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The Greatest Accomplishment

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He is risen." "He is risen." "He is risen from the dead" Matt. 28:6. Oh! What great words. To some people these words may mean nothing, but to the one whom He has set free, it means every bit of life that is within them. He has risen and now He lives in each and every one of us who believes in Him.

Hello again! Many great blessings to each and everyone of you  in celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Isn't it a great day and a great season? I love it with all my heart. My heart is so full with warmth and joy this season as I celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. I pray that this joy that is within me be so contagious that it may spread upon each and everyone of you who are reading this message today so that each of you may celebrate this season with this same joy.

One may ask why I title this message "The Greatest Accomplishment". I am not a learned or a studied person. I don't have any degree or special training. I only have a hope and a promise from the word of God by His Holy Spirit through the revelation of Christ. I believe that what God did through Jesus Christ His son in the resurrection of His life was one of God's greatest accomplishments ever upon this earth. I may be wrong but that is what I believe in the deepest part of my heart. In my lifetime I've done many things, tried many ideas, heard of my ways of how to accomplish life and its ordeal but not one that would give me and completely change my way of life and let me look at life through a different view not what I can see but what God sees for me.

In the past 15 months of my life the Lord has allowed me to go through a time of isolation with Him. He used this time mightily to show and teach me many things. I have gone through a wonderful time of training with Him that I believe has truly opened my eyes and heart. As you have read in my other testimony of how He has walked me through life one day at a time and one trial at a time. Through this time of isolation and alone time with Him, He taught me how to accomplish many tasks from the smallest to the greatest in this time of my life which through my eyes seems impossible. Impossible for me to achieve, but yet He has walked me through each one and shown me the detail on how to accomplish it . He showed me that there are many things that can be accomplished with little effort and yet there are other things or situations that will require more time and effort. If we are willing and faithful, He will show us how to do it. I can share with you one of the tasks which He just recently lead and helped me to do. One day at the end of this past February He showed me that He needed me to paint the inside of my house. I heard Him, I looked at the house, and I searched my schedule to see where it could fit so I could paint my house. After I had looked and considered the schedule that I have with the Ministry, work, children, and all the things that I have to do it seemed impossible for me to do being a single parent during this time. But being obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit I went to buy the paint in faith and just set it at home. Out of the blue one day that week He woke me up at about 3:15 in the morning and gave me the energy and desire to paint my house. Before I begin, I stood in the middle of my house and looked around the house one more time and saw that the task was very overwhelming and I didn't know were to start. He guided my eyes to the smallest part of my home which is the kitchen because it only has a wall and so I started there. To make the story short one wall at a time and in a little over a week He had allowed me to paint the inside of my house. Not to say that there was never a moment of discouragement because of high walls and places that I can't reach or didn't know how to do it but with some help of different tools and gadgets He allowed me to face all my fears and show me how to do it one wall at a time. Now I am overjoyed because it is done! It is done! For me to be so overwhelmed with joy in such a small matter, I can only imagine, I can only imagine how the Lord , how our Lord Jesus felt when He was on that cross after the suffering that He had to go through but yet still looked up to heaven and told the Father to "Forgive them for they know not what they do" Luke 23:34 and that " It is finished" John 19:30. He had accomplished that which the Father had sent Him to do. That alone always brings tears to my eyes and reminds me that whatever I have to go through in my life will not be anything near what He had to go through for us to give us life. I am so encouraged at this time of the year. His life alone encourages me but more so during the time of His death and resurrection. It reminds me that if God can raise His Son from the dead then my situation is small and I must believe that God is able to do it for me. So in all the time spent with Him it truly made me a better person, gave me a better heart to understand things and appreciate things in a different way, and increase my faith level to trust Him even more. He has allowed me to walk with Him now for five years and going. I thought that I was thankful for all that He has done, but what He has shown me was beyond what my heart and spirit can ever put together to thank Him with. In His words He said that His Holy Spirit would reveal to me things that are to come. "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" John 16:13 and when He showed it to me and taught me how to believe for it and it came to pass just as He said it would. My heart is so overwhelmed with great joy, hope, and faith that the only thing that I could do is to stand in awe of Him and give Him the honor and glory because I have no words to say. He also showed me that this is just the beginning of what is to come. He is preparing my heart to expect what He is about to do.

So, I pray that what ever the situation or the circumstance may be in each one of your lives, whatever it is that may seem impossible for you to accomplish either great or small. I pray that you would lay it down beneath the cross of Jesus and release your burden to Him and May God gave your soul and spirit rest from your weariness because He said "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden light" Matt 11:28-39 I promised you not from other people's experiences but I can only share from one of my own of how He has shown me and that God is FAITHFUL, He is FAITHFUL. "He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it" Thess. 5:24. He has not failed me one time. Not one time. "I will not fail thee, nor for sake thee" Joshua 1:5. Many times I have failed Him but yet He has given me back my faith each time I grow weary and teaches me to believe and when I believe again it is always stronger than the last time. "But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren." Luke 22:32 So I pray for each of you, my brothers and sisters, as He has strengthen me so I strengthen you. Be strong and courageous, be filled with His hope and faith so that you may believe what God has already told you. I encourage you to stand firm on God's word and it will come to pass. Jesus has already accomplished what seemed to be impossible by men, but possible with God. He said "It is finished" John 19:30 "For I have overcome the world." John 16:33. He has already gone before us and lived to show us an example to have faith and believe in Him and He will help each one of us to accomplish that which we cannot accomplish either great or small. As He rises from the dead so shall all of our situation be raised from its deadness because He lives. Amen.

Our Father in heaven, I thank you for this wonderful and blessed season of death and life. I pray, Oh! Father, for you know all things. You know every thought of every person's heart. You know the end from the beginning so I pray that you would help each one of us to bring to you all things that are in our life that need to be crucified or needs to be put to death. I pray that you would nail them to the Cross and in return Lord, as you raise Your Son Jesus from death, I pray that you would resurrect in us the things which would bring forth good fruits for your kingdom. Clothe us in your glory Lord and draw our hearts with your unconditional love. Prepare each of us, Lord, to be a sanctuary, to be a holy and living temple tor you to dwell in so that our lives may be a living testimony of who you are. So that we may be a blessing to you and to all who you place before us. I thank you my Father in the name of Your blessed and holy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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