Cyndie Tran's Testimony

My name is Cyndie Tuyen Thi Tran. I am Vietnamese. I would like to use this opportunity to share with you a brief testimony concerning my life and the ministry which the Lord has placed upon me.
In July of 2002, I was almost 30 years old. I had a wonderful visitation from the Lord at about 12:30 AM during my prayer time. I was in my routine hour of prayer, praying what I had been taught to pray. But this night, something different happened. My heart was moved to pray a different prayer. It was unlike any prayer I had ever prayed before. No one had ever told me nor had I seen or heard these words before. My heart was so moved that I put my hands together, closed my eyes and prayed. “Lord, I want you to come into my heart . I want you to come into my life, guide me, and lead me in the way I should walk.”
After I prayed that prayer, I stood up. I wanted to go to sleep because it was late. As I stood up, I felt a strong presence come into me like a mighty gust of wind blowing at me, wanting to push me down. It didn’t go through me. Instead, it went right in me and overcame me. I was knocked back down by this mighty presence that went in me. God wanted me to feel His entrance, and He did not want me to doubt that it really happened. As I was knocked back down, every bit of my strength left me. I felt a numbness that went through my entire body. I felt powerless, but I was not unconscious. I knew and felt everything that was happening to me. For a few moments, I was overcome by this powerful presence and was powerless. I couldn’t move my body. As I was lying there feeling this wonderful heavenly experience surrounding me and not knowing at the time what it was, I just felt a peace overcome me that night. Even though I didn’t really understand why this was happening to me, with every bit of my heart, I knew I felt something wonderful that night. After a few moments, I recovered from the experience, and with this wonderful feeling now in my heart, I got up and walked from the living room where I was praying to my bedroom to go to sleep. Even though I knew for certain I was walking, with the rich and powerful presence that was in my house that night, I felt as though I was floating to my bedroom.
From that moment on, the Lord started to reveal to me what was going to happen in my life. He led me to read His words immediately, and I devoured the entire Bible in about a month and a half without skipping a single word. The ministry works which He had planned for me started immediately. He started to show me dreams and visions of things that were to come, and who I was going to see. Quickly, He began to work in my life. He showed me the times before I had known Him. I could see that He had always been there, preparing me for the day that He would reveal Himself to me. In almost 30 years of my life, 22 of those years I lived in America, but I couldn’t remember if anyone ever approached me with the message of Jesus Christ. Even if they did, I saw no power in the way they witnessed. Because I remembered not wanting to know what they had to say or offer. I had never watched one show on TV concerning salvation. I had thought about it and wondered why. Then the Lord revealed to me that He had kept me until the appointed time. Then, He reminded me of the words which He had spoken to me through my teacher when I was in beauty school.
In 1992, when I was in beauty school, I was taking a course in learning how to be a manicurist. I had a wonderful sweet teacher who was older but was a gentle soul. One day when the whole class was there, she decided to tell everyone about their lives and what was to become of them. As she looked at me, she began to tell me what was going to happen to me when I turned 29 or 30 years of age, but since I had been taught that I should not listen to people trying to tell my future. I rebuked her. I told her that I didn’t want to hear what she had to say, and she should keep it to herself. However, the Lord was persistent through her that day. She refused to listen to me and said, 'I’ll tell you anyway.' I was in the room and couldn’t go anywhere. She started to tell me that when I am 29 or 30 years old, someone high and mighty was going to love me so much. 'Oh! what a love!' She said, 'and because I loved my husband and children and that this person was going to help me so much.' As I heard those words, and being carnal at that time, I rebuked her again and said if I have a husband and children I wouldn’t let any man get close to my heart. Not knowing at the time that the Lord had revealed to me what was to happen to me. I pushed those words aside and lived my life like any other person not knowing what all that meant. But those words were kept in my spirit and in my heart. They never left me. However, I did not remember those words until it came to pass in July of 2002.
There is not enough paper for me to share with you all that the Lord has done in the past few years of my life in Him. I have summoned here a few wonderful moments as He has guided and directed me in my writing that I may express to you the deep feelings that are within me so that you may know the reasons I do the things that I do. I pray that the Lord blesses you as He has blessed me with this testimony concerning my life. I thank God for each and every one of you who is reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He did mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen."
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Rev. Peter Nguyen & Evangelist Cyndie Tran

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Pastor Bob Kirkham

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