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Fake News

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On the early hours of the morning of February 6th 2023. I was showing a dream. As the dream unfold, I saw that my wife, Cyndie, and I sitting in a restaurant somewhere having a meal. As I was sitting there at the restaurant, I saw that there was some newspapers and I picked one up and started to read on it. As I was looking at the newspaper and on the front page, they have an article telling the story of a man who shot and killed his wife. In the paper it had written that the man went to his wife's apartment and he had shot her and she died.

As I was reading the article, I was so surprised and shocked because Cyndie and I were there at that incident of the husband and the wife who had a very disturbing situation with one another. Cyndie and I witnessed the whole scene as it played out.

What really happened in the dream was that Cyndie and I drove our car in a place that seemed to be an apartment complex with many rooms and duplex. There were many big and tall buildings complex with many stories that had many apartments which were rented out for people. The building was so big and tall and people were able to drive their cars up to their apartment floors, and the driveway of the apartment had balconies on the right side and the apartments building quarters were on the left side.

I was driving and following a cargo van driven by a woman (who was mentioned in the news article who was supposedly was shot dead by the husband) with her baby inside the van. She drove up to her apartment which is only a bed and two walls that separated her apartment building complex from the other people apartment complex. She stopped her car in front of her apartment complex and put the little child on the bed inside apartment. While she was putting her baby on the bedroom. Cyndie and I was there, and we witnessed that her husband (whom the article talked about) walked toward her from the opposite way. He stood in the front and shot at her while she was placing her child on the bed.

Cyndie saw it and jumped out of the car and ran to help the woman. The man raised his arm to try to shoot another time at the woman and Cyndie. When I saw that he was trying to shoot at them again I also jumped out of the car and ran toward him. I was afraid that he would harm Cyndie and his wife so I ran towards him and hit his hand where he was holding the gun and kicked him and while I was struggling with him to get the gun away, He fell over the balcony and died because he fell from a high floor up.

Then I turned and ran toward Cyndie and the woman. They both were OK because the bullet had missed them.

So I was shock of what I read from the news article because they totally had written a false story of the incident and had said that the woman had died but in the dream we witness she didn’t die instead the man who had try to shoot his wife and Cyndie had fallen and die from the struggle with the gun. What the newspaper had written was a complete and total falsify made story that has little to No truth of the incident that we had witness. That is a total FAKE NEWS!

Then I woke up from the dream.

Dream Journal
Rev. Peter Nguyen
February 6th, 2023

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