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My Father! My Father!

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Hear I am again, lost with words. So much to write, so little space. As am I with every writing, torn between what to write next. As it is approaching Father's Day, what better time than this to gather every bit of my heart to write about the one I love-The Father of us all. I want to dedicate this writing to the true Father of heaven and earth, The Father of our spirit and soul, the Father of all fathers. The one who loves us so much and gives us life through His Son Jesus Christ. As I am given this opportunity to write and share this with you, and as you are reading, you can also join me to honor, worship, and glorify Him as His Spirit is with each and every one of us. The Father longs for our hearts and spirit to worship Him. I don't know how else to glorify Him than to make Him known as much as I can and as many ways as I can that the Father (The LORD God) truly loves each one of us and He truly deserves all of our praise and worship. A few of you might not agree with me but if only each of you know Him who loves you and how much He loves each one of you, you will love Him too. He says in His word, " Yes I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you." Jeremiah 31:3. There is nothing like the Father's true love. I have not been rich, but I have been poor. I also have been given all that I wanted. My spirit and soul have been satisfied with the things of the flesh. but nothing t hat I have ever come across makes me long for it more than the love of the Father and of Jesus Christ and to be in His presence.

My overwhelm heart is the reason why I choose to glorify God our Father, because of the overwhelming love that He has given me. I never knew before, but now I know that He has always been there for me even when He has not revealed Himself to me. Every detail of my life is written in the palms of His hands. In Isaiah 49:15-16 The Father said, "Can a women forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. See I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands" I pray with every bit of my heart that each one of you would believe that this is true of each of you, because the Father created us. He knows everything about us, there is not one detail that He does not know. He also said in Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." God loves us. He loves our eyes, He loves the way our noses look, even our freckles. He put them there because He thinks it is cute. He loves our hair, He loves our skin, every color. He loves the short ones, the tall ones, even the round ones. The skinny ones, even the ones who have rolls on the side. Not one detail is left out. No matter what we look like, we all belong to the Father. He loves us all. He also knows about our growing pain, every rejection, every fight, every battle, every trial and tribulation, every unkind word, every hurt, every pain, every kind of sickness that each one of us has to endure, every death of a love one, every lonely moment, every fear, every tear that we ever cry, every worry, every heartache, every let down, and every bad hair day. He is there to hold us and to comfort us all. He knows every family quarrel, every marriage problems, every financial difficulty we have to go through. He is there to guide and provide. He knows every fall, every failure, every mistake we ever make, every moment we lose our temper, every time we hurt ourselves and/or others, every time we are hurt by our love ones, every hidden sin or shame in our hearts, every moment of unbelief. He is there to love us, forgive us, and lift each one of our hearts with His encouraging words to help us grow in Him and to guide us in the path of righteousness.

He also is there to rejoice with us in all our accomplishments. the birth of our babies, every child's first day of school, every school event and problem, every child's graduation, every child's wedding, every grand-kid's moment, every promotion, every new business, every new job, every trophy ever won by each one of us or our children. Every golf game or sports event, every fish caught and even a new hairdo or a set of nails. God cares for all these things and He is there to rejoice with us. God will NEVER fail us, not one time. Not one problem or situation that is big enough that He cannot handle. Not one problem or situation that is small enough or least important that He would not consider. There is so much more. These are only a few to describe the incredible ability of our Father's love for each one of us yet while all this is going on, concerning the smallest detail like a hair bow for my daughter's hair and on the other hand, on the other side of this world He is stopping a storm or breaking up a war between two countries. It is beyond my understanding, but that is our Father, THE GREAT GOD I AM.

I pray, this Father's day, each one of us would put aside a time to honor Him who loves us so. We all have our ways but just to stop and remember to say, "Our Father in Heaven, we thank You for Jesus and we thank you for all that you have done for each one of us and happy Father's Day. Amen." I pray that we all cherish His Holy words because they are there to guide us in this tough world. I also pray that each one of us would hold dear to our hearts the Father's great love for each of us, love Him and Bless His Holy Name. As His Words and Spirit are my life. I pray that it may be yours to bring each of you into a holy place with the Father and with Jesus Christ. Amen.

Father, we thank you that You have given us Your Son and we thank You that You have given us your Spirit to dwell in us. I pray Father, that you bless all my brothers and sisters out there with your overwhelming love. For this Father's Day, I pray for every father that they may know your unconditional love for each one of them. I pray that You would fill their hearts to the overflow with your Spirit to bring them love, joy and peace, to bless them for the roll they play in each one of our lives. Father, for you have ordained them as father over us I pray that you would bless them with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and your nature to be godly fathers like you O LORD, to walk in your steps, to be an example for us to walk on this earth. May their love shine like Your Son. May their presence in our lives be as your presence in our life. May you give them strength and courage as that of a lion to protect their loved ones from harm and danger. May every choice and decision they make bring glory, honor, and blessing to Your name and for Your kingdom. I thank You my Father, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

I thank God for each and every one of you who are reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

“And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18
“Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.” Isaiah 49:15-16

- The Father's Love Ministries

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