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Oh Ye Of Little Faith

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I love you with every bit of Christ's love that is within me. What a great and wonderful day. I pray that each of you will rejoice with me this day and glorify God for who He is and not for what is happening to us but for who He is and how great His greatness is and mercy towards His creation and each one of us. I choose to rejoice in God my savior, even as things are happening to me and around me, I will not choose to let it take me down but only glorify the greatness of our Father in heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ in what they have done and will do for each of us as He teaches us to believe, "For Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world" 1 John 4:4.

How many of you are with me concerning the title of this writing? As the Word of the Lord says in Matthew 6:30,"Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little Faith?" It is always an awesome privilege to share with you again the word of the Father. With every bit of my heart I want to declare that without His guidance I would not have anything to say or write. As the Father gives me wisdom and understanding, I give all the glory to my beloved Father in heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ and I thank God for His Holy Spirit who guides and teaches me in all things.

As He said in His words, "Oh Ye of Little Faith." Luke 12:28. How many of us go through life so weighed down with so many worries, cares, and concerns for the things that are around us and completely forget that God is still with us and watching over us each moment of each day. I believe there are many of you who can relate concerning many things that happen daily in each one of our lives. I would like to share with you some of the things that happened recently in the last few weeks. I'd like to share with each of you what the Father is doing in my life as He leads me so that each of us may know that He cares for us now, at this moment, in this life and that He is not an ancient God from far off that we read about. God is a living God. He is a personal God and wants to be involved in every aspect and every detail of our lives if we would allow Him to. God longs to bless us. The Holy Father longs and seeks opportunities to bless His Children and I don't believe that he requires anything of us. We may do things to bless the Holy Father because we love Him and because He first loved us. We don't deserve it, but I don't believe that we have to do anything for the Father to bless us because all things are His. In God are all goodness and blessings. He seeks for those who would seek Him so that He may show His mighty hands at blessing us with every blessing. I want to share with you that I am just an ordinary person like everyone of us that has a hectic life and so busy with children, Ministry, and work that we go through life and wonder How we do it all. I know that it is not by my strength. I give all glory to God as he has helped and lead me through each day of my life and gives me strength and hope for each situation as it rises.

The Father is with me everyday and I know that truth with every bit of my heart but sometimes when things happen to me I don't know why fear and worry still try to come upon me and tries to blind me of my faith that I have in God. The last few years, God has walked with me during the course of change in my life. I have seen where God was there for me when I had to face the toughest challenge of my life and now I can see that He is there to meet even the very least of my problems. Many of you may think that what is happening to you might be too small to bother God about. I promise you that God is concerned even for the very least of your problems. Not one detail will be left out when it comes down to His Children. I also believe the reason I am writing this particular message is to reach the very concern of each of your heart, That the Holy Father cares for each of you. Jesus is concerned with your daily needs, and if we seek Him The Holy Spirit will guide us in all truth. For many of you have been through a tremendous amount of pressure from the devil and He has weighed you down with so much heaviness upon your heart that He wants you to give up on the things that God had promised you. Remember what the Lord Jesus said in Luke 22:32 "Simon, Simon! Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethen," So even when things may look so rough in our lives we still must believe that Jesus is praying for us every moment of the day, praying that we may be strong in Him and to remind us that He has overcome the very things that we are going through. Even if our faith may not be as strong, but we are not alone. God is always with us when we are resting or when we have to face the trials of life. He is there to guide and provide. "For He who calls you is faithful, He will do it." Thessalonians 5:24

So I pray that with everything that happens around us, things that we understand and also things that we don't understand, I pray and stand with each one of you, I stand in faith with each one to believe and ask God to touch each area of your heart -concerns, whether it be for a loved one, for finances, for spouses, friends, marriages, and every situation that is in your heart. I pray as Jesus said that "The Father knows the things we have need of before we ask Him" Matthew 6:8. So let each of us hold dear to His words and let our heart rest in His promise for each of us. I know that His word is true because Jesus is living with us today. What He promised to us is with us today. He said that He will die and after three days He will rise again and when He did He will go to the Father and He will send the Holy Spirit to be with us and that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Everything that the Lord has promised us is here. So let our hearts rejoice in that truth and give thank to God our Father for His greatness and mercy which endures forever. Amen.

Father I thank You for Your love upon Your children, O Lord! We are pressure on every side from the enemy of our soul. Your word of the old and as our Lord Jesus said in Your words, even before we ask you already know what we need. I pray, oh Father, for my brothers and sisters that are going through all kinds of pressures this day, Lord, Let liberty arise and set those that are captive free. Where Your Spirit is Lord, there is freedom. Whom Your Son set free is free indeed. Your word is the promise we live by. I pray that You would break every yoke of bondage, every heaviness, every lies, and every stronghold upon each one of my brothers and sisters, Lord and that You would make straight the way where there is no way. Clear paths where there are no paths, and open doors which no one can open for financial breakthrough, healing of their souls, spirits, and bodies, and restoration of relationship between loved ones, marriage, and friendship. I thank You Holy Father because "with men this is impossible but with You O! Lord, all things are possible," Matthew 19:26 and You also said in Your word, "Is there anything to hard for the Lord?" Genesis 18:14 So Father, I come and stand in agreement with my brothers and sisters for all that Your word has promised us because Your word is truth. I ask and believe in the Mighty Name of our Savior, Redeemer, and Deliverer Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (all who come in agreement say Amen.)

I thank God for each and every one of you who are reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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