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I Come That They May Have Life

I Come That They May Have Life

Words are very powerful! What's more powerful is the word that comes from the mouth of the Only Son of the Almighty and Living God of Life. What He promised us must and will come to pass and manifest in our daily lives. We are to live the miracles, wonders and the blessed life that the Father promised us through His Son Jesus. His Holy Spirit presence in our lives is the testimony and a sure proof and signs of the Father promises for each one who believes in the dying and rising of His Son for our redemption. For the Fathers Has spoken His promises and it is written in the Bible." God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" Numbers 23:19 (KJV)

I pray, as each of you who are reading this message today, that you may remember the Blessed Father promises for each of you and your loved ones that He cares for each of you, your families, and all your concerns. I encourage you to hold tight to His promises and have faith and believe that He who calls you into His Kingdom will not fail you nor forsake you, but will be faithful to fulfill every promises down to very jot of each word in which He has written for those who believes. The Great Father in Heaven, Jesus the Savior and Redeemer, and His Mighty and Holy Spirit is there to guide and provide for each of you. Even though the situations that you have to face may be unbearable and endless or it may seem impossible, but do not fear, for the evil one will not prevail over your lives, only have faith for God has and will continue to stand and fight on your behalves because you believe in His Son Jesus. Therefore, you will not be put to shame, but you will rise and be strong and be courageous and you will see the victory that He will show you because you have stood your ground.

May the Holy Father, Jesus, and His Mighty Spirit blesses you and your loved ones in all your ways and in all that you do as He leads each of you into victory for His Name’s sake. Amen.

With the great love of the HOLY Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministry | 10-19-2013

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