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Is God Real?

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For some of us, we know the existence of God is MORE real to us than our own existence. Others know that there is a God, were taught that there is a God, have heard about God their entire lives, and have prayed to God all of their lives. And yet at times they wonder if God really hears and answers their prayers. And for the many of us, the certainty of knowing if there is really a God, if He really does exist. Finally, there are those of us just don’t want to believe at all. If I may, I would like to share with you an experience that I have had with God that changed my life completely. As God guides me in writing this, I pray that He would bring you to understand that He really does exist, He see and knows all things, and he hears and answers our prayers.

From the time I was born until I was about 30 year old. I categorized myself as one that was born and raise in the a church. I heard and was taught all about God by my parents. I saw their believes and their actions of faith. I was taught to pray to Him. I was taught that there is one God, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and that they were One . I heard all about them, worshiped them in church and prayed to them, but I never knew them. I never knew if God was real. You ca n read and hear about a person but it is not the same as if you were to know them personally. As I look back I now can remember that even though I prayed to God, I never knew if my prayers were ever heard or answered. For many years I prayed and never left the church even when I moved away from my parents. I continued to seek and stay in the church. My prayer life became more intense when I wanted to have children. My heart was lead to pray more concerning understanding. Even though I prayed, I never even wondered if those prayers were ever heard. Yet I continued to pray, until my daughter was about two years old and my son was one years old.

Now my prayers are even more intense because of the responsibility that I felt for my children; how to raise them correctly and in the faith. I prayed nightly that God would teach me how to raise and lead my family in the faith. I kept praying that prayer for a long period of time until one day in July of 2002 my heart was move to pray a different prayer unlike any prayer I have ever prayed before, as I my heart was so moved, I put my hand together and prayed "Lord Jesus, I want you to come into my heart; come into my life, guide me, and lead me in the way that I should walk." After I spoke that prayer I stood up to go to sleep. When I stood up I felt a strong gust of wind blowing at me and it came into me and pushed me back. I lost every bit of bodily strength hat was within me and fell back to my couch and was paralyzed for a short period. I was not unconscious; I felt and knew everything that was happening to me. That night I experienced and felt a very powerful visitation of the presence of God. He made Himself real to me that night and I knew with every bit of my being that I met God that night. I than began to hear His voice like I would hear any other person's voice but more clearly because I heard it in my spirit.

So now with God making Himself real to me and now that His spirit lives in me, the inner part of my Christianity which is my heart, now being filled. I now have become a complete Christian. Like an orange that have the outer skin and the inner fruit. I only became a complete Christian when Jesus Christ the Son of God came into my heart making me complete. I always heard about them but now I know them. He now teaches me all things through the spirit. That's why I am able to express my self concerning His love and His presence and His teaching and His guidance to you the way that I can with no fear because He that is within me give me strength. Because He is in my heart , in the inner part of me which makes me a natural born Christian by the spirit that have a source of power which is from within and the work is manifesting out. like blood in the heart that supplier to all the parts of the body. Just like Jesus said in His words. If you would look in the Bible in the Gospel of Luke, "out of the over flow of the hearts the mouth speaks" (6:44-45). It is so true because what ever that is in the heart that s what will come forth out of mouth. I use to be a Christian that need to be water from the outside but since Jesus came into my life. He became the source of water for my daily needs. I no longer need to be taught about the word of God because the word of God Himself which is Jesus Christ now live within me and He teaches me all things. I use to feel the mist of the waterfall but now the source of which the waters falls fall from is flowing within me.

For those of you that don’t believe if there is a God, I would like to give you an example of what belief and disbelief is. As you have seen and heard about things that scientist or many educated people have discovered, we tend to believe their report about the things they discover. How much more when God decide to show His people the things about heaven and we as His workers give report about it. As you may know there are different countries and many different people all over the world. They are there, they exist in this earth . Now if, one day, you decide not to believe that the y exist does that change the fact that they still exist? Isn't the disbelief only in your mind and within you? What you decided not to believe does not change the fact those things still exist around you. it is the same with God: for many of you that do not believe that does not mean that God does not exist. God is an unseen God. but His presence is undeniable to those who believes. It‘s like the wind, you feel it blowing at your face but you can see it. I would like to give you one more example to let you see a small scale of what God sees and know. There‘s no way we can understand or comprehend the extent of His wisdom, knowledge, and understanding but this will help: If you can picture an ant farm. If you would go buy one or go outside pick up a few ants and start your own farm in a clear container and observe them for a few days or weeks and see what you are able to see what they do. If you can imagine the ants in that farm. Their life and death are completely in your hand. Their food and water supply are completely in your hand. where ever you place them in your home that is where they will be. What ever you give them they have to eat. if you want them to be in the sun, they have no choice. If you place them in the rain, they have no choice. If you treat them well they are well. If you mistreat them than they are mistreated. I can give you about a million and one thing that I can do these ants that are completely in my hands. but these are just a few to show you the power that God have given us over the beast of the fields as a man. How much more power, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is God Almighty that Created the earth, the Heavens and all that is in it. The Magnitude of the knowledge and wisdom of the Magnificent God is beyond one's understanding.

Father, I thank You that wisdom, knowledge, and understanding all belongs to You. I pray, as we all need You to guide us in all things. I pray that You would open our eyes to see, our ears to hear, and our heart to receive and believe what You have for us and what You try to show us. Let Your love be pour upon Your children so that it may saturated our hearts to know, Father, that there is nothing that is impossible for You. As You please, Father, the heavens is created and the sea is formed. So let it be this day that Your love may transformed our lives to live for You, to be Your children, to express Your love and work to those who have not know You, who have not have a relationship with You. May we all be one with You, Oh Lord, that our heart, soul, and spirit may have the rest and peace that we all have a place in You, in Your heart and that we are all Your children. I ask in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

I thank God for each and every one of you that is reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He did mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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