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As the dream unfolded, I saw myself in a huge university with many floors. As I was walking around and observing, I realized that in every place I went, inside the university, it had a television on. In my room, in the hallway, in the dining room, in every room in the university.

Then Suddenly, I saw that all televisions that were on, they all turned into black screens simultaneously and then suddenly the face of former president Barack Obama appeared on those black screen with his face on the full screen and his wife, Michelle Obama face in a much smaller image on a smaller screen to right side of the television frame.

In the dream, I saw that former president Barack Obama had rigged and hacked all the voting systems and turned it into a one candidate voting choice. No one can do anything about who they want to vote for. No one had a choice to vote for anyone else, but Everyone had to select him because there were no other options given. It was all his doing.

When I saw what was being done with the voting systems, then I spoke within myself that I would not vote due to the corruption that I saw in the voting process.

Rev. Peter Nguyen
April 12, 2023

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