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There Is A Place

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What do I really want of God?
I thank God for each and every one of you who are reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a Place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

I start this paper with my ending prayer because The Lord had put it in my heart to write on this message this month to let each one of us know, we all have a place in the Father’s Heart.

God has shown me great and mighty things in the past few years of my life in Him. My eyes have been opened to see works that the Holy Spirit has shown me that it would take many years to understand. Please, I pray each of us would not take these as proud words, I only pray that you would recognize that this is not the work of man’s hand but it is the work of God for all whom He will enable to do His will. As I am flesh, I cannot do anything without Him who calls me, without His Holy Spirit.

I want to share with you the deepest part of my heart, I don’t know much; but, as much as I have known, I would like to share it with you. I know that All things are in and of God. God owns the whole heaven, the earth, and everything in it; wisdom, power, understanding, knowledge, small, and great things alike. There is nothing that is in or upon this heaven or earth that is not His. There are many things that we can find in God. Then I asked myself one day “What do I really want of God” I can ask for many things. But what do I really want? I can ask for riches, fame, or fortune. I can ask for a great ministry. What does it all mean? Will I know the person of God if I ask for all these things? Does God consist of all these material things only or is there a another side of God , another part of God beyond the visual sight of Man? What do I want of God? That is a great, great Question for myself and for anyone who is in search of Him and wanting to know who God is.

If I may, I would like to share with you what my eyes have been opened to see. There are many things He has shown me. I can see that anything I ask while on this earth, I know for certain that the Father would not withhold it from me if it be well with Him, but I cannot take it with me. Riches will cease, fame will fade away, knowledge will pass away, wisdom will end, and any material things will rot. All things will pass away as it is written and spoken in his holy words through Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and many other servants of His. To acknowledge with care, it is written that all these things are also a great, great blessing from the Father Himself, but we cannot take any of it with us. How we came into the world, is how we will leave this world. These are the only things we are able to take with us into eternity; is the knowledge of God Himself, His great love, His salvation, and the Father’s heart for children. I want to know what He is like. I want to know the deep, deep things of God. I can see now what the great King David longs after. He knew the one thing to go after was God’s heart. Because God knows what the young David was seeking; So, God gave him, not only His love but also the kingdom to rule over and made a covenant and a promise with Him for His descendant.

As I recalled, before I knew God and His Son Jesus. During the time when I was seeking Him, I had never read the Bible so I had never knew any of these great people. But I can see now that God tests all of our hearts and thoughts. I never knew what I was looking for. All I remember was asking God to show me His ways; and now, not only His ways that He is showing me, but also His great love and faithfulness in all areas of my life. I can share with you this truth. There is a great price to pay for what God will give you. Whatever stage you are at or wherever you are in God, you must know for certain that He has led you through some great battles and He probably clear some ruff paths before you are where you are today. True and meaningful gifts do not come easy. I speak in truth, if it is easy, we would not value what we have and it would not be as meaningful in our lives and testimonies. The greatest gifts will be given to whoever will endure till the end. This I share and write not intending to exclude anyone or put any one down. I write and share with all who are willing to believe and stand firm for the things that God will give because God is not a respecter of person, but to all who will believe and allow God to stretch them in their walk with Him. You will be where you lay down your crown and what you will give to God. Through our faithfulness and walk in and with Him, He will show us great and might things which we know not “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3. And He will bring us into a place where Jesus has promised us in John 14:3 “And If I go and prepare a PLACE FOR YOU. I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also.” I don’t know if everyone know that place in God’s heart; but I would like to share with each of you this truth – there is a place in God’s heart that once He reveals it to you, you do not want to leave no matter how hard the trial because you know…you know….you know for certain that; that is where you belong and not anyone or anything can tear you apart from His great and mighty love for you. Nothing will be able to remove you from His loving arms. Now that He has shown me this place in His heart, it is the very reason why I am writing and sharing with you this wonderful feeling of His presence and love in my life in hope that each of you will also find this place and know for certain that we all have a place in the Father’s heart. If we all could imagine God’s heart as a big gigantic piece of puzzle and the pieces are scattered throughout the world and each one of us holds a piece to His heart. He wants each one of us know that we all have a place in his heart and all we have to do is search His heart to see where our pieces of puzzle fits. There is no place greater or smaller. God only has one heart and there are many places in His heart for each one of us, He just happened to show me my place in His heart before you. I am writing to let you know that he is waiting for each of you to return to Him and know his unconditional love for each of you. I pray that you would not let anything come between you and God’s love for you. I also pray that you would not let my life, my face, who I was, who I am, what I do or fail to do, where I come from hinder you from coming to God and Jesus Christ; Because I am also imperfect or may have much more trouble than most individual. I only pray that each of you would see me as nothing more than a grateful individual who has been redeemed by the love and mercy of God through Christ Jesus with a simply testimony of what He has done for my life in hope of bringing this message to those who seeks for the Father’s great heart. I do pray that each one of us would hear His voice as He calls each of us to come to Him and allow Him to change and work in our lives in the same way that we also may bring the same loving message of God’s heart to all those who are still in waiting. There may be hardship in the walk, but GREAT, GREAT is the blessings and rewards in return.

I pray for all who are reading this message today, for those that knows the Father and this place in His heart. I pray that He will give you even a greater desire and show you even a deeper love to know Him and to pray for those who are coming to Father and to Jesus Christ. For those that are on your way to know His heart, I pray that God will make straight your ways and clear your paths and put a hedge of protection over and around you and your loved ones as you are seeking and coming to know God and Jesus Christ His Son. I also pray that there will be no hindrance in your walk to know Him and His love. For those that know about God but have not known Him in this way, I do pray that He will open your heart, mind, spirit, and understanding to know and receive His great and mighty love and all that He has for you. I do pray that He will remove all fears, all worries, and any bondages or strongholds that may keep you from coming to know the Love of the Father and of Jesus Christ.

May He pour out His abundant love upon each of you and fill your heart with the desire to know His love and salvation. May that flame burn within your heart until it kindle a fire, a hunger to know Him more? May you know that each of you have a very special place in the Father’s heart? Amen.

I thank God for each and every one of you who are reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

God bless you and be with you and your loved ones in all your ways and in all that do for His Kingdom and Glory.

Cyndie Tran
-The Father’s Love Ministries

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