Universal Article/Blog/News module

The Calling of God in Your Lives
It is pressed in my spirit to share with you this very TRUTH concerning the callings of God in each one's lives.
In certain times and trials of our lives. We may tend to turn in to the circumstances that are surrounding us, and we tend temporarily to forget about the very important callings that The Great Father in heaven has placed in our lives. We must remember that He carefully hand picked each one of us to be born at the destined time in each generation and placed within us a seed of a very important mission that is to be carry out according to His will and for the very purpose of which we are to be part of how this world is to be displayed.
If we can reflect in all the beauties of this earth. We can simply see that He creates the grass for its purpose and the each tree for it purpose and and each creature for its own place in this Planet. So the same as He creates the fruit trees to bear their fruits in due season. For example, an apple tree produces apples, and the peach tree produces peaches in their season and so on. The apple trees cannot produce peaches and the peach tree cannot produce apples. But it's own fruit for which it was designed for. The same with each of us, there are gifts and callings in each ones lives and that God has given us talents and understanding to carry out the duties that which we serve in our lives and in communities. One cannot compare with each other whether they are greater or least because the great will need of the least and the least will need if the great in due time. For no one can do all things by themselves. Each one of us should value our position and trust God to lead us and teach us in the gift that were placed in each of us. We must pray and ask Our Father to cultivate the gift that were placed within us and not longing and yearning for the gifts of others that we may not be able to do, but pray and ask the Lord to cultivate our gifts so that we may be able to see the potential and success of our own gifting and what the Lord will be able to do in each one of lives.
Therefore, we must trust that He who calls us is able to teach us and walk us through any challenges that we must face. Even at times when it is so dim and bleak that we are not able to look pass the situation. We also must remember we can only see things from a certain view but He has already destined our path and set our ways. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way" (Psalm 37:23).
So I encourage each of you this day in any circumstances you may face to lift your spirit and let your soul and spirit be comforted and rejoice again and hope in the Lord for "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:24)
May the LORD bless each of you in all your ways and in all that you do for His kingdom and glory. Amen
Cyndie Tran
- The Farther's Love Ministries | 1-14-2017