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The Healing Miracles

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As the dream unfold I, Peter, saw my wife Cyndie and myself we were standing among a large group of people at a place. There were many people from all different country, races, and ages. As I was observing all the people that was there and also ourselves, We and all the people were praising and worshiping together in this place.

Then Suddenly, I saw that there was a lame man who was laying on the floor in the mist of all the people. The lame man could not even move any part of his body. He was bed ridden and disabled. At the same moment that I notice the lame man laying on the floor in the room there. I also notice that we and everyone that were there were praying together. As we were lifting our voices and praying and worshiping. I sensed that we were under a very very strong anointing and while we were under this very very strong anointing, I saw that Cyndie started praying in tongue and when she shout with a very loud voice, "In the name of Jesus, get up and walk". Everyone was silent and watched what was happening. As everyone was focused on the lame man and waiting to see what was happening. I notice the man's body was twitching and moving and turning. His neck, feet and arms started to twist and turn back to their normal positions. I could hear the clanging and clicking of the sound of when all the bones were being twisted and turned back to it functioning positions. As everyone and myself was witnessing what was happening of the transformation of the lame disabled man being restore right before our eyes. And after some moment, and the lame man stood up from where he was on the floor and started walking. Everyone was in a state of shock and people were crying, shouting and praising the Lord for this great miracle that had just happened before there eyes. As everyone was in a state of shock of what they had just witness Then the dream was ended and I was awake.

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