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Hidden Treasure

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So I pray, as the Spirit of the Lord fill our hearts and souls with love, joy, and peace this season in gift giving to one another. I pray that each one of us know and remember the greatest gift which God has given us. As our heart is filled with great excitement when we receive gifts from our friends and loved ones because it shows that they loves us and are thinking of us and we can't wait to open them to see what we get. How much more and how our hearts will leap with joy when each of us can grasp the thoughts of what the Holy Father did when He gave us His son to redeem our soul from the evil one. Every gift that we receive here on earth it is a great blessing from the Father also but it won't last and we can't take it with us when we return to Him. The gift in which the Lord has given us (which is eternal life through His son) will be an everlasting gift that won't fade away. For this year, I pray for each person that after we have opened all of the gifts that were given from our friends and families, I pray we would reach back way back behind all the gifts and reach for the greatest gift of God. A gift not wrap in fancy wrapping but "You find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a Manger." Luke 2:12 . His son, His salvation this Christmas and open the one unopened gift. The Hidden Treasure of God our Father which He has given to us and invite Him in. Invite Him into your heart and home this season to make it a complete Christmas. Many times we celebrate the season and yet never consider to invite the person of whom the season was for. Many of us may know of and about God and His son Jesus and we may go to church and worship Him-which is a great thing-but has any of us ever stopped to think or ask ourselves this question "Have we ever invited the Holy one to come into our hearts and home and to dwell with us?" If each of us has to ponder upon this question. I pray that this is the year and the season to finally ask God and Jesus into our home and hearts that the person we celebrate may be with us in our home and hearts and not just in church or building. Remember God is not just a God of the churches. He is not a respecter of person. He is God of all creations and of all people. So I pray, that we don't leave church services this year without taking Him home with us. If you have not attended church or don't know about God. I pray that this year will be the year to invited God into your hearts, home, and life. I pray that you and your family may get to know God and Jesus Christ His Son and His love for you. For the Lord Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me" Rev.3:20. We can pray a simple prayer this season as an individual, a couple, or in a family group or gathering. "Our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit come into our hearts, home and life and be with us and among us in our gathering and celebration of this season as our hearts and home are open and welcoming you in. Amen"

May the Lord bring warm and truth of this season into each one of you and your families life. May this be a year for each of us to remember that no one can claim this season because before Jesus was born I believe that there was no Christmas. There were no holidays. And now, even though many icons may bombard our life during this season, it cannot change the truth. The truth is, this season belongs to the Holy Son of God because it is His birthday. The day comes and the day is now when we all must bow our knees to the blessed Son of the Most High God. I pray that each one of us not get offended by these words. I myself didn't know until it was revealed to me and oh what a glorious day it was. I only pray the same for each one of you that each of you may know this truth that it is more than just a holiday. It is the birthday of the Holy Son of God that is why there are so many miracles during this season. Just imagine the day our own children were born, what a great feeling it was. How much more when it is the Son of the Most High God and it is the one who is the Savior of the world. So it is such a great joy for God our Father, for Jesus, all the angels and saints in heaven, and for me also to see the face and eyes of those who receive the knowledge and the revelation of the truth of this blessed Season and to see them get bless.

Father I thank you. I pray many blessings for each of them. I also pray, LORD, that You bless each one and their loved ones this season with great love, joy, peace, hope, and faith which comes from You. May You send your angels and bring back their loved ones near and far safely to and from their travel this blessed season. May You answer every prayer of their heart for their good and for the goodness of Your Kingdom. May You restore all things that concern each one of their hearts. May You give each person peace which surpass all understand to know that You will take care of all their needs according to your purpose and above all I pray LORD, that everyone will know You and invite You into their hearts and home this season so that they may know the miracles of this blessed Season. Holy Father, may You keep each one of them, may You guard each hearts from all fear, and may You bless them with every blessing every moment of their living days through the precious name of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen. May you have a Merry and Blessed Christmas Season.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU : I want to thank ALL former and present clients and employees of Cyndie's Nails & Tanning Salon for your prayers, love, and support through out all these years. Everyone of your gifts are greatly appreciated. Each one of you are a great blessing to us. I thank you for understanding and allowing us to serve you. I thank God for all of you and your love for us. I love each and everyone of you and you are always and forever in my heart and prayers before the Lord. May He keep you and bless you greatly for all that you do. Amen.

Cyndie Tran
- The Father's Love Ministries

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