24:14; Joh 4:23,24
Our faith - 1Ti 1:5
Our love to one another - Ro 12:9; 1Pe 1:22; 1Jo 3:18
Our whole conduct - 2Co 1:12
The preaching of the gospel - 2Co 2:17; 1Th 2:3-5
A characteristic of the doctrines of the gospel — 1Pe 2:2
The gospel sometimes preached without — Php 1:16
The wicked devoid of — Ps 5:9; 55:21
Exhortations to — Ps 34:13; 1Co 5:8; 1Pe 2:1
Pray for, on behalf of others — Php 1:10
Blessedness of — Ps 32:2
Men of Zebulun - 1Ch 12:33
Hezekiah - Isa 38:3
Nathanael - Joh 1:47
Paul - 2Co 1:12
Timothy - 2Ti 1:5
Lois and Eunice - 2Ti 1:5
The Redeemed - Re 14:5
Sin Offering
Probable origin of — Ge 4:4,7
Was offered
For sins of ignorance - Le 4:2,13,22,27
At the consecration of priests - Ex 29:10,14; Le 8:14
At the consecration of Levites - Nu 8:8
At the expiration of a Nazarite's vow - Nu 6:14
On the day of atonement - Le 16:3,9
Was a most holy sacrifice — Le 6:25,29
Consisted of
A young bullock for priests - Le 4:3; 9:2,8; 16:3,6
A young bullock or he-goat for the congregation - Le 4:14; 16:9; 2Ch 29:23
A male kid for a ruler - Le 4:23
A female kid or female lamb for a private person - Le 4:28,32
Sins of the offerer transferred to, by imposition of hands — Le 4:4,15,24,29; 2Ch 29:23
Was killed in the same place as the burnt-offering — Le 4:24; 6:25
The blood of
For a priest or for the congregation, brought by the priest into the tabernacle - Le 4:5,16
For a priest or for the congregation, sprinkled seven times before the Lord, outside the vail, by the priest with his finger - Le 4:6,17
For a priest of for the congregation, put upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering by the priest with his finger - Le 4:25,30
In every case poured at the foot of the altar of burnt offering - Le 4:7; 18:25,30; 9:9
Fat of the inside, kidneys, burned on the altar of burnt offering — Le 4:8-10,19,26,31; 9:10
When for a priest or the congregation, the skin, carcass, burned without the camp — Le 4:11,12,21;6:30; 9:11
Was eaten by the priests in a holy place, when its blood had not been brought into the tabernacle — Le 6:26,29,30
Aaron, &c rebuked for burning and not eating that of the congregation, its blood not having been
brought into the tabernacle — Le 10:16-18; 9:9,15
Whatever touched the flesh of, was rendered holy — Le 6:27
Garments sprinkled with the blood of, to be washed — Le 6:27
Laws respecting the vessels used for boiling the flesh of — Le 6:28
Was typical of Christ's sacrifice — 2Co 5:21; Heb 13:11-13
Sins, National
Pervade all ranks — Isa 1:5; Jer 5:1-5; 6:13
Often caused and encouraged by rulers — 1Ki 12:26-33; 14:16; 2Ch 21:11-13; Pr 29:12
Often caused by prosperity — De 32:15; Ne 9:28; Jer 48:11; Eze 16:49; 28:5
The land - Le 18:25; Nu 35:33,34; Ps 106:38; Isa 24:5; Mic 2:10
The people - Le 18:24; Eze 14:11
National worship - Isa 1:10-15; Am 5:21,22; Hag 2:14
Aggravated by privileges — Isa 5:4-7; Eze 20:11-13; Am 2:4; 3:1,2; Mt 11:21-24
Lead the heathen to blaspheme — Eze 36:20,23; Ro 2:24
Are a reproach to a people — Pr 14:34
Should be
Repented of - Jer 18:8; Jon 3:5
Mourned over - Joe 2:12
Confessed - Le 26:40; De 30:2; Judg 10:10; 1Ki 8:47,48
Turned from - Isa 1:16; Ho 14:1,2; Jon 3:10
Saints especially mourn over — Ps 119:136; Eze 9:4
Ministers should
Mourn over - Eze 10:6; Jer 13:17; Eze 6:11; Joe 2:17
Testify against - Isa 30:8,9; 58:1; Eze 2:3-5; 22:2; Jon 1:2
Try to turn the people from - Jer 23:22
Pray for forgiveness of - Ex 32:31,32; Joe 2:17
National prayer rejected on account of — Isa 1:15; 59:2
National worship rejected on account of — Isa 1:10-14; Jer 6:19,20; 7:9-14
Cause the withdrawal of privileges — La 2:9; Am 8:11; Mt 23:37-39
Bring down national judgments — Mt 23:35,36; 27:25
Denunciations against — Isa 1:24; 30:1; Jer 5:9; 6:27-30
Punishment for — Isa 3:8; Jer 12:17; 25:12; Eze 28:7-10
Punishment for, averted on repentance — Judg 10:15,16; 2Ch 12:6,7; Ps 106:43-46; Jon 3:10
Sodom and Gomorrah - Ge 18:20; 2Pe 2:6
Children of Israel - Ex 16:8; 32:31
Nations of Canaan - De 9:4
Kingdom of Israel - 2Ki 17:8-12; Ho 4:1,2
Kingdom of Judah - 2Ki 17:19; Isa 1:2-7
Moab - Jer 48:29,30
Babylon - Jer 51:6,13,52
Tyre - Eze 28:2
Nineveh - Na 3:1
An abomination to God — Pr 6:16,19
Forbidden — Ex 23:1; Eph 4:31; Jas 4:11
Whispering - Ro 1:29; 2Co 12:20
Backbiting - Ro 1:30; 2Co 12:20
Evil surmising - 1Ti 6:4
Tale-bearing - Le 19:16
Babbling - Ec 10:11
Tattling - 1Ti 5:13
Evil speaking - Ps 41:5; 109:20
Defaming - Jer 20:10; 1Co 4:13
Bearing false witness - Ex 20:16; De 5:20; Lu 3:14
Judging charitably - Jas 4:11,12
Raising false reports - Ex 23:1
Repeating matters - Pr 17:9
Is a deceitful work — Ps 52:2
Comes from the evil heart — Mt 15:19; Lu 6:45
Often arises from hatred — Ps 41:7; 109:3
Idleness leads to — 1Ti 5:13
The wicked addicted to — Ps 50:20; Jer 6:28; 9:4
Hypocrites addicted to — Pr 11:9
A characteristic of the devil — Re 12:10
The wicked love — Ps 52:4
They who indulge in, are fools — Pr 10:18
They who indulge in, not to be trusted — Jer 9:4
Women warned against — Tit 2:3
Minister's wives should avoid — 1Ti 3:11
Christ was exposed to — Ps 35:11; Mt 26:60
Rulers exposed to — 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8
Ministers exposed to — Ro 3:8; 2Co 6:8
The nearest relations exposed to — Ps 50:20
Saints exposed to — Ps 38:12; 109:2; 1Pe 4:4
Should keep their tongue from - Ps 34:13; 1Pe 3:10
Should lay aside - Eph 4:31; 1Pe 2:1
Should be warned against - Tit 3:1,2
Should give no occasion for - 1Pe 2:12; 3:16
Should return good for - 1Co 4:13
Blessed in enduring - Mt 5:11
Characterised as avoiding - Ps 15:1,3
Should not be listened to — 1Sa 24:9
Should be discountenanced with anger — Pr 25:23
Effects of
Separating friends - Pr 16:28; 17:9
Deadly wounds - Pr 18:8; 26:22
Strife - Pr 26:20
Discord among brethren - Pr 6:19
Murder - Ps 31:13; Eze 22:9
The tongue of, is a scourge — Job 5:21
Is venomous — Ps 140:3; Ec 10:11
Is destructive — Pr 11:9
End of, is mischievous madness — Ec 10:13
Men shall give account for — Mt 12:36; Jas 1:26
Punishment for — De 19:16-21; Ps 101:5
Illustrated — Pr 12:18; 25:18
Laban's Sons - Ge 31:1
Doeg - 1Sa 22:9-11
Princes of Ammon - 2Sa 10:3
Ziba - 2Sa 16:3
Children of Belial - 1Ki 21:13
Enemies of the Jews - Ezr 4:7-16
Gashmu - Ne 6:6
Haman - Es 3:8
David's enemies - Ps 31:13
Jeremiah's enemies - Jer 38:4
Jews - Mt 11:18,19
Witnesses against Christ - Mt 26:59-61
Priests - Mr 15:3
Enemies of Stephen - Ac 6:11
Enemies of Paul - Ac 17:7
Tertullus - Ac 24:2,5
Commanded — 1Pe 1:13; 5:8
The gospel designed to teach — Tit 2:11,12
With watchfulness — 1Th 5:6
With prayer — 1Pe 4:7
Required in
Ministers - 1Ti 3:2,3; Tit 1:8
Wives of ministers - 1Ti 3:11
Aged men - Tit 2:2
Young men - Tit 2:6
Young women - Tit 2:4
All saints - 1Th 5:6,8
Women should exhibit, in dress — 1Ti 2:9
We should estimate our character and talents with — Ro 12:3
We should live in — Tit 2:12
Motives to — 1Pe 4:7; 5:8
An offensive weapon — 2Sa 23:8,18
First mention of, in Scripture — Jos 8:18
Parts of mentioned
The staff of wood - 1Sa 17:7
The head of iron or brass - 1Sa 17:7; 2Sa 21:16
Probably pointed at both ends — 2Sa 2:23
Called the glittering spear — Job 39:23; Hab 3:11
Different kinds of
Lances - Jer 50:42
Javelins - Nu 25:7; 1Sa 18:10
Darts - 2Sa 18:14; Job 41:26,29
Those who used, called spearmen — Ps 68:30; Ac 23:23
Frequently used by horse soldiers — Na 3:3
Furbished before war — Jer 46:4
Pruning-hooks made into, before war — Joe 3:10
Made into pruning-hooks in peace — Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3
The Israelites
Acquainted with the making of - 1Sa 13:19
Frequently used - Ne 4:13,16
Ill provided with, in the times of Deborah and Saul - Judg 5:8; 1Sa 13:22
Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance — 2Ch 11:12; 32:5
Frequently thrown from the hand — 1Sa 18:11; 19:10
Often retained in the hand of the person using — Nu 25:7; 2Sa 2:23
Stuck in the ground beside the bolster during sleep — 1Sa 26:7-11
Illustrative of the bitterness of the wicked — Ps 57:4
Stars, The
Infinite in number — Ge 15:5; Jer 33:2
Created - Ge 1:16; Ps 8:3; 148:5
Set, in the firmament of heaven - Ge 1:17
Appointed to give light by night - Ge 1:16,14; Ps 136:9; Jer 31:35
Numbers and names - Ps 147:4
Established, for ever - Ps 148:3,6; Jer 31:36
Obscures - Job 9:7
Revolve in fixed orbits — Judg 5:20
Shine in the firmament of heaven — Da 12:3
Appear of different magnitudes — 1Co 15:41
Appear after sunset — Ne 4:21; Job 3:9
The host of heaven - De 17:3; Jer 33:22
Stars of light - Ps 148:3
Stars of heaven - Isa 13:10
When grouped together called constellations — 2Ki 23:5; Isa 13:10
Exhibit the greatness of God's power — Ps 8:3; Isa 40:26
Made to praise God — Ps 148:3
Impure in the sight of God — Job 25:5
Mentioned in scripture
Morning star - Re 2:28
Arcturus - Job 9:9; 38:32
Pleiades - Job 9:9; 38:31; Am 5:8
Orion - Job 9:9; 38:31; Am 5:8
Mazzaroth - Job 38:32
One of extraordinary brightness appeared at Christ's birth — Mt 2:2,9
Idolaters worshipped — Jer 8:2; 19:13
The Israelites forbidden to worship — De 4:19; 17:2-4
Punishment for worshipping — De 17:5-7
False gods frequently worshipped under the representation of — Am 5:26; Ac 7:43
Astrology and star-gazing practised by the Babylonians — Isa 47:13
Use of, in navigation, alluded to — Ac 27:20
Of Christ - Nu 24:17
Of angels - Job 38:7
Of ministers - Re 1:16,20; 2:1
Of princes and subordinate governors - Da 8:10; Re 8:12
(Bright and morning star,) of Christ - Re 22:16
(Morning star,) of glory to be given to faithful saints - Re 2:28
(Shining of,) of the reward of faithful ministers - Da 12:3
(Withdrawing their light,) of severe judgments - Isa 13:10; Eze 32:7; Joe 2:10; 3:15
(Setting the nest amongst,) of pride and carnal security - Ob 1:4
(Wandering,) of false teachers - Jude 1:13
Exhibited by God in all his purposes and ways — Nu 23:19; Da 6:26; Jas 1:17
Commanded — Php 4:1; 2Th 2:15; Jas 1:6-8
Godliness necessary to — Job 11:13-15
Secured by
The power of God - Ps 55:22; 62:2; 1Pe 1:5; Jude 1:24
The presence of God - Ps 16:8
Trust in God - Ps 26:1
The intercession of Christ - Lu 22:31,32
A characteristic of saints — Job 17:9; Joh 8:31
Should be manifested
In cleaving to God - De 10:20; Ac 11:23
In the work of the Lord - 1Co 15:58
In continuing in the Apostles' doctrine - Ac 2:42
In holding fast our profession - Heb 4:14; 10:23
In holding fast the confidence and rejoicing of the hope - Heb 3:6,14
In keeping the faith - Col 2:5; 1Pe 5:9
In standing fast in the faith - 1Co 16:13
In holding fast what is good - 1Th 5:21
In maintaining Christian liberty - Ga 5:1
In striving for the faith of the gospel - Php 1:27; Jude 1:3
Even under affliction - Ps 44:17-19; Ro 8:35-37; 1Th 3:3
Saints pray for — Ps 17:5
Saints praise God for — Ps 116:8
Exhorted to - 2Ti 1:13,14; Tit 1:9
Should exhort to - Ac 13:43; 14:22
Should pray for, in their people - 1Th 3:13; 2Th 2:17
Encouraged by, in their people - 1Th 3:8
Rejoiced by, in their people - Col 2:5
The wicked devoid of — Ps 78:8,37
Principle of — Illustrated — Mt 7:24,25; Joh 15:4; Col 2:7
Want of — Illustrated — Lu 8:6,13; Joh 15:6; 2Pe 2:17; Jude 1:12
Caleb - Nu 14:24
Joshua - Jos 24:15
Josiah - 2Ki 22:2
Job - Job 2:3
David - Ps 18:21,22
Shadrach - Da 3:18
Daniel - Da 6:10
The Christians - Ac 2:42
Corinthians - 1Co 15:1
Colossians - Col 2:5
Those who overcame Satan - Re 12:11
Strangers In Israel
All foreigners sojourning in Israel were counted as — Ex 12:49
Under the care and protection of God — De 10:18; Ps 146:9
Very numerous in Solomon's reign — 2Ch 2:17
Chiefly consisted of
The remnant of the mixed multitude who came out of Egypt - Ex 12:38
The remnant of the nations of the land - 1Ki 9:20; 2Ch 8:7
Captives taken in war - De 21:10
Foreign servants - Le 25:44,45
Persons who sought employment among the Jews - 1Ki 7:13; 9:27
Persons who came into Israel for the sake of religious privileges - 1Ki 8:41
Laws respecting
Not to practise idolatrous rites - Le 20:2
Not to blaspheme God - Le 24:16
Not to eat blood - Le 17:10-12
Not to eat the passover while uncircumcised - Ex 12:43,44
Not to work on the Sabbath - Ex 20:10; 23:12; De 5:14
Not to be vexed or oppressed - Ex 22:21; 23:9; Le 19:33
Not to be chosen as kings in Israel - De 17:15
To be loved - Le 19:34; De 10:19
To be relieved in distress - Le 25:35
Subject to the civil law - Le 24:22
To have justice done to them in all disputes - De 1:16; 24:17
To enjoy the benefit of the cities of refuge - Nu 35:15
To have the gleaning of the harvest - Le 19:10; 23:22; De 24:19-22
To participate in the rejoicings of the people - De 14:29; 16:11,14; 26:11
To have the law read to them - De 31:12; Jos 8:32-35
The Jews might purchase and have them as slaves - Le 25:44,45
The Jews might take usury from - De 23:20
Might purchase Hebrew servants subject to release - Le 25:47,48
Might offer their burnt-offerings on the altar of God - Le 17:8; 22:18; Nu 15:14
Allowed to eat what died of itself - De 14:21
Motives urged on the Jews for being kind to — Ex 22:21; 23:9
Admitted to worship in the outer court of the temple — 1Ki 8:41-43; Re 11:2; Eph 2:14
Were frequently employed in public works — 1Ch 22:2; 2Ch 2:18
The Jews condemned for oppressing — Ps 94:6; Eze 22:7,29
Christ, an example of avoiding — Isa 42:2; Mt 12:15-19; Lu 9:52-56; 1Pe 2:23
Forbidden — Pr 3:30; 25:8
A work of the flesh — Ga 5:20
An evidence of a carnal spirit — 1Co 3:3
Existed in the church — 1Co 1:11
Excited by
Hatred - Pr 10:12
Pride - Pr 13:10; 28:25
Wrath - Pr 15:18; 30:33
Frowardness - Pr 16:28
A contentious disposition - Pr 26:21
Tale-bearing - Pr 26:20
Drunkenness - Pr 23:29,30
Lusts - Jas 4:1
Curious questions - 1Ti 6:4; 2Ti 2:23
Scorning - Pr 22:10
Difficulty of stopping, a reason for avoiding it — Pr 17:14
Shameful in saints — 2Co 12:20; Jas 3:14
Saints should
Avoid - Ge 13:8; Eph 4:3
Avoid questions that lead to - 2Ti 2:14
Not walk in - Ro 13:13
Not act from - Php 2:3
Do all things without - Php 2:14
Submit to wrong rather than engage in - Pr 20:22; Mt 5:39,40; 1Co 6:7
Seek God's protection from - Ps 35:1; Jer 18:19
Praise God for protection from - 2Sa 22:44; Ps 18:43
Saints kept from tongues of — Ps 31:20
Ministers should
Avoid - 1Ti 3:3; 2Ti 2:24
Avoid questions that lead to - 2Ti 2:23; Tit 3:9
Not preach through - Php 1:15,16
Warn against - 1Co 1:10; 2Ti 2:14
Reprove - 1Co 1:11,12; 3:3; 11:17,18
Appeased by slowness to anger — Pr 15:18
It is honourable to cease from — Pr 20:3
Hypocrites make religion a pretence for — Isa 58:4
Fools engage in — Pr 18:6
Evidences a love of transgression — Pr 17:19
Leads to
Blasphemy - Le 24:10,11
Injustice - Hab 1:3,4
Confusion and every evil work - Jas 3:16
Violence - Ex 21:18,22
Mutual destruction - Ga 5:15
Temporal blessing embittered by — Pr 17:1
Excludes from heaven — Ga 5:20,21
Promoters of, should be expelled — Pr 22:10
Punishment for — Ps 55:9
Strength and violence of — Illustrated — Pr 17:14; 18:19
Danger of joining in — Illustrated — Pr 26:17
Herdmen of Abram and of Lot - Ge 13:7
Herdmen of Gerar and of Isaac - Ge 26:20
Laban and Jacob - Ge 31:36
Two Hebrews - Ex 2:13
Israelites - De 1:12
Judah and Israel - 2Sa 19:41-43
Disciples - Lu 22:24
Judaising Teachers - Ac 15:2
Paul and Barnabas - Ac 15:39
Pharisees and Sadducees - Ac 23:7
Corinthians - 1Co 1:11; 6:6
Made by God — Ps 74:17
Yearly return of, secured by covenant — Ge 8:22
Characterised By
Excessive heat - Jer 17:8
Excessive drought - Ps 32:4
Approach of, indicated by shooting out of leaves on trees — Mt 24:32
Many kinds of fruit were ripe and used during — 2Sa 16:1; Jer 40:10; 48:32
The ancients had houses or apartments suited to — Judg 3:20,24; Am 3:15
The ant provided her winter food during — Pr 6:8; 30:25
The wise are diligent during — Pr 10:5
Illustrative of seasons of grace — Jer 8:20
Sun, The
Called the greater light — Ge 1:16
Created - Ge 1:14,16; Ps 74:16
Placed in the firmament - Ge 1:17
Appointed to rule the day - Ge 1:16; Ps 136:8; Jer 31:35
Appointed to divide seasons - Ge 1:14
Exercises sovereign power over - Job 9:7
Causes, to rise both on evil and good - Mt 5:45
Causes to know its time of setting - Ps 104:19
Made to praise and glorify God — Ps 148:3
The power and brilliancy of its rising alluded to — Judg 5:31; 2Sa 23:4
Clearness of its light alluded to — Song 6:10
Compared to a bridegroom coming forth from his chamber — Ps 19:5
Compared to a strong man rejoicing to run a race — Ps 19:5
Diffuses light and heat to all the earth — Ps 19:6
The rays of
Pleasant to man - Job 30:28; Ec 11:7
Produce and ripen fruits - De 33:14
Soften and melt some substances - Ex 16:21
Wither and burn up the herbs of the field - Mr 4:6; Jas 1:11
Change the colour of the skin - Song 1:6
Frequently destructive to human life - 2Ki 4:18-20; Ps 121:6; Isa 49:10
Indicates the hours of the day by the shadow on the dial — 2Ki 20:9
The Jews
Commenced their day with the rising of - Ge 19:23,24,27,28; Judg 9:33
Commenced their evening with the setting of - Ge 28:11; De 24:13; Mr 1:32
Expressed the east by rising of - Nu 21:11; De 4:41,47; Jos 12:1
Expressed the west by setting of - Jas 1:4
Expressed the whole earth by, from rising of, to setting of - Ps 50:1; 113:3; Isa 45:6
Forbidden to worship - De 4:19; 17:3
Made images of - 2Ch 14:5; 34:4
Consecrated chariots and horses, as symbols of - 2Ki 23:11
Worshipped - 2Ki 23:5; Jer 8:2
Worshippers of, turned their faces towards the east — Eze 8:16
Miracles connected with
Standing still for a whole day in the valley of Ajalon - Jos 10:12,13
Shadow put back on the dial - 2Ki 20:11
Darkened at the crucifixion - Lu 23:44,45
Of God's favour - Ps 84:11
Of Christ's coming - Mal 4:2
Of the glory of Christ - Mt 17:2; Re 1:16; 10:1
Of supreme rulers - Ge 37:9; Isa 13:10
(Its clearness,) of the purity of the church - Song 6:10
(Its brightness,) of the future glory of saints - Da 12:3; Mt 13:43
(Its power,) of the triumph of saints - Judg 5:31
(Darkened,) of severe calamities - Eze 32:7; Joe 2:10,31; Mt 24:29; Re 9:2
(Going down at noon,) of premature destruction - Jer 15:9; Am 8:9
(No more going down,) of perpetual blessedness - Isa 60:20
(Before or in sight of,) of public ignominy - 2Sa 12:11,12; Jer 8:2
Swearing Falsely
Forbidden — Le 19:12; Nu 30:2; Mt 5:33
Hateful to God — Zec 8:17
We should not love — Zec 8:17
Fraud often leads to — Le 6:2,3
Saints abstain from — Jos 9:20; Ps 15:4
Blessedness of abstaining from — Ps 24:4,5
The wicked
Addicted to - Jer 5:2; Ho 10:4
Plead excuses for - Jer 7:9,10
Shall be judged on account of - Mal 3:5
Shall be cut off for - Zec 5:3
Shall have a curse upon their houses for - Zec 5:4
False witnesses guilty of — De 19:16,18
Saul - 1Sa 19:6,10
Shimei - 1Ki 2:41-43
Jews - Eze 16:59
Zedekiah - Eze 17:13-19
Peter - Mt 26:72,74
Swearing, Profane
Of all kinds is desecration of God's name and is forbidden — Ex 20:7; Mt 5:34-36; 23:21,22; Jas 5:12
The wicked
Addicted to - Ps 10:7; Ro 3:14
Love - Ps 109:17
Clothe themselves with - Ps 109:18
Guilt of — Ex 20:7; De 5:11
Woe denounced against — Mt 23:16
Nations visited for — Jer 23:10; Ho 4:1-3
Punishment for — Le 24:16,23; Ps 59:12; 109:17,18
Son of Israelitish woman - Le 24:11
Gehazi - 2Ki 5:20
Peter - Mt 26:74
When wild inhabited the woods — Ps 80:13
Unclean and not to be eaten — Le 11:7,8
Fierce and ungenerous - Mt 7:6
Filthy in its habits - 2Pe 2:22
Destructive to agriculture - Ps 80:13
Fed upon husks — Lu 15:16
Sacrificing of, and abomination — Isa 66:3
Kept in large herds — Mt 8:30
Herding of, considered as the greatest degradation to a Jew — Lu 15:15
The Gergesenes punished for having — Mt 8:31,32; Mr 5:11,14
The ungodly Jews condemned for eating — Isa 65:4; 66:17
Illustrative of
The wicked - Mt 7:6
Hypocrites - 2Pe 2:22
Sword, The
Probable origin — Ge 3:24
Was pointed — Eze 21:15
Frequently had two edges — Ps 149:6
Described as
Sharp - Ps 57:4
Bright - Na 3:3
Glittering - De 32:41; Job 20:25
Oppressive - Jer 46:16
Hurtful - Ps 144:10
Carried in a sheath or scabbard — 1Ch 21:27; Jer 47:6; Eze 21:3-5
Suspended from the girdle — 1Sa 17:39; 2Sa 20:8; Ne 4:18; Ps 45:3
Was used
By the patriarchs - Ge 34:25; 48:22
By the Jews - Judg 20:2; 2Sa 24:9
By heathen nations - Judg 7:22; 1Sa 15:33
For self-defence - Lu 22:36
For destruction of enemies - Nu 21:24; Jos 6:21
For punishing criminals - 1Sa 15:33; Ac 12:2
Sometimes for self-destruction - 1Sa 31:4,5; Ac 16:27
Hebrews early acquainted with making of — 1Sa 13:19
In time of war, plough shares made into — Joe 3:10
In time of peace made into plough shares — Isa 2:4; Mic 4:3
Sharpened and furbished before going to war — Ps 7:12; Eze 21:9
Was brandished over the head — Eze 32:10
Was thrust through enemies — Eze 16:40
Often threatened as a punishment — Le 26:25,33; De 32:25
Often sent as a punishment — Ezr 9:7; Ps 78:62
Was one of God's four sore judgments — Eze 14:21
Those slain by, communicated ceremonial uncleanness — Nu 19:16
Of the word of God - Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12
Of the word of Christ - Isa 49:2; Re 1:16
Of the justice of God - De 32:41; Zec 13:7
Of the protection of God - De 33:29
Of war and contention - Mt 10:34
Of severe and heavy calamities - Eze 5:2,17; 14:17; 21:9
Of deep mental affliction - Lu 2:35
Of the wicked - Ps 17:13
Of the tongue of the wicked - Ps 57:4; 64:3; Pr 12:18
Of persecuting spirit of the wicked - Ps 37:14
Of the end of the wicked - Pr 5:4
Of false witnesses - Pr 25:18
Of judicial authority - Ro 13:4
(Drawing of,) of war and destruction - Le 26:33; Eze 21:3-5
(Putting, into its sheath,) of peace and friendship - Jer 47:6
(Living by,) of rapine - Ge 27:40
(Not departing from one's house,) of perpetual calamity - 2Sa 12:10
Places in which the Jews assembled for worship — Ac 13:5,14
Early notice of their existence — Ps 74:8
Probably originated in the schools of the prophets — 1Sa 19:18-24; 2Ki 4:23
Revival of, after the captivity — Ne 8:1-8
Service of, consisted of
Prayer - Mt 6:5
Reading the word of God - Ne 8:18; 9:3; 13:1; Ac 15:21
Expounding the word of God - Ne 8:8; Lu 4:21
Praise and thanksgiving - Ne 9:5
Service in, on the Sabbath day — Lu 4:16; Ac 13:14
Governed by
A president or chief ruler - Ac 18:8,17
Ordinary rulers - Mr 5:22; Ac 13:15
Provided with a minister, who had charge of the sacred books — Lu 4:17,20
Had seats fro the congregation — Ac 13:14
Chief seats in, reserved for elders — Mt 23:6
The portion of Scripture for the day sometimes read by one of the congregation — Lu 4:16
Strangers were invited to address the congregation in — Ac 13:15
Christ often
Attended - Lu 4:16
Preached and taught in - Mt 4:23; Mr 1:39; Lu 13:10
Performed miracles in - Mt 12:9,10; Mr 1:23; Lu 13:11
The Apostles frequently taught and preached in — Ac 9:20; 13:5; 17:1,17
Often used as courts of justice — Ac 9:2; Jas 2:2
Offenders were often
Given up to, for trial - Lu 12:11; 21:12
Punished in - Mt 10:17; 23:34; Ac 22:19
Expelled from - Joh 9:22,34; 12:42; 16:2
The building of, considered a noble and meritorious work — Lu 7:5
Sometimes several, in the same city — Ac 6:9; 9:2
Each sect had its own — Ac 6:9
Originally included Mesopotamia — Ge 25:20; 28:5; De 26:5; Ac 7:2
More properly the country around Damascus — 2Sa 8:6
Damascus the capital of — Isa 7:8
Abana and Pharpar rivers of — 2Ki 5:12
Governed by kings — 1Ki 22:31; 2Ki 5:1
Inhabitants of
Called Syrians - 2Sa 10:11; 2Ki 5:20
Called Syrians of Damascus - 2Sa 8:5
An idolatrous people - Judg 10:6; 2Ki 5:18
A warlike people - 1Ki 20:23,25
A commercial people - Eze 27:18
Spoke the Syriack language - 2Ki 18:26; Ezr 4:7; Da 2:4
Israel followed the idolatry of — Judg 10:6
Destroyed the army of, which assisted Hadadezer - 2Sa 8:5
Garrisoned and made tributary - 2Sa 8:6
Dedicated the spoils of - 2Sa 8:11,12
Obtained renown by his victory over - 2Sa 8:13
Sent Joab against the armies of, hired by the Ammonites - 2Sa 10:6-14
Destroyed a second army of - 2Sa 10:15-19
Asa sought aid of, against Israel — 1Ki 15:18-20
Elijah anointed Hazael king over, by divine direction — 1Ki 19:15
Benhadad king of, besieged Samaria — 1Ki 20:1-12
The Israelites
Under Ahab encouraged and assisted by God, overcame - 1Ki 20:13-20
Forewarned of invasion by, at the return of the year - 1Ki 20:22-25
Insignificant before - 1Ki 20:26,27
Encouraged and assisted by God overcame a second time - 1Ki 20:28-30
Craftily drawn into a league with - 1Ki 20:31-43
At peace with, for three years - 1Ki 22:1
Under Ahab sought to recover Ramoth-gilead from - 1Ki 22:3-29
Defeated by, and Ahab slain - 1Ki 22:30-36
Harassed by frequent incursions of - 2Ki 5:2; 6:23
Heard the secrets of, from Elisha - 2Ki 6:8-12
God smote with blindness those sent against Elisha by the king of — 2Ki 6:14,18-20
Besieged Samaria again — 2Ki 6:24-29
Army of, miraculously routed — 2Ki 7:5,6
Death of the king of, and the cruelty of his successor foretold by Elisha — 2Ki 8:7,15
Joram king of Israel in seeking to recover Ramothgilead from, severely wounded — 2Ki 8:28,29;9:15
Israel delivered into the hands of, for the sins of Jehoahaz — 2Ki 13:3,7,22
A saviour raised up for Israel against — 2Ki 13:5,23-25
Elisha predicted to Joash his three victories over — 2Ki 13:14-19
Joined with Israel against Ahaz and besieged Jerusalem — 2Ki 16:5; Isa 7:12
Retook Elath and drove out the Jews — 2Ki 16:6
Subdued and its inhabitants taken captive by Assyria — 2Ki 16:9
Prophecies respecting
Destruction of Rezin king of - Isa 7:8,16
Ceasing to be a kingdom - Isa 17:1-3
Terror and dismay in, occasioned by its invasion - Jer 49:23,24
Destruction of its inhabitants - Jer 49:26
Plundering of Damascus - Isa 8:4
Burning of Damascus - Jer 49:27; Am 1:4
Its calamities, the punishments of its sins - Am 1:3
Its inhabitants to be captives - Am 1:3
Its history in connection with the Macedonia empire - Da 11:6-45
Subdued and governed by the Romans — Lu 2:2
Gospel preached and many churches founded in — Ac 15:23,41