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It Is Time To Pray

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May Peace and Hope fill each one's heart.
This may mean little to some of us, as for my heart and my peace. I do believe all things happen for a reason and that things shift and change daily for the world. It will continue to change because our lives are changing even as we speak. There is a time for everything to happen upon the earth. One thing is for Certain, it is the One who created this world and all that is in it. Upon His word all things may change and shift.
I do pray for peace to rest on everyone's heart to know that we have the power to pray and ask Him who knows all things and May change all circumstance in our lives, in our world, and in the world around us. If we would humble ourselves and lay down our issues and pride and ask for help upon the things which are beyond our control. We would never know what would happen if we do not take the time to ask for the help that we need that our hands and strength could not do. It does not require much to pray. We don't have to be a scholar to pray, we don't have to be a priest to pray, we don't have to be a believer in God to pray. If we are human, we have the right to pray. We don't have to be here or there or in a church. Prayer is from the heart. We just need a moment of silence in the sincerity of our heart in the place of our choice and ask "God, If you are here with us God, please help us now. Not only our lives, but also for the nations and the world." There is a true God that hears and answers our prayers and He will show Himself to us If we seek to know Him.

God bless and be with each of you and your loved ones.

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