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Torrey's Topical Textbook
Table of Contents
Occasioned by the condensing of the clouds — Job 36:27,28; Ps 77:17; Ec 11:3
Made a decree for - Job 28:26
Prepares - Ps 147:8
Gives - Job 5:10
Causes, to come down - Joe 2:23
Exhibits goodness in giving - Ac 14:17
Exhibits greatness in giving - Job 36:26,27
Sends upon the evil and good - Mt 5:45
Should be praised for - Ps 147:7,8
Should be feared on account of - Jer 5:24
Impotence of idols exhibited in not being able to give — Jer 14:22
Not sent upon the earth immediately after creation — Ge 2:5
Rarely falls in Egypt — De 11:10; Zec 14:18
Canaan abundantly supplied with — De 11:11
Designed for
Refreshing the earth - Ps 68:9; 72:6
Making fruitful the earth - Heb 6:7
Replenishing the springs and fountains of the earth - Ps 104:8
Promised in due season to the obedient — Le 26:4; De 11:14; Eze 34:26,27
Frequently withheld on account of iniquity — De 11:17; Jer 3:3; 5:25; Am 4:7
The want of
Causes the earth to open - Job 29:23; Jer 14:4
Dries up springs and fountains - 1Ki 17:7
Occasions famine - 1Ki 18:1,2
Removed by prayer - 1Ki 8:35,36; Jas 5:18
Withheld for three years and six months in the days of Elijah — 1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17
Divided into
Great - Ezr 10:9
Plentiful - Ps 68:9
Overflowing - Eze 38:22
Sweeping - Pr 28:3
Small - Job 37:6
The former, after harvest, to prepare for sowing — De 11:14; Jer 5:24
The latter, before harvest — Joe 2:23; Zec 10:1
The rainbow often appears during — Ge 9:14; Eze 1:28
Often succeeded by heat and sunshine — 2Sa 23:4; Isa 18:4
The appearance of a cloud from the west indicated — 1Ki 18:44; Lu 12:54
The north wind drives away — Pr 25:23
Unusual in harvest time — Pr 26:1
Thunder and lightning often with — Ps 135:7
Storm and tempest often with — Mt 7:25,27
Instances of extraordinary
Time of the flood - Ge 7:4,12
Plague of, upon Egypt - Ex 9:18,23
During wheat harvest in the days of Samuel - 1Sa 12:17,18
After long drought in Ahab's reign - 1Ki 18:45
After the captivity - Ezr 10:9,13
Often impeded travelling in the east — 1Ki 18:44; Isa 4:6
Often destroyed houses — Eze 13:13-15; Mt 7:27
Of the word of God - Isa 55:10,11
Of the doctrine of faithful ministers - De 32:2
Of Christ in the communication of his graces - Ps 72:6; Ho 6:3
Of spiritual blessings - Ps 68:9; 84:6; Eze 34:26
Of righteousness - Ho 10:12
(Destructive,) of God's judgments - Job 20:23; Ps 11:6; Eze 38:22
(Destructive,) of a poor man oppressing the poor - Pr 28:3
Raven, The
Unclean and not to be eaten — Le 11:15; De 14:14
Called the raven of the valley — Pr 30:17
Described as
Black - Song 5:11
Solitary in disposition - Isa 34:11
Improvident - Lu 12:24
Carnivorous - Pr 30:17
God provides food for — Job 38:41; Ps 147:9; Lu 12:24
Sent by Noah from the ark — Ge 8:7
Elijah fed by — 1Ki 17:4-6
Plumage of, illustrative of the glory of Christ — Song 5:11
Is the cutting of the corn in harvest — Job 24:6; Le 23:10
The sickle used for — De 16:9; Mr 4:29
Both men and women engaged in — Ru 2:8,9
The Jews not to reap
The corners of their fields - Le 19:9; 23:22
During the Sabbatical year - Le 25:5
During the year of jubilee - Le 25:11
The fields of others - De 23:25
Mode of gathering the corn for, alluded to — Ps 129:7; Isa 17:5
Corn after, was bound up into sheaves — Ge 37:7; Ps 129:7
Persons engaged in
Under the guidance of a steward - Ru 2:5,6
Visited by the master - Ru 2:4; 2Ki 4:18
Fed by the master who himself presided at their meals - Ru 2:14
Received wages - Joh 4:36; Jas 5:4
A time of great rejoicing — Ps 126:5,6
The Jews often hindered from, on account of their sins — Mic 6:15
Often unprofitable on account of sin — Jer 12:13
Illustrative of
Receiving the reward of wickedness - Job 4:8; Pr 22:8; Ho 8:7; Ga 6:8
Receiving the reward of righteousness - Ho 10:12; Ga 6:8,9
Ministers receiving temporal provision for spiritual labours - 1Co 9:11
Gathering in souls to God - Joh 4:38
The judgments of God on the antichristian world - Re 14:14-16
The final judgment - Mt 13:30,39-43
Rebellion Against God
Forbidden — Nu 14:9; Jos 22:19
Provokes God — Nu 16:30; Ne 9:26
Provokes Christ — Ex 23:20,21; 1Co 10:9
Vexes the Holy Spirit — Isa 63:10
Exhibited in
Unbelief - De 9:23; Ps 106:24,25
Rejecting his government - 1Sa 8:7; 15:23
Revolting from him - Isa 1:5; 31:6
Despising his law - Ne 9:26
Despising his counsels - Ps 107:11
Distrusting his power - Eze 17:15
Murmuring against him - Nu 20:3,10
Refusing to hearken to him - De 9:23; Eze 20:8; Zec 7:11
Departing from him - Isa 59:13
Rebellion against governors appointed by him - Jos 1:18
Departing from his precepts - Da 9:5
Departing from his instituted worship - Ex 32:8,9; Jos 22:16-19
Sinning against light - Job 24:13; Joh 15:22; Ac 13:41
Walking after our own thoughts - Isa 65:2
Connected with
Stubbornness - De 31:27
Injustice and corruption - Isa 1:23
Contempt of God - Ps 107:11
Man is prone to - De 31:27; Ro 7:14-18
The heart is the seat of - Jer 5:23; Mt 15:18,19; Heb 3:12
They who are guilty of
Aggravate their sin by - Job 34:27
Practise hypocrisy to hide - Ho 7:14
Persevere in - De 9:7,24
Increase in, though chastised - Isa 1:5
Warned not to exalt themselves - Ps 66:7
Denounced - Isa 30:1
Have God as their enemy - Isa 63:10
Have God's hand against them - 1Sa 12:15; Ps 106:26,27
Impoverished for - Ps 68:6
Brought low for - Ps 107:11,12
Delivered into the hands of enemies on account of - Ne 9:26,27
Cast out in their sins for - Ps 5:10
Cast out of the church for - Eze 20:38
Restored through Christ alone - Ps 68:18
Heinousness of — 1Sa 15:23
Guilt of
Aggravated by God's fatherly care - Isa 1:2
Aggravated by God's unceasing invitations to return to him - Isa 65:2
To be deprecated - Jos 22:29
To be confessed - La 1:18,20; Da 9:5
God alone can forgive — Da 9:9
God is ready to forgive — Ne 9:17
Religious instruction designed to prevent — Ps 78:5,8
Promises to those who avoid — De 28:1-13; 1Sa 12:14
Forgiven upon repentance — Ne 9:26,27
Cautioned against - Eze 2:8
Sent to those guilty of - Eze 2:3-7; 3:4-9; Mr 12:4-8
Should warn against - Nu 14:9
Should testify against - Isa 30:8,9; Eze 17:12; 44:6
Should remind their people of past - De 9:7; 31:27
Punishment for — Le 26:14-39; 1Sa 12:15; Isa 1:20; Jer 4:16-18; Eze 20:8,38
Punishment for teaching — Jer 28:16
Ingratitude of — Illustrated — Isa 1:2,3
Pharaoh - Ex 5:1,2
Korah &c - Nu 16:11
Moses and Aaron - Nu 20:12,24
Israelites - De 9:23,24
Saul - 1Sa 15:9,23
Jeroboam - 1Ki 12:28-33
Zedekiah - 2Ch 36:13
Kingdom of Israel - Ho 7:14; 13:16
Descended from Hemath — 1Ch 2:55
The head of, assisted Jehu in his conspiracy against the house of Ahab — 2Ki 10:15-17
Prohibited by Jonadab from forming settlements or drinking wine — Jer 35:6-8
Obedience of, a sign to Israel — Jer 35:12-17
Perpetuity to, promised — Jer 35:18,19
Reconciliation With God
Predicted — Da 9:24; Isa 53:5
Proclaimed by angels at the birth of Christ — Lu 2:14
Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances is necessary to — Eph 2:16; Col 2:14
Effected for men
By God in Christ - 2Co 5:19
By Christ as High Priest - Heb 2:17
By the death of Christ - Ro 5:10; Eph 2:16; Col 1:21,22
By the blood of Christ - Eph 2:13; Col 1:20
While alienated from God - Col 1:21
Without strength - Ro 5:6
Yet sinners - Ro 5:8
While enemies to God - Ro 5:10
The ministry of committed to ministers — 2Co 5:18,19
Ministers, in Christ's stead, should beseech men to seek — 2Co 5:20
Effects of
Peace of God - Ro 5:1; Eph 2:16,17
Access to God - Ro 5:2; Eph 2:18
Union of Jews and Gentiles - Eph 2:14
Union of things in heaven and earth - Col 1:20; Eph 1:10
A pledge of final salvation — Ro 5:10
Necessity for — Illustrated — Mt 5:24-26
Typified — Le 8:15; 16:20
Defined — 1Co 6:20; 7:23
Is of God — Isa 44:21-23; 43:1; Lu 1:68
Is by Christ — Mt 20:28; Ga 3:13
Is by the blood of Christ — Ac 20:28; Heb 9:12; 1Pe 1:19; Re 5:9
Christ sent to effect — Ga 4:4,5
Christ is made, to us — 1Co 1:30
Is from
The bondage of the law - Ga 4:5
The curse of the law - Ga 3:13
The power of sin - Ro 6:18,22
The power of the grave - Ps 49:15
All troubles - Ps 25:22
All iniquity - Ps 130:8; Tit 2:14
All evil - Ge 48:16
The present evil world - Ga 1:4
Vain conversation - 1Pe 1:18
Enemies - Ps 106:10,11; Jer 15:21
Death - Ho 13:14
Destruction - Ps 103:4
Man cannot effect — Ps 49:7
Corruptible things cannot purchase — 1Pe 1:18
Procures for us
Justification - Ro 3:24
Forgiveness of sin - Eph 1:7; Col 1:14
Adoption - Ga 4:4,5
Purification - Tit 2:14
The present life, the only season for — Job 36:18,19
Described as
Precious - Ps 49:8
Plenteous - Ps 130:7
Eternal - Heb 9:12
Subjects of
The soul - Ps 49:8
The body - Ro 8:23
The life - Ps 103:4; La 3:58
The inheritance - Eph 1:14
Manifests the
Power of God - Isa 50:2
Grace of God - Isa 52:3
Love and pity of God - Isa 63:9; Joh 3:16; Ro 6:8; 1Jo 4:10
A subject for praise — Isa 44:22,23; 51:11
Old Testament saints partakers of — Heb 9:15
They who partake of
Are the property of God - Isa 43:1; 1Co 6:20
Are first-fruits to God - Re 14:4
Are a peculiar people - 2Sa 7:23; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9
Are assured of - Job 19:25; Ps 31:5
Are sealed to the day of - Eph 4:30
Are Zealous of good works - Eph 2:10; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9
Walk safely in holiness - Isa 35:8,9
Shall return to Zion with joy - Isa 35:10
Alone can learn the songs of heaven - Re 14:3,4
Commit themselves to God - Ps 31:5
Have an earnest of the completion of - Eph 1:14; 2Co 1:22
Wait for the completion of - Ro 8:23; Php 3:20,21; Tit 2:11-13
Pray for the completion of - Ps 26:11; 44:26
Praise God for - Ps 71:23; 103:4; Re 5:9
Should glorify God for - 1Co 6:20
Should be without fear - Isa 43:1
Israel - Ex 6:6
First-born - Ex 13:11-15; Nu 18:15
Atonement-money - Ex 30:12-15
Bond-servant - Le 25:47-54
Red Heifer, The
To be without spot or blemish — Nu 19:2
To ge given to Eleazar the second priest to offer — Nu 19:3
To be slain without the camp — Nu 19:3
Entire of, to be burned — Nu 19:5
Blood of, sprinkled seven times before the tabernacle — Nu 19:4
Cedar, hyssop, burned with — Nu 19:6
Ashes of, collected and mixed with water for purification — Nu 19:9,11-22
Communicated uncleanness to
The priest that offered her - Nu 19:7
The man that burned her - Nu 19:8
The man who gathered the ashes - Nu 19:10
Could only purify the flesh — Heb 9:13
A type of Christ — Heb 9:12-14
What it is — Isa 45:22; Mt 6:19-21; Ac 14:15; 2Co 5:17; Col 3:2; 1Th 1:9; Heb 12:1,2
Commanded to all by God — Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30
Commanded by Christ — Re 2:5,16; 3:3
Given by God — Ac 11:18; 2Ti 2:25
Christ came to call sinners to — Mt 9:13
Christ exalted to give — Ac 5:31
By the operation of the Holy Spirit — Zec 12:10
Called repentance to life — Ac 11:18
Called repentance to salvation — 2Co 7:10
We should be led to, by
The long-suffering of God - Ge 6:3; 1Pe 3:20; 2Pe 3:9
The goodness of God - Ro 2:4
The chastisements of God - 1Ki 8:47; Re 3:19
Godly sorrow works - 2Co 7:10
Necessary to the pardon of sin — Ac 2:38; 3:19; 8:22
Conviction of sin necessary to — 1Ki 8:38; Pr 28:13; Ac 2:37,38; 19:18
By Christ - Mt 4:17; Mr 1:15
By John the Baptist - Mt 3:2
By the Apostles - Mr 6:12; Ac 20:21
In the name of Christ - Lu 24:47
Not to be repented of — 2Co 7:10
The present time the season for — Ps 95:7,8; Heb 3:7,8; Pr 27:1; Isa 55:6; 2Co 6:2; Heb 4:7
There is joy in heaven over one sinner brought to — Lu 15:7,10
Ministers should rejoice over their people on their — 2Co 7:9
Should be evidenced by fruits — Isa 1:16,17; Da 4:27; Mt 3:8; Ac 26:20
Should be accompanied by
Humility - 2Ch 7:14; Jas 4:9,10
Shame and confusion - Ezr 9:6-15; Jer 31:19; Eze 16:61,63; Da 9:7,8
Self-abhorrence - Job 42:6
Confession - Le 26:40; Job 33:27
Faith - Mt 21:32; Mr 1:15; Ac 20:21
Prayer - 1Ki 8:33; Ac 8:22
Conversion - Ac 3:19; 26:20
Turning from sin - 2Ch 6:26
Turning from idolatry - Eze 14:6; 1Th 1:9
Greater zeal in the path of duty - 2Co 7:11
Exhortations to — Eze 14:6; 18:30; Ac 2:38; 3:19
The wicked
Averse to - Jer 8:6; Mt 21:32
Not led to by the judgments of God - Re 9:20,21; 16:9
Not led to, by miraculous interference - Lu 16:30,31
Neglect the time given for - Re 2:21
Condemned for neglecting - Mt 11:20
Danger of neglecting — Mt 11:20-24; Lu 13:3,5; Re 2:22
Neglect of, followed by swift judgment — Re 2:5,16
Denied to apostates — Heb 6:4-6
Illustrated — Lu 15:18-21; 18:13
The Prodigal Son - Lu 15:17-19
The Repentant Son - Mt 21:29
Paul - Ga 1:23
True — Exemplified
Israelites - Judg 10:15,16
David - 2Sa 12:13
Manasseh - 2Ch 33:12,13
Job - Job 42:6
Nineveh - Jon 3:5-8; Mt 12:41
Peter - Mt 26:75
Zacchaeus - Lu 19:8
Thief on the Cross - Lu 23:40,41
Corinthians - 2Co 7:9,10
False — Exemplified
Saul - 1Sa 15:24-30
Ahab - 1Ki 21:27-29
Judas - Mt 27:3-5
Rephaim, or Giants, The
Subdued by Chedorlaomer — Ge 14:5
Dwelt in Canaan — Jos 17:15
Og the king of Bashan was of — Jos 13:12
The valley of
A border of Judah - Jos 15:8
Was exceedingly fruitful - Isa 17:5
David obtained victories over the Philistines in - 2Sa 5:18,25
The last of, destroyed by David and his warriors — 1Sa 17:4,49,50; 2Sa 21:15-22
God gives reproof to his own children — 2Sa 7:14; Job 5:17; Ps 94:12; 119:67,71,75; Heb 12:6,7
God gives, to the wicked — Ps 50:21; Isa 51:20
Christ sent to give — Isa 2:4; 11:3
The Holy Spirit gives — Joh 16:7,8
Christ gives, in love — Re 3:19
On account of
Impenitence - Mt 11:20-24
Not understanding - Mt 16:9,11; Mr 7:18; Lu 24:25; Joh 8:43; 13:7,8
Hardness of heart - Mr 8:17; 16:14
Fearfulness - Mr 4:40; Lu 24:37,38
Unbelief - Mt 17:17,20; Mr 16:14
Vain boasting - Lu 22:34
Hypocrisy - Mt 15:7; 23:13
Reviling Christ - Lu 23:40
Unruly conduct - 1Th 5:14
Oppressing out brethren - Ne 5:7
Sinful practices - Mt 21:13; Lu 3:19; Joh 2:16
The Scriptures are profitable for — Ps 19:7-11; 2Ti 3:16
When from God
Is for correction - Ps 39:11
Is despised by the wicked - Pr 1:30
Should not discourage saints - Heb 12:5
Pray that it be not be in anger - Ps 6:1
Should be accompanied by exhortation to repentance - 1Sa 12:20-25
Declared to be
Better than secret love - Pr 27:5
Better than the praise of fools - Ec 7:5
An excellent oil - Ps 141:5
More profitable to saints, than stripes to a fool - Pr 17:10
A proof of faithful friendship — Pr 27:6
Leads to
Understanding - Pr 15:32
Knowledge - Pr 19:25
Wisdom - Pr 15:31; 29:15
Honour - Pr 13:18
Happiness - Pr 6:23
Eventually brings more respect than flattery — Pr 28:23
Of those who offend, a warning to others — Le 19:17; Ac 5:3,4,9; 1Ti 5:20; Tit 1:10,13
Hypocrites not qualified to give — Mt 7:5
Ministers are sent to give — Jer 44:4; Eze 3:17
Ministers are empowered to give — Mic 3:8
Ministers should give
Openly - 1Ti 5:20
Fearlessly - Eze 2:3-7
With all authority - Tit 2:15
With longsuffering &c - 2Ti 4:2
Unreservedly - Isa 58:1
Sharply, if necessary - Tit 1:13
With Christian love - 2Th 3:15
They who give, are hated by scorners — Pr 9:8; 15:12
Hatred of, a proof of brutishness — Pr 12:1
Hatred of, leads to destruction — Pr 15:10; 29:1
Contempt of, leads to remorse — Pr 5:12
Rejection of, leads to error — Pr 10:17
Saints should
Give - Le 19:17; Eph 5:11
Give no occasion for - Php 2:15
Receive kindly - Ps 141:5
Love those who give - Pr 9:8
Delight in those who give - Pr 24:25
Attention to a proof of prudence — Pr 15:5
Samuel - 1Sa 13:13
Nathan - 2Sa 12:7-9
Ahijah - 1Ki 14:7-11
Elijah - 1Ki 21:20
Elisha - 2Ki 5:26
Joab - 1Ch 21:3
Shemaiah - 2Ch 12:5
Hanani - 2Ch 16:7
Zechariah - 2Ch 24:20
Daniel - Da 5:22,23
John the Baptist - Mt 3:7; Lu 3:19
Stephen - Ac 7:51
Peter - Ac 8:20
Paul - 1Co 1:10-13; 5:1-5; 6:1-8; 11:17-22; Ga 2:11
Created by God — Ge 1:24,25
Made for praise and glory of God — Ps 148:10
Placed under the dominion of man — Ge 1:26
Unclean and not eaten — Le 11:31,40-43; Ac 10:11-14
Mentioned in scripture
Chameleon - Le 11:30
Lizard - Le 11:30
Tortoise - Le 11:29
Snail - Le 11:30; Ps 58:8
Frog - Ex 8:2; Re 16:13
Horseleech - Pr 30:15
Scorpion - De 8:15
Serpent - Job 26:13; Mt 7:10
Flying fiery serpent - De 8:15; Isa 30:6
Dragon - De 32:33; Job 30:29; Jer 9:11
Viper - Ac 28:3
Adder or Asp - Ps 58:4; 91:13; Pr 23:32
Cockatrice or basilisk - Isa 11:8; 59:5
Solomon wrote a history of — 1Ki 4:33
Worshipped by Gentiles — Ro 1:23
No image of similitude of, to be made for worshipping — De 4:16,18
Jews condemned for worshipping — Eze 8:10
Christ set and example of — Mt 26:39-44; Joh 12:27; 18:11
Commanded — Ps 37:7; 46:10
Should be exhibited in
Submission to the will of God - 2Sa 15:26; Ps 42:5,11; Mt 6:10
Submission to the sovereignty of God in his purposes - Ro 9:20,21
The prospect of death - Ac 21:13; 2Co 4:16-5:1
Loss of goods - Job 1:15,16,21
Loss of children - Job 1:18,19,21
Chastisements - Heb 12:9
Bodily suffering - Job 2:8-10
The wicked are devoid of — Pr 19:3
Exhortation to — Ps 37:1-11
Motives to
God's greatness - Ps 46:10
God's love - Heb 12:6
God's justice - Ne 9:33
God's wisdom - Ro 11:32,33
God's faithfulness - 1Pe 4:19
Our own sinfulness - La 3:39; Mic 7:9
Jacob - Ge 43:14
Aaron - Le 10:3
Israelites - Judg 10:15
Eli - 1Sa 3:18
David - 2Sa 12:23
Hezekiah - 2Ki 20:19
Job - Job 2:10
Stephen - Ac 7:59
Paul - Ac 21:13
Disciples - Ac 21:14
Peter - 2Pe 1:14
Resurrection, The
A doctrine of the Old Testament — Job 19:26; Ps 16:10; 49:15; Isa 26:19; Da 12:2; Ho 13:14
A first principle of the gospel — 1Co 15:13,14; Heb 6:1,2
Expected by the Jews — Joh 11:24; Heb 11:35
Denied by the Sadducees — Mt 22:23; Lu 20:27; Ac 23:8
Explained away by false teachers — 2Ti 2:18
Called in question by some in the church — 1Co 15:12
Is not incredible — Mr 12:24; Ac 26:8
Is not contrary to reason — Joh 12:24; 1Co 15:35-49
Assumed and proved by our Lord — Mt 22:29-32; Lu 14:14; Joh 5:28,29
Preached by the Apostles — Ac 4:2; 17:18; 24:15
Credibility of, shown by the resurrection of individuals — Mt 9:25; 27:53; Lu 7:14; Joh 11:44; Heb 11:35
Certainty of, proved by the resurrection of Christ — 1Co 15:12-20
Effected by the power of
God - Mt 22:29
Christ - Joh 5:28,29; 6:39,40,44
The Holy Spirit - Ro 8:11
Shall be of all the dead — Joh 5:28; Ac 24:15; Re 20:13
Saints in, shall
Rise through Christ - Joh 11:25; Ac 4:2; 1Co 15:21,22
Rise first - 1Co 15:23; 1Th 4:16
Rise to eternal life - Da 12:2; Joh 5:29
Be glorified with Christ - Col 3:4
Be as the angels - Mt 22:30
Have incorruptible bodies - 1Co 15:42
Have glorious bodies - 1Co 15:43
Have powerful bodies - 1Co 15:43
Have spiritual bodies - 1Co 15:44
Have bodies like Christ's - Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2
Be recompensed - Lu 14:14
Saints should look forward to — Da 12:13; Php 3:11; 2Co 5:1
Of saints shall be followed by the change of those then alive — 1Co 15:51; 1Th 4:17
The preaching of, caused
Mocking - Ac 17:32
Persecution - Ac 23:6; 24:11-15
Blessedness of those who have part in the first — Re 20:6
Of the wicked, shall be to
Shame and everlasting contempt - Da 12:2
Damnation - Joh 5:29
Illustrative of the new birth — Joh 5:25
Illustrated — Eze 37:1-10; 1Co 15:36,37
Resurrection of Christ, The
Foretold by the prophets — Ps 16:10; Ac 13:34,35; Isa 26:19
Foretold by Himself — Mt 20:19; Mr 9:9; 14:28; Joh 2:19-22
Was necessary to
The fulfilment of Scripture - Lu 24:45,46
Forgiveness of sins - 1Co 15:17
Justification - Ro 4:25; 8:34
Hope - 1Co 15:19
The efficacy of preaching - 1Co 15:14
The efficacy of faith - 1Co 15:14,17
A proof of his being the Son of God — Ps 2:7; Ac 13:33; Ro 1:4
Effected by
The power of God - Ac 2:24; 3:15; Ro 8:11; Eph 1:20; Col 2:12
His own power - Joh 2:19; 10:18
The power of the Holy Spirit - 1Pe 3:18
On the first day of the week — Mr 16:9
On the third day after his death — Mr 16:9
On the third day after His death — Lu 24:46; Ac 10:40; 1Co 15:4
The apostles
At first did not understand the predictions respecting - Mr 9:10; Joh 20:9
Very slow to believe - Mr 16:13; Lu 24:9,11,37,38
Reproved for their unbelief of - Mr 16:14
He appeared after to
Mary Magdalene - Mr 16:9; Joh 20:18
The women - Mt 28:9
Simon Peter - Lu 24:34
Two disciples - Lu 24:13-31
Apostles, except Thomas - Joh 20:19,24
Apostles, Thomas being present - Joh 20:26
Apostles at the sea of Tiberias - Joh 21:1
Apostles in Galilee - Mt 28:16,17
About five hundred brethren - 1Co 15:6
James - 1Co 15:7
All the Apostles - Lu 24:51; Ac 1:9; 1Co 15:7
Paul - 1Co 15:8
Fraud impossible in — Mt 27:63-66
He gave many infallible proofs of — Lu 24:35,39,43; Joh 20:20,27; Ac 1:3
Was attested by
Angels - Mt 28:5-7; Lu 24:4-7,23
Apostles - Ac 1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33
His enemies - Mt 28:11-15
Asserted and preached by the Apostles — Ac 25:19; 26:23
Begotten to a lively hope - 1Pe 1:3,21
Desire to know the power of - Php 3:10
Should keep, in remembrance - 2Ti 2:8
Shall rise in the likeness of - Ro 6:5; 1Co 15:49; Php 3:21
Is an emblem of the new birth — Ro 6:4; Col 2:12
The first-fruits of our resurrection — Ac 26:23; 1Co 15:20,23
The truth of the gospel involved in — 1Co 15:14,15
Followed by his exaltation — Ac 4:10,11; Ro 8:34; Eph 1:20; Php 2:9,10; Re 1:18
An assurance of the judgment — Ac 17:31
Isaac - Ge 22:13; Heb 11:19
Jonah - Jon 2:10; Mt 12:40
Reuben, the Tribe Of
Descended from Jacob's first son — Ge 29:32
Predictions respecting — Ge 49:4; De 33:6
Persons selected from
To number the people - Nu 1:5
To spy out the land - Nu 13:4
Strength of, on leaving Egypt — Nu 1:20,21
Led the second division of Israel in their journey's — Nu 10:18
Encamped with its standard south of the tabernacle — Nu 2:10
Offering of, at the dedication — Nu 7:30-35
Families of — Nu 26:5,6,8,9
Obtained inheritance east of Jordan on condition of helping to conquer Canaan — Nu 32:1-33; De 3:18-20
Bounds of their inheritance — De 3:16,17; Jos 13:15-23
Strength of, at the time of receiving their inheritance — Nu 26:7
Cities built by — Nu 32:37,38
On Ebal, said amen to the curses — De 27:13
Dismissed by Joshua after the conquest of Canaan — Jos 22:1-9
Assisted in building the altar of witness which offended the other tribes — Jos 22:10-29
Did not assist against Sisera — Judg 5:15,16
Some of, at David's coronation — 1Ch 12:37,38
Officers appointed over, by David — 1Ch 26:32; 27:16
Took land of the Hagarites — 1Ch 5:10,18-22
Invaded and conquered by Hazael king of Syria — 2Ki 10:32,33
Carried away by Tiglathpileser — 2Ki 15:29; 1Ch 5:6,26
Remarkable persons of
Dathan, Abiram, and On - Nu 16:1; 26:9,10
Adina &c - 1Ch 11:42
Forbidden by our Lord — Le 19:18; Pr 24:17,29; Mt 5:39-41; Ro 12:17,19; 1Th 5:15; 1Pe 3:9
Christ an example of forbearing — Isa 53:7; 1Pe 2:23
Rebuked by Christ — Lu 9:54,55
Inconsistent with Christian spirit — Lu 9:55
Proceeds from a spiteful heart — Eze 25:15
Instead of taking, we should
Trust in God - Pr 20:22; Ro 12:16
Exhibit love - Le 19:18; Lu 6:35
Give place to wrath - Ro 12:19
Exercise forbearance - Mt 5:38-41
Bless - Ro 12:14
Overcome others by kindness - Pr 25:21,22; Ro 12:20
Keep others from taking — 1Sa 24:10; 25:24-31; 26:9
Be thankful for being kept from taking — 1Sa 25:32,33
The wicked are earnest after — Jer 20:10
Punishment for — Eze 25:15-17; Am 1:11,12
Simon and Levi - Ge 34:25
Samson - Judg 15:7,8; 16:28-30
Joab - 2Sa 3:27
Absalom - 2Sa 13:23-29
Jezebel - 1Ki 19:2
Ahab - 1Ki 22:26
Haman - Es 3:8-15
Edomites - Eze 25:12
Philistines - Eze 25:15
Herodias - Mr 6:19-24
James and John - Lu 9:54
Chief priests - Ac 5:33
Jews - Ac 7:54,59; 23:12
Reviling and Reproaching
Forbidden — 1Pe 3:9
Of rulers specially forbidden — Ex 22:28; Ac 23:4,5
The wicked utter, against
God - Ps 74:22; 79:12
God, by opposing the poor - Pr 14:31
Christ - Mt 27:39; Lu 7:34
Saints - Ps 102:8; Zep 2:8
Rulers - 2Pe 2:10,11; Jude 1:8,9
Of Christ, predicted — Ps 69:9; Ro 15:3; Ps 89:51
The conduct of Christ under — 1Pe 2:23
Endure - 1Ti 4:10; Heb 10:33
Endure for God's sake - Ps 69:7
Endure for Christ's sake - Lu 6:22
Should expect - Mt 10:25
Should not fear - Isa 51:7
Sometimes depressed by - Ps 42:10,11; 44:16; 69:20
May take pleasure in - 2Co 12:10
Supported under - 2Co 12:10
Trust in God under - Ps 57:3; 119:42
Pray under - 2Ki 19:4,16; Ps 89:50
Return blessings for - 1Co 4:12; 1Pe 3:9
Ministers should not fear — Eze 2:6
Happiness of enduring, for Christ's sake — 1Pe 4:14
Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake — Mt 5:11; Lu 6:22
Excludes from heaven — 1Co 6:10
Punishment for — Zep 2:8,9; Mt 5:22
Joseph's brethren - Ge 37:19
Goliath - 1Sa 17:43
Michal - 2Sa 6:20
Shimei - 2Sa 16:7,8
Sennacherib - Isa 37:17,23,24
Moabites and Ammonites - Zep 2:8
Pharisees - Mt 12:24
Jews - Mt 27:39,40; Joh 8:48
Malefactor - Lu 23:39
Athenian philosophers - Ac 17:18
Reward of Saints, The
Is from God — Ro 2:7; Col 3:24; Heb 11:6
Is of grace, through faith alone — Ro 4:4,5,16; 11:6
Is of God's good pleasure — Mt 20:14,15; Lu 12:32
Prepared by God — Heb 11:16
Prepared by Christ — Joh 14:2
As servants of Christ — Col 3:24
Not on account of their merits — Ro 4:4,5
Described as
Being with Christ - Joh 12:26; 14:3; Php 1:23; 1Th 4:17
Beholding the face of God - Ps 17:15; Mt 5:8; Re 22:4
Beholding the glory of Christ - Joh 17:24
Being glorified with Christ - Ro 8:17,18; Col 3:4; Php 3:21; 1Jo 3:2
Sitting in judgment with Christ - Da 7:22; Mt 19:28; Lu 22:30; 1Co 6:2
Reigning with Christ - 2Ti 2:12; Re 3:21; 5:10; 20:4
Reigning for ever and ever - Re 22:5
A crown of righteousness - 2Ti 4:8
A crown of glory - 1Pe 5:4
A crown of life - Jas 1:12; Re 2:10
An incorruptible crown - 1Co 9:25
Joint heirship with Christ - Ro 8:17
Inheritance of all things - Re 21:7
Inheritance with saints in light - Ac 20:32; 26:18; Col 1:12
Inheritance eternal - Heb 9:15
Inheritance incorruptible - 1Pe 1:4
A kingdom - Mt 25:34; Lu 22:29
A kingdom immovable - Heb 12:28
Shining as the stars - Da 12:3
Everlasting light - Isa 60:19
Everlasting life - Lu 18:30; Joh 6:40; 17:2,3; Ro 2:7; 6:23; 1Jo 5:11
An enduring substance - Heb 10:34
A house eternal in the heavens - 2Co 5:1
A city which had foundation - Heb 11:10
Entering into the joy of the Lord - Mt 25:21; Heb 12:2
Rest - Heb 4:9; Re 14:13
Fulness of joy - Ps 16:11
The prize of the high calling of God in Christ - Php 3:14
Treasure in heaven - Mt 19:21; Lu 12:33
An eternal weight of glory - 2Co 4:17
Is great — Mt 5:12; Lu 6:35; Heb 10:35
Is full — 2Jo 1:8
Is sure — Pr 11:18
Is satisfying — Ps 17:15
Is inestimable — Isa 64:4; 1Co 2:9
Saints may feel confident of — Ps 73:24; Isa 25:8,9; 2Co 5:1; 2Ti 4:8
Hope of, a cause of rejoicing — Ro 5:2
Be careful not to lose — 2Jo 1:8
The prospect of, should lead to
Diligence - 2Jo 1:8
Pressing forward - Php 3:14
Enduring suffering for Christ - 2Co 4:16-18; Heb 11:26
Faithfulness to death - Re 2:10
Present afflictions not to be compared with — Ro 8:18; 2Co 5:17
Shall be given at the second coming of Christ — Mt 16:27; Re 22:12
The true riches — Eph 3:8; 1Co 1:30; Col 2:3; 1Pe 2:7
God gives — 1Sa 2:7; Ec 5:19
To God belongs this world's riches — Hag 2:8
God gives power to obtain — De 8:18
The blessing of the Lord brings — Pr 10:22
Give worldly power — Pr 22:7
Described as
Temporary - Pr 27:24
Uncertain - 1Ti 6:17
Unsatisfying - Ec 4:8; 5:10
Corruptible - Jas 5:2; 1Pe 1:18
Fleeting - Pr 23:5; Re 18:16,17
Deceitful - Mt 13:22
Liable to be stolen - Mt 6:19
Perishable - Jer 48:36
Thick clay - Hab 2:6
Often an obstruction to the reception of the gospel — Mr 10:23-25
Deceitfulness of, chokes the word — Mt 13:22
The love of, the root of all evil — 1Ti 6:10
Often lead to
Pride - Eze 28:5; Ho 12:8
Forgetting God - De 8:13,14
Denying God - Pr 30:8,9
Forsaking God - De 32:15
Rebelling against God - Ne 9:25,26
Rejecting Christ - Mt 19:22; 10:22
Self-sufficiency - Pr 28:11
Anxiety - Ec 5:12
An overbearing spirit - Pr 18:23
Violence - Mic 6:12
Oppression - Jas 2:6
Fraud - Jas 5:4
Sensual indulgence - Lu 16:19; Jas 5:5
Life consists not in abundance of — Lu 12:15
Be not over-anxious for — Pr 30:8
Labour not for — Pr 23:4
They who covet
Fall into temptation and a snare - 1Ti 6:9
Fall into hurtful lusts - 1Ti 6:9
Err from the faith - 1Ti 6:10
Use unlawful means to acquire - Pr 28:20
Bring trouble on themselves - 1Ti 6:10
Bring trouble on their families - Pr 15:27
Profit not in the day of wrath — Pr 11:4
Cannot secure prosperity — Jas 1:11
Cannot redeem the soul — Ps 49:6-9; 1Pe 1:18
Cannot deliver in the day of God's wrath — Zep 1:18; Re 6:15-17
They who possess, should
Ascribe them to God - 1Ch 29:12
Not trust in them - Job 31:24; 1Ti 6:17
Not set the heart on them - Ps 62:10
Not boast of obtaining them - De 8:17
Not glory in them - Jer 9:23
Not hoard them up - Mt 6:19
Devote them to God's service - 1Ch 29:3; Mr 12:42-44
Give of them to the poor - Mt 19:21; 1Jo 3:17
Use them in promoting the salvation of others - Lu 16:9
Be liberal in all things - 1Ti 6:18
Esteem it a privilege to be allowed to give - 1Ch 29:14
Not to be high-minded - 1Ti 6:17
When converted, rejoice in being humbled - Jas 1:9,10
Heavenly treasures superior to — Mt 6:19,20
Of the wicked laid up for the just — Pr 13:22
The wicked
Often increase in - Ps 73:12
Often spend their day in - Job 21:13
Swallow down - Job 20:15
Trust in the abundance of - Ps 52:7
Heap up - Job 27:16; Ps 39:6; Ec 2:26
Keep, to their hurt - Ec 5:13
Boast themselves in - Ps 49:6; 52:7
Profit not by - Pr 11:4; 13:7; Ec 5:11
Have trouble with - Pr 15:6; 1Ti 6:9,10
Must leave, to others - Ps 49:10
Vanity of heaping up — Ps 39:6; Ec 5:10,11
Guilt of trusting in — Job 31:24,28; Eze 28:4,5,8
Guilt of rejoicing in — Job 31:25,28
Denunciations against those who
Get, by vanity - Pr 13:11; 21:6
Get, unlawfully - Jer 17:11
Increase, by oppression - Pr 22:16; Hab 2:6-8; Mic 2:2,3
Hoard up - Ec 5:13,14; Jas 5:3
Trust in - Pr 11:28
Receive their consolation - Lu 6:24
Abuse - Jas 5:1,5
Spend, upon their appetite - Job 20:15-17
Folly and danger of trusting to — Illustrated - Lu 12:16-21
Danger of misusing — Illustrated — Lu 16:19-25
Examples of saints possessing
Abram - Ge 13:2
Lot - Ge 13:5,6
Isaac - Ge 26:13,14
Jacob - Ge 32:5,10
Joseph - Ge 45:8,13
Boaz - Ru 2:1
Barzillai - 2Sa 19:32
Shunammite - 2Ki 4:8
David - 1Ch 29:28
Jehoshaphat - 2Ch 17:5
Hezekiah - 2Ch 32:27-29
Job - Job 1:3
Joseph of Arimathea - Mt 27:57
Zacchaeus - Lu 19:2
Dorcas - Ac 9:36
Examples of those truly rich — Mt 5:8; 8:10; 13:45,46; Lu 10:42; Joh 1:45; Php 3:8; Jas 2:5; 1Pe 2:7; Re 3:18
Examples of wicked men possessing
Laban - Ge 30:30
Esau - Ge 36:7
Nabal - 1Sa 25:2
Haman - Es 5:11
Ammonites - Jer 49:4
People of Tyre - Eze 28:5
Young man - Mt 19:22
Is obedience to God's law — De 6:25; Ro 10:5; Lu 1:6; Ps 1:2
God loves — Ps 11:7
God looks for — Isa 5:7
Is the Son of - Mal 4:2
Loves - Ps 45:7; Heb 1:9
Was girt with - Isa 11:5
Put on, as breast-plate - Isa 59:17
Was sustained by - Isa 59:16
Preached - Ps 40:9
Fulfilled all - Mt 3:15
Is made to his people - 1Co 1:30
Is the end of the law for - Ro 10:4
Has brought in everlasting - Da 9:24
Shall judge with - Ps 72:2; Isa 11:4; Ac 17:31; Re 19:11
Shall reign in - Ps 45:6; Isa 32:1; Heb 1:8
Shall execute - Ps 99:4; Jer 23:6
None, by nature have — Job 15:14; Ps 14:3; Ro 3:10
Cannot come by the law — Ga 2:21; 3:21
No justification by works of — Ro 3:20; 9:31,32; Ga 2:16
No salvation by works of — Eph 2:8,9; 2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5
Unregenerate man seeks justification by works of — Lu 18:9; Ro 10:3
The blessing of God is not to be attributed to our works of — De 9:5
Have, in Christ - Isa 45:24; 54:17; 2Co 5:21
Have, imputed - Ro 4:11,22
Are covered with the robe of - Isa 61:10
Receive, from God - Ps 24:5
Are renewed in - Eph 4:24
Are led in the paths of - Ps 23:3
Are servants of - Ro 6:16,18
Characterised by - Ge 18:25; Ps 1:5,6
Know - Isa 51:7
Do - 1Jo 2:29; 3:7
Work, by faith - Heb 11:33
Follow after - Isa 51:1
Put on - Job 29:14
Wait for the hope of - Ga 5:5
Pray for the spirit of - Ps 51:10
Hunger and thirst after - Mt 5:6
Walk before God in - 1Ki 3:6
Offer the sacrifice of - Ps 4:5; 51:19
Put no trust in their own - Php 3:6-8
Count their own, as filthy rags - Isa 64:6
Should seek - Zep 2:3
Should live in - Tit 2:12; 1Pe 2:24
Should serve God in - Lu 1:75
Should yield their members as instruments of - Ro 6:13
Should yield their members servants to - Ro 6:19
Should have on the breast-plate of - Eph 6:14
Shall receive a crown of — 2Ti 4:8
Shall see God's face in — Ps 17:15
Of saints endures forever — Ps 112:3,9; 2Co 9:9
An evidence of the new birth — 1Jo 2:29
The kingdom of God is — Ro 14:17
The fruit of the Spirit is in all — Eph 5:9
The Scriptures instruct in — 2Ti 3:16
Judgments designed to lead to — Isa 26:9
Chastisements yield the fruit of — Heb 12:11
Has no fellowship with unrighteousness — 2Co 6:14
Ministers should
Be preachers of - 2Pe 2:5
Reason of - Ac 24:25
Follow after - 1Ti 6:11; 2Ti 2:22
Be clothed with - Ps 132:9
Be armed with - 2Co 6:7
Pray for the fruit of, in their people - 2Co 9:10; Php 1:11
Keep saints in the right way — Pr 11:5; 13:6
Judgment should be executed in — Le 19:15
They who walk in, and follow
Are righteous - 1Jo 3:7
Are the excellent of the earth - Ps 16:3; Pr 12:26
Are accepted with God - Ac 10:35
Are loved by God - Ps 146:8; Pr 15:9
Are blessed by God - Ps 5:12
Are heard by God - Lu 18:7; Jas 5:16
Are objects of God's watchful care - Job 36:7; Ps 34:15; Pr 10:3; 1Pe 3:12
Are tried by God - Ps 11:5
Are exalted by God - Job 36:7
Dwell in security - Isa 33:15,16
Are bold as a lion - Pr 28:1
Are delivered out of all troubles - Ps 34:19; Pr 11:8
Are never forsaken by God - Ps 37:25
Are abundantly provided for - Pr 13:25; Mt 6:25-33
Are enriched - Ps 112:3; Pr 15:6
Think and desire good - Pr 11:23; 12:5
Know the secret of the Lord - Ps 25:14; Pr 3:32
Have their prayers heard - Ps 34:17; Pr 15:29; 1Pe 3:12
Have their desires granted - Pr 10:24
Find it with life and honour - Pr 21:21
Shall hold on their way - Job 17:9
Shall never be moved - Ps 15:2,5; 55:22; Pr 10:30; 12:3
Shall be ever remembered - Ps 112:6
Shall flourish as a branch - Pr 11:28
Shall be glad in the Lord — Ps 64:10
Brings its own reward — Pr 11:18; Isa 3:10
Tends to life — Pr 11:19; 12:28
The work of, shall be peace — Isa 32:17
The effect of, shall be quietness and assurance for ever — Isa 32:17
Is a crown of glory to the aged — Pr 16:31
The wicked
Are far from - Ps 119:150; Isa 46:12
Are free from - Ro 6:20
Are enemies of - Ac 13:10
Leave off - Am 5:7; Ps 36:3
Follow not after - Ro 9:30
Do not - 1Jo 3:10
Do not obey - Ro 2:8; 2Th 2:12
Love lying rather than - Ps 52:3
Make mention of God, not it - Isa 48:1
Though favoured, will not learn - Isa 26:10; Ps 106:43
Speak contemptuously against those who follow - Ps 31:18; Mt 27:39-44
Hate those who follow - Ps 34:21
Slay those who follow - Ps 37:32; 1Jo 3:12; Mt 23:35
Should break off their sins by - Da 4:27
Should awake to - 1Co 15:34
Should sow to themselves in - Ho 10:12
Vainly wish to die as those who follow - Nu 23:10
The throne of kings established by — Pr 16:12; 25:5
Nations exalted by — Pr 14:34
Blessedness of
Having imputed, without works - Ro 4:6
Doing - Ps 106:3
Hungering and thirsting after - Mt 5:6
Suffering for - 1Pe 3:14
Being persecuted for - Mt 5:10
Turning others to - Da 12:3
Promised to the Church — Isa 32:16; 45:8; 61:11; 62:1
Promised to saints — Isa 60:21; 61:3
Jacob - Ge 30:33
David - 2Sa 22:21
Zacharias - Lu 1:6
Abel - Heb 11:4
Lot - 2Pe 2:8
Righteousness Imputed
Predicted — Isa 56:1; Eze 16:14
Revealed in the gospel — Ro 1:17
Is of the Lord — Isa 54:17
Described as
The righteousness of faith - Ro 4:13; 9:30; 10:6
The righteousness of God, without the law - Ro 3:21
The righteousness of God by faith in Christ - Ro 3:22
Christ being made righteousness to us - 1Co 1:30
Our being made the righteousness of God, in Christ - 2Co 5:21
Christ is the end of the law for — Ro 10:4
Christ called THE LORD OF OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS — Jer 23:6
Christ brings in an everlasting righteousness — Da 9:24
Is a free gift — Ro 5:17
God's righteousness never to be abolished — Isa 5:16
The promises made through — Ro 4:13
Have, on believing - Ro 4:5,11,24
Clothed with the robe of righteousness - Isa 61:10
Exalted in righteousness - Ps 89:16
Desire to be found in - Php 3:9
Glory in having - Isa 45:24,25
Exhortation to seek righteousness — Mt 6:33
The Gentiles attained to — Ro 9:30
Blessedness of those who have — Ro 4:6
The Jews
Ignorant of - Ro 10:3
Stumble at righteousness by faith - Ro 9:32
Submit not to - Ro 10:3
Abraham - Ro 4:9,22; Ga 3:6
Paul - Php 3:7-9
Righteousness of God, The
Is part of his character — Ps 7:9; 116:5; 119:137
Described as
Very high - Ps 71:19
Abundant - Ps 48:10
Beyond computation - Ps 71:15
Everlasting - Ps 119:142
Enduring for ever - Ps 111:3
The habitation of his throne - Ps 97:2
Christ acknowledged — Joh 17:25
Christ committed his cause to — 1Pe 2:23
Angels acknowledge — Re 16:5
Exhibited in
His testimonies - Ps 119:138,144
His commandments - De 4:8; Ps 119:172
His judgments - Ps 19:9; 119:7,62
His word - Ps 119:123
His ways - Ps 145:17
His acts - Judg 5:11; 1Sa 12:7
His government - Ps 96:13; 98:9
The gospel - Ps 85:10; Ro 3:25,26
The final judgment - Ac 17:31
The punishment of the wicked - Ro 2:5; 2Th 1:6; Re 16:7; 19:2
Shown to the posterity of saints — Ps 103:17
Shown openly before the heathen — Ps 98:2
God delights in the exercise of — Jer 9:24
The heavens shall declare — Ps 50:6; 97:6
Ascribe, to him - Job 36:3; Da 9:7
Acknowledge, in his dealings - Ezr 9:15
Acknowledge, though the wicked prosper - Jer 12:1; Ps 73:12-17
Recognise, in the fulfilment of his promises - Ne 9:8
Confident of beholding - Mic 7:9
Upheld by - Isa 41:10
Do not conceal - Ps 40:10
Mention, only - Ps 71:16
Talk of - Ps 35:28; 71:15,24
Declare to others - Ps 22:31
Magnify - Ps 7:17; 51:14; 145:7
Plead in prayer - Ps 143:11; Da 9:16
Leads God to love righteousness — Ps 11:7
We should pray
To be led in - Ps 5:8
To be quickened in - Ps 119:40
To be delivered in - Ps 31:1; 71:2
To be answered in - Ps 143:1
To be judged according to - Ps 35:24
For its continued manifestation - Ps 36:10
His care and defence of his people designed to teach — Mic 6:4,5
The wicked have no interest in — Ps 69:27
Illustrated — Ps 36:6
Antiquity of — Ge 24:22; 38:18
Made of gold and set with precious stones — Nu 31:50,51; Song 5:14
Were worn
On the hands - Ge 41:42
On the arms - 2Sa 1:10
In the ears - Job 42:11; Ho 2:13; Eze 16:12
In the nose - Isa 3:21
Rich men distinguished by — Jas 2:2
Women of rank adorned with — Isa 3:16,21
Of kings
Used for sealing decrees - Es 3:12; 8:8,10
Given to favourites as a mark of honour - Ge 41:42; Es 3:10; 8:2
Numbers of, taken from Midianites — Nu 31:50
Of the glory of Christ - Song 5:14
(Put on the hands,) of favour - Lu 15:22
Source of — Job 28:10; Ps 104:8,10
Enclosed within banks — Da 12:5
Flow through valleys — Ps 104:8,10
Some of
Great and mighty - Ge 15:18; Ps 74:15
Deep - Eze 47:5; Zec 10:11
Broad - Isa 33:21
Rapid - Judg 5:21
Parted into many streams - Ge 2:10; Isa 11:5
Run into the sea — Ec 1:7; Eze 47:8
God's power over, unlimited — Isa 50:2; Na 1:4
Useful for
Supplying drink to the people - Jer 2:18
Commerce - Isa 23:3
Promoting vegetation - Ge 2:10
Bathing - Ex 2:5
Baptism often performed in — Mt 3:6
Of Canaan abounded with fish — Le 11:9,10
Banks of
Covered with flags - Ex 2:3,5
Planted with trees - Eze 47:7
Frequented by doves - Song 5:12
Frequented by wild beasts - Jer 49:19
Places of common resort - Ps 137:1
Frequently overflowed - Jos 3:15; 1Ch 12:15
Peculiarly fruitful - Ps 1:3; Isa 32:20
Gardens often made beside — Nu 24:6
Cities often built beside — Ps 46:4; 137:1
Often the boundaries of kingdoms — Jos 22:25; 1Ki 4:24
Mentioned in scripture
Of Eden - Ge 2:10
Of Jotbath - De 10:7
Of Ethiopia - Isa 18:1
Of Babylon - Ps 137:1
Of Egypt - Ge 15:18
Of Damascus - 2Ki 5:12
Of Ahava - Ezr 8:15
Of Judah - Joe 3:18
Of Philippi - Ac 16:13
Abana - 2Ki 5:12
Arnon - De 2:36; Jos 12:1
Chebar - Eze 1:1,3; 10:15,20
Euphrates - Ge 2:14
Gihon - Ge 2:13
Gozan - 2Ki 17:6; 1Ch 5:26
Hiddekel - Ge 2:14
Jabbok - De 2:37; Jos 12:2
Jordan - Jos 3:8; 2Ki 5:10
Kanah - Jos 16:8
Kishon - Judg 5:21
Pharpar - 2Ki 5:12
Pison - Ge 2:11
Ulai - Da 8:16
Many, fordable in some places — Ge 32:22; Jos 2:7; Isa 16:2
Of the abundance of grace in Christ - Isa 32:2; Joh 1:16
Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit - Ps 46:4; Isa 41:18; 43:19,20; Joh 7:38,39
Of heavy afflictions - Ps 69:2; Isa 43:2
Of abundance - Job 20:17; 29:6
Of people flying from judgments - Isa 23:10
(Steady course of,) of peace of saints - Isa 66:12
(Fruitfulness of trees planted by,) of the permanent prosperity of saints - Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8
(Drying up of,) of God's judgments - Isa 19:1-8; Jer 51:36; Na 1:4; Zec 10:11
(Overflowing of,) of God's judgments - Isa 8:7,8; 28:2,18; Jer 47:2
Often composed of Flint — De 8:15; 32:13
Described as
Hard - Jer 5:3
Durable - Job 19:24
Barren - Eze 26:4,14; Am 6:12; Lu 8:6
Often sharp-pointed and craggy — 1Sa 14:4
Often had holes and clefts — Ex 33:22
Were a defence to a country — Isa 33:16
Dreaded by mariners — Ac 27:20
Inhabited by
Wild goats - Job 39:1
Conies - Ps 104:18; Pr 30:26
Doves - Song 2:14; Jer 48:28
Eagles - Job 39:28; Jer 49:16
The olive tree flourished amongst — De 32:13; Job 29:6
Bees often made their honey amongst — De 32:13; Ps 81:16
Used as
Altars - Judg 6:20,21,26; 13:19
Places for idolatrous worship - Isa 57:5
Places of Observation - Ex 33:21; Nu 23:9
Places of safety in danger - 1Sa 13:6; Isa 2:19; Jer 16:16; Re 6:15
Places for shelter by the poor in their distress - Job 24:8; 30:3,6
The shadow of, grateful to travellers during the heat of the day — Isa 32:2
Houses often built on — Mt 7:24,25
Tombs often hewn out of — Isa 22:16; Mt 27:60
Important events often engraved upon — Job 19:24
Mentioned in scripture
Adullam - 1Ch 11:15
Bozez - 1Sa 14:4
Engedi - 1Sa 24:1,2
Etam - Judg 15:8
Horeb in Rephidim - Ex 17:1-6
Meribah in Kadesh - Nu 20:1-11
Oreb - Judg 7:25; Isa 10:26
Rimmon - Judg 20:45
Seneh - 1Sa 14:4
Selahammahlekoth in the wilderness of Maon - 1Sa 23:25,28
Selah in the valley of salt - 2Ki 14:7; 2Ch 25:11,12
Man's industry in cutting through — Job 28:9,10
Hammers used for breaking — Jer 23:29
Casting down from, a punishment — 2Ch 25:12
Miracles connected with
Water brought from - Ex 17:6; Nu 20:11
Fire ascended out of - Judg 6:21
Broken in pieces by the wind - 1Ki 19:11
Rent at the death of Christ - Mt 27:51
God's power exhibited in removing — Job 14:18; Na 1:6
Illustrative of
God as creator of his people - De 32:18
God as the strength of his people - Ps 18:1,2; 67:2; Isa 17:10
God as defence of his people - Ps 31:2,3
God as refuge of his people - Ps 94:22
God as salvation of his people - De 32:15; Ps 89:26; 95:1
Christ as refuge of his people - Isa 32:2
Christ as foundation of his church - Mt 16:18; 1Pe 2:6
Christ as source of spiritual gifts - 1Co 10:4
Christ as a stumbling stone to the wicked - Isa 8:14; Ro 9:33; 1Pe 2:8
A place of safety - Ps 27:5; 40:2
Whatever we trust in - De 32:31,37
The ancestor of a nation - Isa 51:1
Roe, The
Clean and fit for food — De 12:15; 14:5
Male of, called the roebuck — 1Ki 4:23
Described as
Cheerful - Pr 5:19
Wild - 2Sa 2:18
Swift - 1Ch 12:8
Inhabits the mountains — 1Ch 12:8
Often hunted by men — Pr 6:5
Illustrative of
Christ - Song 2:9,17
The church - Song 4:5; 7:3
A good wife - Pr 5:19
The swift of foot - 2Sa 2:18
Roman Empire, The
Called the world from its extent — Lu 2:1
Represented by the
Legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's vision - Da 2:33,40
Terrible beast in Daniel's vision - Da 7:7,19
Rome the capitol of — Ac 18:2; 19:21
Judea a province of, under a procurator or a governor — Lu 3:2; Ac 23:34,26; 25:1
Allusions to military affairs of
Strict obedience to superiors - Mt 8:8,9
Use of the panoply or defensive armour - Ro 13:12; 2Co 6:7; Eph 6:11-17
Soldiers not allowed to entangle themselves with earthly cares - 2Ti 2:4
Hardship endured by soldiers - 2Ti 2:3
The soldier's special comrade who shared his toils and dangers - Php 2:25
Danger of sentinels' sleeping - Mt 28:13,14
Expunging from the muster roll name of soldiers guilty of crimes - Re 3:5
Crowning of soldiers who distinguished themselves - 2Ti 4:7,8
Triumphs of victorious generals - 2Co 2:14-16; Col 2:15
Different military officers - Ac 21:31; 23:23,24
Italian and Augustus' band - Ac 10:1; 27:1
Allusions to judicial affairs of
Person accused, examined by scourging - Ac 22:24,29
Criminals delivered over to the soldiers for execution - Mt 27:26,27
Accusation in writing placed over the head of those executed - Joh 19:19
Garments of those executed given to the soldiers - Mt 27:35; Joh 19:23
Prisoners chained to soldiers for safety - Ac 21:33; 12:6; 2Ti 1:16; Ac 28:16
Accusers and accused confronted together - Ac 23:35; 25:16-19
Accused person protected from popular violence - Ac 23:20,24-27
Power of life and death vested in its authorities - Joh 18:31,39,40; 19:10
All appeals made to the emperor - Ac 25:11,12
Those who appealed to Caesar, to be brought before him - Ac 26:32
Allusions to citizenship of
Obtained by purchase - Ac 22:28
Obtained by birth - Ac 22:28
Exempted from the degradation scourging - Ac 16:37,38; 22:25
Allusions to grecian game adapted by
Gladiatorial fights - 1Co 4:9; 15:32
Foot races - 1Co 9:24; Php 2:16; 3:11-14; Heb 12:1,2
Wrestling - Eph 6:12
Training of combatants - 1Co 9:25,27
Crowning of conquerors - 1Co 9:25; Php 3:14; 2Ti 4:8
Rules observed in conducting - 2Ti 2:5
Emperors of, mentioned
Tiberius - Lu 3:1
Augustus - Lu 2:1
Claudius - Ac 11:28
Nero - Php 4:22; 2Ti 4:22
Predictions respecting
Its universal dominion - Da 7:23
Its division into ten parts - Da 2:41-43; 7:20,24
Origin of papal power in - Da 7:8,20-25