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On Love Alone, His Love Alone

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May God bless you. It is always, I mean always, a privilege, an honor, and a great blessing to be given yet another opportunity to share with you again. Many of you might wonder why I am doing all this. I only have one answer. Because of His LOVE for me. I am writing, hoping, and praying that I will always and continue to write as long as He will give me this opportunity to share His love with all of you. I am writing with a HIGH, HIGH, HIGH hope that each one of you may find His love so that you may know why and what I am talking about and that God is a living God and He loves each and everyone of you even if you have no idea. There is nothing in this world that matters when you know for CERTAIN, for CERTAIN that you have someone's love. Jesus' love is so great that He seeks you out to reveal this love to you. A God that dies for you and pursues you to show you His love. I know without a doubt as many of you are reading this message right now are seeking a true love, seeking for someone who really loves and understands you, because the world and the people around you have, probably, failed you in some way or another. But Jesus Christ will not fail you, not one time will He fail you. I know for certain of that, because His love is not of this world. His love is a heavenly love, a love of the spirit within. As I am writing to you right now, I can feel this love moving within in me to share with you that there is none other out there that will love you like Jesus Christ will love you. His Holy Love has captured my heart and my spirit within. His love alone has enabled me to walk through many trials of life in the past four years that He has allowed me to walk with Him.

For those of you who have been overwhelmed by troubles or trials of this world or life. I pray that you do not get discouraged. I only pray that you will lift up your countenance and HOPE in God Most High and in His Son Jesus Christ and lean on Him and let Him carry you through your time of troubles or trials. For there is nothing on or in this heaven or earth that God is not able to do. He has promised us that He will not Fail us, nor forsake us in Joshua 1:5. There is not a situation without a solution. If there is a way in, there is always a way out. It might be a little harder (to say the least) going out than to come in (like conceiving and giving birth, every women that has giving birth would know this pain. It is much easier when a woman conceives a child than when she gives birth, because from the time the baby is conceived to the time of birth. The baby, which was an egg, now have grown into a full term baby ready to give birth. It is much bigger. It must press through to began life. It is the same with a problem or a situation. It grows over time, it gets bigger and it is much harder to solve. We must press through to see the victory of each situation). But know for certain, "for with God NOTHING shall be impossible" (Luke 1:37).

For the past four years the LORD God has allowed me to walk with Him. I say allowed, because I am an ordinary person just like anyone of you with no talent or greatness about me but yet The Great God of heaven looked down upon this lowly child and considered her. I am a daughter, a girl, a women, a wife and a mother, in my eyes and heart, I see it as a great, great blessing and privilege to know God, His Son and His Holy Spirit. It is a privilege and an honor to anyone, if God chooses to give His love and reveal Himself in such a way. It is a privilege that He would open one's eyes to see things through His eyes. One can not fathom the wisdom and the things that God will teach and show those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. The road that He has taken me down in the past four years has been a hard one. Narrow and rough, but I would not change one bit of it because of the LOVE, glory and faithfulness that He has shown me. I don't know what each persons' walks are. As for me, I have come to realized that my walk with God is facing real problems of life head on without turning back, running, or blinking an eye, but to look straight forward and see His mighty hands walk you through each situation. In the midst of it, is where He let us see His greatness and power. It is when we go through the toughest storms of our lives. When we are at our weakest is when His strength comes in. Through these trials is when He build our strength and faith. I am very, very grateful to God and Jesus Christ His Son for this wonderful blessing that I am able to share with all of you. I thank God for His Holy Spirit whom He sent to be with me every second of my day.

As I look back, in just four years since He has allowed me to walk with Him, He has led me through so much. So many trials of life. From marriages, family, friends, business and finances to all others situation of life. Yet, He has not let one of those troubles, trials, or situations hindered my walk with Him. His perfect love has sustained me and kept my heart and spirit in a perfect peace which surpasses all understanding. Just as He promised in His word:

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you: Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (John14:27). " These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

I pray for all who are going through troubles and trials right now. Whatever it may be, marriage, hard or broken relationship, family, friends, work, finances, let downs, strong holds, or any other situations of life, know for certain and keep this in your heart that I am always praying for you that God's hands may move in your life so that you may see His glory. I pray that you would ask God and allow Him to carry you through each day and let you see the light of each situations. I pray that His holy and perfect love will sustain your heart, mind, and spirit so that you may have His peace. I pray that you would seek Him so that you may know Him as I have known Him. The Father and Jesus desires to know and love each one of you in the same way. But you must ask Him and invite Him into your heart. He wants to be involved in every aspect of your life, like a true father, mother, husband, wife, or friend. I pray that you will open your heart to Him so that He may pour out and fill your heart with His Holy Spirit. So that He may supply each and everyone of you an endless supply of His anointing to give you love, joy, peace, hope, and faith for each day, each situation, and forever. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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