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Who Is My Neighbor?

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Hello again. If I may, I would like to share this subject with you and also share with you the love of the neighbor that the Lord has surrounded me with. It is amazing to me when God truly opens my eyes to see what is in other people hearts. Like always, my words for the Lord's work in my life is this, He never surprise me because I know for certain it is His hands moving upon my life, but yet He always seems to amaze me. And many of you may ask "what does it mean when God's hands move upon one's life?" I would like to share that with you. I could not share with you any other story than one of my own testimony of how the hands of the Lord have moved in my life.

I would like to share with you a testimony that is so great and dear to my heart. A testimony of how God helped me through the hands of so many great Samaritans right here in this city. Since the day that the LORD God revealed Himself to me, which was in July of 2002, He has led me through so many great battles and let my eyes see so great of a salvation. So much pressure came upon me from all sides to make my life so difficult to live and walk as a new born-again Christian, but the harder the pressure that was coming against me to test my faith in the Lord, the greater the hands of God were upon me to shelter me from the tactics of the enemy. I know for certain that if I didn't go through those times of trials I would not be able to see how great His love is upon me and how great His hands move in my life to shelter me from the strength of my enemy. In such a short amount of time and distance that He allowed me to walk with Him, I can see that the narrow road that I walked down where the pressure was so strong from all sides. I know without a doubt that if I didn't have the Love of the Lord and His Holy Spirit with me, I would of fall and I would of felt the sting of the pressure, but as He opens my eyes to see, while I was going through it, I can see that His hands were in between me and the pressure of the enemy to where I didn't feel the sting of all the pressure of life that the enemy was coming against me with. His hands have cushioned every trouble that I have to go through. I have always depended on myself to take care of all things as best as I could and know how. That is just our natural way of thinking, until the past five years of my life. The Lord slowly tore me away from all that I know and all that I depend on so that I may see His Great hands move upon my life. It is so amazing to see how God provided for my EVERY need according to His will, His ways, and His purpose for me as He has ordained to be. (Phil 4:19) "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." I know that I would never see it if I didn't finally let go of my own knowledge and understanding on how to live life and learn how to trust Him to guide me and provide for me. I am not quite there yet but I am on my way. Each day He shows me how to trust Him and as I am learning I began to love my life with Him and in Him the more. He has allowed me to come to a point in my life with Him that even with all this pressure, I love The LORD so much, and I love my life so much that I am so grateful for all that He has done, and if any area of my life that I have not come to the point where I am grateful. I want Him to touch it and change my ways of thinking so that I may be grateful in all things.

In all this, while I see God's hands move in my life I also see another part of the work of His hands when He moves in the Hearts of my neighbors, the people, His precious people that He placed in my life. I can see now that God is able to move and change anyone's heart as He pleases and as we accept His calling. I have never seen so many great Christians with so great of a heart until I have to go through a time of trial to see what great neighbors I have, what great Samaritans in each one of the neighbors that He has opened their heart to play a great part in His plans to bring joy and comfort to an unworthy child like myself. I want to use this opportunity to thank God our Father, Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit our strength and guidance for the precious people, precious neighbors that He has placed in my life. Especially my family, friends, my employees and cliental in my place of work at Cyndie's Nails and Tanning Salon and all others that I have met. I thank Him for your faithfulness and obedience. You have no idea how much I appreciate your love and kindness. I pray and thank God for each of you and your loved ones each day who show so much kindness and compassion towards us, even the smallest amount has done great in our lives. Even though you didn't want anyone to know about your concerns and prayers for us, but the Great Lord knows your heart and what you have done in secret. He will reveal to the world and this is the reason why He has put it in my heart to write concerning the greatness of each of your heart for the concern of one of the very least of His servants. Each person that I come across, either to pray for us or to help us in anyway, to bring us joy, love, comfort, support, and to bring us words of knowledge or words of encouragement. Your hearts actions truly show your love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Now I can say I know who my neighbors are and I want to say thank you to all the good Samaritans that the Lord has placed in my path. When I am down and wounded, you did not smirk at me, you did not judge me, or pass me by, but instead you open your heart and pour out your wine and oil to help heal the wounds that the enemy has inflicted. And the Lord Jesus said , "Well done, thou good and faithful servant" (Mt 25:21). He will no longer call you servant but friends, children of the Most High God. For your heart has shown your character of Christ.

I pray that the LORD God will bless each and every one of you with all good things in all areas of your life. I also pray that He will prosper you in all that you do for the goodness of His kingdom and for His glory. Above all that I pray that He will crown you with the crown of love, which is the greatest gift of all for the greatness of your heart. May you wear it proudly as you truly earned the gift of true love, the love of the Lord. May it shine brightly for all to see. The Lord loves you and I love you with every bit of Christ's love that is within me. Thank you and may God Bless each and every one of you. Amen.

I thank God for each and every one of you who are reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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