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DREAM & PROPHECY - 8/22/2020

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This night/early morning I had a dream/vision where I had a very strong encounter with a very dark force. In the dream/vision, I was resting somewhere and suddenly I felt a strong force came over me and it started to muffle me and put so much pressure on me to try to shut my voice to where I couldn’t speak and bound my movement in every way. I was struggling to move and try to speak and pray against this force but I couldn’t move or speak. So I tried to call for help. I knew my husband was near and I wanted to call him for help to pray with me but I could not speak and I could not move to get him to help me. So with this pressure to shut my voice and my movements upon me, I started to pray within my spirit. I started rebuking this demonic pressure that was put upon me. As I prayed I could hear my voice started to get stronger and stronger and started to take effect and I continued to pray and I started to pray louder and louder and suddenly the power of Lord came upon me and I started to pray stronger in the spirit and it brought forth a breakthrough and brought forth deliverance and clearances from the strongholds and the pressures. The demonic pressure was removed, gone and taken away from us and then the prophecy came forth that “The Lord rebuked satan and his demonic activities to his face and condemned satan that he no longer has power over the earth and over the people and that the work was finished in Jesus Christ and that judgment will come upon the earth for the whole world and in all the nations. Each one for their works and that his people, those who called upon Him, will also be judged and protected accordingly.”

-When I woke up that morning from the dream. My husband hurriedly came to me and shared with me that he had recorded me talking in my dream and that he had recorded some of the words that he heard me saying in the dream.

(Audio of recorded part of dream will be posted in the comment as soon I as I can figure how to load it up)

-Written Words from Audio recorded of a dream by the husband:

"For those who call my name in vain

I will judge my house

There will not be a stone left unturned

Not a Stone left upon another

But I will lift the lowly

I will Lift those who have faith

Who cry out in their spirits and in their souls

I will hear their cries but I will Judge my people

Those who stand in position I will judge

I will test them with fire I will judge

Those who deceive my people I will judge

For there will be days of wrath and of judgment

There will be endless mourning and endless cries

But I will put my hands upon my people

The righteousness will shine just like the days of old where Israel will not be judge or touch

But I will judge the nations

I will judge the nations

Satan the LORD rebukes you

For your lies has reached to the heavens

Your filth and darkness has reached to the heavens

The LORD God has heard His people cry

For the days of judgment shall come upon the kingdom of darkness

For the darkness shall be exposed

The lies shall be exposed

The filth shall be exposed

There will be a cast down of the high and mighty

There will be a nation [?] cast down

All those who have power, money, and positions will be cast down

I will make the valley straight

I will overthrow the mountains and the high places

I will make plain those who call in power

But there will be a judgment upon the nations, upon the people, upon the unrighteous

For the faithful will shine but I will be in my people

They will rise up in my name for they have been faithful

They wait for the days of my coming and they shall see the days of my coming... "


My husband dreams the day after.

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