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Who Me? Never! How Can One Determine If They Have Sinned?

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How Can One Determine If They Have Sinned?

Someone was being point out that they are sinning.

Then angrily a few Questions was asked in response. What do you mean I have sin??? What sin have I committed? And to whom have I sinned against? I have not sin against anyone!!!!

Have we ever wonder How does someone know if they have sinned against God????

In order for someone to know if they have sin. Then, there must have been a law that was set to let people know right from wrong and if they do a certain thing against that law then they have broken that law and have sin against the law maker.

How to determine whether if you have done wrong according to the Laws that He has set for all mankind. Below are few examples of what it could be according to the Law. May not apply to everyone. Read and determine which may apply to your situations. There could be numerous more things but these are just a few examples to let us recognize what it could be or relating to. (warning: details of truth may be harsh to read and admit and it may bring offenses or convictions. But I pray that we continue to read on in order to reveal what is hidden inside us to expose the things we need to repent from. God be with you)

Who Me? Never!

Strange. I once said the same thing. It is a blessing and honor for me to write and share this with you now. Not too long ago, if anyone had asked me if I had done anything wrong, I would had said the same thing. It is truly strange to hear what we used to say before we find out the truth. Again, If I may, I would like to share with all of you, who is willing to receive, one of my early experiences that I truly hold dear to my heart. I love this incident with all of my heart. In this incident God enabled me to see myself and make a change for the better. I would not share this with you if I didn't believe that it would help change those of you who is willing to embrace the truth. He led me to realize that when I embrace the truth and laws of God is when I will be set free from it. Through this incident I am able to have the strength and confidence to share this with all of you to help each and every one of you to see how God used it to help me to see where I stand with Him and what I need to do. This is for all people, Believers and Non-believers, Christians of all denominations, and for anyone who wants to check themselves to see where they are in God's eyes.


Sin according to the Ten Commandment

These were taken out of Daily Prayer Book writing by Fr. X. Tran Thanh Kham, Ep. Aux. Vic. Gen. Saigon 3/5/1969. Few words were change and others are added for today needs. These are few examples of sins that any of us could done. Whatever applies to each individual or however our heart is convicted. Please read in Leviticus mainly chapter 19 & 20.

First Commandment: Do not worship any other Gods

I worship and prayed to other gods rather than the one and only true Living God. I denied God's existence, I refused God's revelation, I denied that I was a Christian. I neglected prayer for a longtime. Etc.

Second Commandment: Do not make idols of any kind

I put myself and other people before God. I value money and material things of all kinds more than God who give it to me. I believed in superstitions, witchcraft. I believe in and rely on myself more than God who created me, ect.

Third Commandment: Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God

I blasphemed God, I swore, I cursed, I took God's name in vain. I use God's Holy name in an un-holy way, ect.

Fourth Commandment: Remember to observe the Sabbath Day

I missed church on Sunday (or Holy days of obligation) because of putting my own selfish reasons and excuses why I shouldn't go to church. I did unnecessary work for money on Sunday because of Greed. Ect.

Fifth Commandment: Honor your Father and Mother

I disobeyed my parents ( or legitimate supervisors). I lied, I cursed, I stole from them, I was disrespectful, I mistreated and hurt my parents or those who were over me by unkind words or action. I neglected duties to parents, to my wife, husband, and/or children. I have neglected the Christian education of my children. Ect.

Sixth Commandment: Do not murder

I was impatient, angry, unkind, proud, jealous, revengeful, hateful, judgmental, racist, and selfish toward my family, friends and others. I verbally hurt someone with my words (verbally kill their spirit with unkind words). I used and abused drugs and many other substances, got drunk, I fought (or quarreled) to the point where I physically injured myself and others ( or killed someone).I had an abortion (or participated in an abortion), I helped or was involved with others in a plot or plan to hurt or kill others by unkind words and/or actions. Ect.

Seventh Commandment: Do not commit adultery

I used bad words and stories. I deliberately looked at impure things or pictures (pornography of children or other men or women in magazine, on TV, or on the internet). I deliberately performed impure acts by myself ( or with others). I lust after other men or women because of their look. I have practiced artificial birth control. I willfully took pleasure in impure thoughts and desires for other people rather than my own husband or wife. As a man I have wrongful desire for other man or as a woman I have wrongful desire for other woman rather than what God has commanded that a man is created to be with a woman and a woman to be with a man. Ect. (Please read God's holy words in Genesis chapter 2 for creation of man and woman and Leviticus 20:13 for man having desire for other man)

Eighth Commandment: Do not steal

I stole, cheated, helped or encouraged others to steal or to keep stolen goods. I didn't fulfill my contracts, gave or accepted bribes. I steal from God and from myself when I don't give to God and to those in need. I didn't pay my bills. I rashly gambled, rashly bought unnecessary things. I did not give fair wages to my employee(s). Etc.

Ninth Commandment: Do not testify falsely against your neighbor

I lied to deceive, injured others by lies, talked uncharitably of others, revealed faults and sins of others. I lied to protect myself even though I know that it was my own fault. I made false testimony, ect.

Tenth Commandment: Do not covet

I wanted to obtain something of someone by dishonest means. I selfishly want and gather more things than I need. Ect.

Sin has NO power over you if you confess it to the LORD God

My Father in heaven,

I have recognized my sins this day. I come to you in repentance. I thank You that You have sent Your Son to die for our sins. I lay my sins at the feet of Jesus' Christ cross. Forgive me and cleanse me with Jesus' blood and make me whole. I know now that I can't live a Christian's life by myself. I recognize that I sin every day. I am in need of a savior. I need Jesus Christ to redeem me from my sins. Lord Jesus, come into my heart, come into my life, guide me and lead me in the way that I should walk. Holy Spirit come fill me and empower me to live like Jesus right now and give me strength. I thank you Father in Jesus name I pray. Amen. (I pray that you'll get a Bible and read God's Holy Words and promises to you in the book of Isaiah 1:16-18, Psalm 51, and John 3:16-19. It will help you understand more in what I am trying to say and continue to read His words daily so that He may strengthen you and set you free through His words. You'll find more details of the sins according to the Ten Commandments in the book of Leviticus. May God bless you.)

I thank God for each and every one of you who are reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

(Please read the part 2 of this writing in "Son/Daughter! Be Of Good Cheer; Thy Sins Be Forgiven Thee!")

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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