Universal Article/Blog/News module

What Is Salvation?
I would like to share with you a simple message of salvation. A plan of God to redeem men to Himself. One would ask, why do we need to be redeemed and from whom do we need to be redeemed? There are so many things I would like to share with you but how can I type or what kind of paper would I use to put them all down. I would like to summon what's in my heart as God would guide me and direct me in my writing that I may express the deep feeling that is within me so that you may know the reason I do the things that I do. This a part of His calling of my life.
In the beginning God Created the World. God created all things for Himself, all creatures from the height of the heavens to the depth of the sea to fill the earth. Then God created man to take care of the animals and the world and to have dominion over all things. God wanted to created man for Himself. So that God and man can be one and have fellowship with one another like a father and son would. God had a perfect plan for Him and man to be one. But, one day that perfect plan was destroyed by one of the creatures that God created when he tempted man to sin against God. That cunning creature tempted man to sin against God's commandment. God gave man only one commandment in the beginning. God had given man dominion over all the earth. Man could do whatever and eat whatever he choose. But, there's was one thing man could not do. God had placed in the midst of the garden a tree, a tree of knowledge of good and evil. God gave one simple order that man was not to eat from it because when man ate from it, he would die.
Die meaning that if man disobeyed God, man would be separated from God and would not be able to commune with Him any longer. Man's body would die and would not be able to live forever with God. God a is spirit. The Spirit of God dwells in man in the beginning like two people driving in one car, a driver and a passenger. God created man to be a spirit, soul, and body. Therefore, many spirits may dwell in a body like many people may live in a house. So, whomever you open your door to, that spirit enters into your body like when someone comes knocking on your door. You would go to check to make sure you know that person or at least ask who is there before you let them enter. You can choose to let whom you want in. If you say no, that person can't come in. It is the same with the spirit. Many ideas may come into your mind to do things, take a certain kind of action, or to say certain words to a person. You can filter out the thoughts that are in your mind and choose what is good and let that thought manifest through your body.
So, when man disobeyed God, sin entered in man. When sin entered in man, the Spirit of God could no longer dwell in man because good and evil can not be together like water and oil. No matter how you shake it up, it will always separate itself one from another. From then on man was separated from God. But because of the good nature of God, God did not forsake man. God was with man always. From the time of separation the Spirit of God was no longer in man but was with man. Because of sin man was stained. God could not live in man until man was clean. Just like when you buy a new house, you and your loved ones are so excited to live in it until all of a sudden there is a rainfall so heavy that the banks of the river overflowed and your house flooded. Now the nice pretty house is filthy dirty and you can't live in it until it's cleaned out. Take another example, suppose one day you desire to have a pet. You would go to the pet store and find the perfect pet for you. You would love and adore it so much, treat like one of your own kids, or even better than you would treat yourself. You would spend a fortune on this little thing that you just bought. You would tell everybody about your little white fluffy puppy. A prized possession in your eyes. Now suppose, one day you went to work and left your prize possession in the house and a little bit later it started to rain. You don't think anything of it until you return home and look all over the house for your fluffy prize possession and can't find it anywhere. Then you start to wonder, asking where is your dog until you look out side in your back yard and find him there soaking wet and drenched in mud dripping down his body. You look at him in dismay and ask how did you get out there? Seeing him in that condition, you didn't hate him. You didn't want to leave that poor thing out there. You didn't forsake him or throw him away just because of that incident. Because of your love for the prized possession, you will find a way to clean him up before you let him in to your clean, white carpeted house again. It's the same way when man sins. Now man is stained and cannot be with God until man is cleaned from the sinful nature of the evil one that entered man when man disobeyed God. God can easily say, "Oh what do I care?" He could forsake man completely and let man die. But that's not God. God did not create the world to destroy it. The reason why the earth is still here is because of the hope that He had to redeem man to Himself. In God's law, if one disobeys His commandments to live as a human, the one who sins must die. In order for the one to live and to be free from his sin, a sinless person must die in his place for his sin and he will be set free to live. So, God simply planned to redeem man to Himself so that man may be one with God again. To cleanse man from sin, He sent His son to live a sinless life and to be obedient in every way according to the commandments of God. By living a perfect life, he may be a living sacrifice to die for the sin of man so that man may be one with God again. But man must make a choice to believe the gift of salvation that God freely gave through the death of His son Jesus Christ. It is not a hard thing to believe. Man cannot live without the counsel of God because there are too many temptations in this world. If man does not recognize that he cannot live without the counsel of one that is higher than him, than man is denying himself. We must know, in our natural understanding, a five year old could not know the things a ten years old would know, because their mind is not developed or that knowledge is not yet revealed to him. Yet again, a ten- year old would not know what a 50- year- old would know because the experience and knowledge of life of a 50 years old is much greater . I can go on forever but I know that if you are reading this letter you get the picture of what my heart is trying to reach. There is wisdom out there which we could not comprehend.
If God has lead you to read this writing today, then He has an intention and a purpose for your life, a life in Him. A life with the fellowship and communion with God, free from the strong holds, from the addictions to anything, from worries, fear, anger, hatred, the lies of the evil one, and many other things of this world to keep you in bondage and in slavery. Today, He has extended an invitation for you to be a son, a child of God through the acceptance of the death of His Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sin. God has given you a choice today, to be a son of God by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The alternative is to be a slave to serve the evil one. God's Love is greater then we can comprehend. He does not ask us to know why he love us the way He does. He simply asks that we believe that He has made it possible for us to be with Him again. I pray this day, if you hear His voice today, if you feel that there is no way out, or the world is coming down on you, it is not the end. God says, that there is NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING that is impossible for him who believes. So, if you still have that glimmer of hope this moment I pray that your faith may rise above all your situations, that you may believe that God is making a way for you today. If your heart is longing to be with Him this moment and wanting Him to remove the burden that is in your heart, ask Him now to forgive you and to cleanse you from all your sins. Invite Him into your heart to be Lord and Savior. Ask Him to come into your life and to guide you and lead you in the way that you should walk. Ask Him to show you His ways and who He is, to reveal Himself to you and to show you that He is real. He is right there by your side. Remember, God a is Spirit. He can be anywhere. He's waiting for you to ask Him. God loves you, therefore, He wants to draw you to Himself with an unconditional love. He wants to love you just the way you are, faults and all. Just believe.
If you have prayed and asked Jesus Christ to come into your heart today, my prayer for you as you believe. I thank you Father, that you have considered this one like you have considered me. I pray this moment for who ever asks Jesus Christ Your Son to come into their hearts to be Lord and Savior that You will send forth Your Holy Spirit in Jesus' name to seal their salvation as they believe, that you would keep them and protect each and everyone that receive your words today. Protect them from the hands and the scam of the evil one, and that you will strengthen them and keep their faith, in times of trials, that they will not be overcome by evil one but be mighty men and women of faith for your kingdom. I pray, Father, that the moment that they accept Jesus into their hearts, that you will lead them to read Your words and that You may seal their faith, that nothing will be shaken in or from them. I thank you Father in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Cyndie Tran
- The Father's Love Ministries