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Strategically Skilled Door To Door Salesman

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As I sat with a friend today I over heard her having a conversation and sharing with someone of some products she was trying to sell. As I sat and observe her articulate choices of words and ways of convincing her lady of the product she was representing with only limited knowledge of the information she receives from the company without much sure result (yet She sound so convincing that I almost buy some even though I have no use for it LOL!)

As I was listening to her and was blowing away by how we can come up with such convincing words to try to sell a product for a company that we think that may help someone in someway. After the conversation the receiving person believes in these articulate ways of the friend and she seem to be interested in trying it out.

This really strike my heart and spirit in a very powerful way. It seems to be so much easier for one to sell a product to someone when it is a tangible product and the product made a promised that it might do something for the one who believes and receives its products with some rules to follow and some condition applies in order to get certain results. The seller is motivated because of income and the buyer is hopeful because of certain promises made by the company of the products. But in the end, we end up with a houseful of garage sales items or the beauty product has not change us in anyway and we are yet still looking for that hopeful product that will miraculously change us somehow. We are so concern of things in this present world that would only last for few years but then we would neglect the necessity of the things that is eternal.

As I was contemplating this in my mind, the Spirit of God was ministering to my spirit and I heard Him say “we as human can easily be manipulated and convinced to believe just about anything that would make a promised to better ourselves or that a Product is a quick action that would solve all of our problems, but yet rarely deliver or keep its promises.”

While it is easy for anyone to sell a tangible product that offer a promise to do certain things without any surety Of results. Yet we readily believed and would put out quite a big sum money to buy a product with an uncertain promises. This brings me to ask this question . “How will one sell a product that is not tangible that does not apply to the 5 sense that we are use to; Taste, Smell, See, Touch, hear? But that it is the Most vital thing we need in our lives?”

Again one must ask this Question. In Witnessing Jesus the Christ. How can one offer a product that’s not tangible to the five senses and it does not benefit us materialistically. But yet it is the Most vital thing we can acquire in this life time and the eternal life to come.

Jesus Christ, He offer to take away our troubles and sinful life and in return He will give us redemption, Salvation and eternal life with Him. Just as we so easily are taken by the the articulate strategy of a skilled salesperson selling their products with uncertain promises. I pray that we would accept His offer today without any fancy skills or strategy but with ONLY A SURE AND CERTAIN PROMISED THAT WE WILL BE WITH HIM IN HEAVEN and that We may know Him Who loves each of us so much and had die to take away our sins. One must not Turn such offer down.

God bless and be with each of you this day and always. Amen.

- Cyndie Tran -Sales Associates For Jesus Christ

The Father’s Love Ministry

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Rev 3:20

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” Isaiah 1:18-20

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