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What Is A Christian?
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What Is A Christian?

These questions are asked many times:

-- What is a Christian?

-- Why do you call yourself a Christian?

-- Why would someone want to be a Christian?

In answer to these questions as I would understand it. If I may, I pray to share a brief thought. The ending word "ian" means that that person or objects belonging to, residents of, or followers of something or someone depends on the spelling of each word. If we live in America, we are Americans. If we live in a state like California, we are Californians. If we live in Australia, then we are called Australians because we are residents of that country or state.

Therefore, for those of us who are Christians, we proclaimed that we belong to Jesus, the Christ, so we are Christians. Followers of the “Christ” - “The Anointed One” - The Savior of the world.

We proclaim that we belong to Jesus the Christ and call Him our Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, not by force, not by demand, or by pressure, but by our free will. God had given us a revelation that each one of us once belonged to Him and there was an enemy of God who had lied and drawn us away from God. This Jesus, Who is the Son of the Most High God, who took the initiative to die for our sins and wrongdoings even before we were born. A Lord, a God who would laid down His life first to die for His people to take away our sinful Nature and redeemed us back to God and demand nothing of us other than to believe that He has died to take away our sins and wrongdoing and accept His gift so that we may live with Him in peace in this world and with Him eternally after we leave this world.

Therefore, we are very very proud to call Jesus the Christ, our LORD, our SAVIOR, and REDEEMER because of what He has done for us. We are privileged to be considered to be called Christians. A follower of Christ.

From the deepest part of my heart, an invitation to anyone who would like to find out why do Christians believe what we believe and do the thing that we do. Each of you is most welcome. There is no force, no demand, or any pressure on anyone. But a sincere invitation to know who This Jesus is. It is not hard to ask if you would take a quiet moment to yourself one day and truly ask this question within your heart, "Jesus, who are you? I want to know who you are." I promise that He will reveal Himself to you, and you will know why we are so grateful to be Christians. May His Holy Spirit guide and direct your every step, choice, and decision for the betterment of your life.

May God Bless each of you and your loved ones in all your ways and in all that you do.

I thank God for each and every one of you who is reading this message today. I pray that He may touch and change your life as He has mine and give you a Place in Him as He has given me by calling me His own. Amen.

With all of Jesus love that is within me,

The Father's Love Ministries
-Cyndie Cyndie Tran

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