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The Love Of The Father

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This Father's Day , If I may, I would like to share with you a message on "The Love Of A Father" and how important it is of the love of a father to a child. I could not share with you any other experience than one of my own.

When I was growing up. I was raised with eight other children. In such a big family . Love and attention was very scarce. You get call by all your siblings name except by your own. I was seven of ten children. My first sister went with the Lord when she was 4 years old. So there were nine of us children growing up and my parents. They work hard as fisherman to raise a large family. We don't get to complain or fight about much. We all work hard as a family. What ever were given, we just take and ask no question. My father was a strick man but my mother was like an angel. Because of her love, we were protected. Because of the strickness of my father, We were always in serious trouble when we would misbehave or if we didn't do what he ask of us and if one didn't warned the other not to do wrong. So, my brother and sister would fear him because of his anger. In the latter years of talking with my siblings. I came to understand that they have a certain respect for him because he is our father, but they also have a certain resentment toward him because of his anger and how he treated us when we were younger.

As for me, I have a different story. In my eyes, God have show me a different side of my father. A side in which, I believe that my brother and sister didn't see. He let me see pass all the anger and show me my father's heart. God show me the love and caring of my father for his children through his action. He may say much with his mouth but the way he care for his family didn't match with his harsh words. He show me that my father act the way he act because of how he was raise. He didn't know any different. He never was taught that he could love his children in a different way. Once God let me I see through my father's heart. It wasn't hard for me to love him.

From a very young age I remember I could always reach my father. I knew that I have a very special relationship with him. I remember talking with my mother at times and telling her that I didn't hate my father, that I forgive him, because I know why he is the way that he is. I don't know if my mother ever repeat those words to my father. But. I know deep in my heart that I was different in his eyes. I was not afraid of him or his anger because I knew that I have my father's love. I could come to him and speak to him in an understanding way. I knew that nothing could take that away from me. Even thou there were tough times in our lives. I didn't let it bother me. Deep in my heart I knew that my father knew that I forgave him and that I love him and I knew for certain that I have his love. Because of that understanding, I have my father's heart. It is the same in my life with God. I can boldly speak and tell you about Him because I am confidence That the Father loves me not by my goodness but by his grace through His Son Jesus Christ. I was excepted because when I came to realization that I need His help and I ask Him and he forgave me so I am not ashamed to declare to you about the Father's love because I know deep within my heart it is the truth. I know it is the truth, because God the Holy Spirit came to me one day in July of 2002 during my hour of prayer and reveal to me the Love of Jesus Christ and the Love of the Father. He open my eyes to let me see things in a different way. Not how I would see it. But how God would see it, because God looks at the deep things in a person life. he look at each persons' hearts. and what cause the heart to be harden, and how to soften the callus that have been build around each heart. There's always a cause to every sickness. It is the same with the heart of a person. If there was a wound then something must have prick it. Finding out what cause the wound would be the beginning of healing it. If our hearts seeks to forgive one another. God will always make a way and will show us endless reason why we should forgive. I can't declare to you anything that was not giving to me by the heavenly Father. I can't tell you about anyone's love unless they have show me there love. One's life will proof one's words.

So, for this Father's Day. If you are a father or if you are a son or a daughter. If you have any situation that is unresolvable within your hearts. I pray, if God speaks to you this day fathers, sons, and daughters. I pray that the Love of Jesus Christ may overcome your heart that you may rise above all your differences and forgave one another that you may set your heart free from anger, bitterness, and resentment. I know that there shouldn't be anything in this world that's big enough that we should let it break the bond and the love of a father and their children. I pray that God may bring restoration to your family and let him lead you into a new beginning, There's nothing like the love of a father. You only have one life time to show your love and affection to your children. Sons and daughters, you also have only one life time to give respect to your father because they are our fathers which God have place over us. We only have each other once a life time. Don't let another moment passes by when you can do something about it. I know for CERTAIN, for CERTAIN that with God's love and help no situation is impossible. Seek guidance and wisdom from God that He may show you His heart in loving children, that we may draw closer to the Father's heart when we choose to forgive one another.

I pray that God will open your eyes and your heart this Father's Day that you may see pass anger, bitterness and resentment, and let you see each others heart. I pray that He will bless each and every father. I pray that he will fill your heart with His holy love to empower you that you may love your children as He has loved the world. May God greatly bless you as you seek His ways. I thank you Father in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I thank God for each and every one of you that is reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He did mine and give you a place in Him like He has given me. Calling me His own.

Cyndie Tran
- The Father's Love Ministries

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