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Yes, You Are Worth!

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In God's eyes, we are all worthy, not because we are good but because of Jesus Christ.

Hello again, if this writing finds you I want to encourage each and every one of you this day to lift up your countenance and be filled with God's Spirit and Love, for all those who trust in the Lord will eat, be filled, and have left over. Many of you have been under tremendous pressure lately and the Lord wants you to know that He knows your troubles and wants to bring you relief. May your heart be lifted, may your soul be filled, and may your spirit rise and rejoice for "This is the day that the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it" (Ps 118:24).

If I may, I would like to start this paragraph with the Father's Holy word from the book of St. Peter 4:12-13 "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happen to you ; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's suffering, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy." Many of us are very hard on ourselves and we think that what we do does not please God or others. The Lord had put it in my heart to write concerning this because many of us need to hear it, and I am first on that list. We go through life doubting ourselves and our worthiness. I remember thinking that myself. I know without a doubt we are not perfect because there is only one that is perfect-our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of Him we are worthy. He made us worthy. He didn't ask or look for a perfect person to come to Him. He looked for all who wanted to come to Him knowing we need His help. If we could imagine, if we were to know all things, then we wouldn't need Him to help us. I am one that has the testimony of how much I need Him in my life. I know that I am not perfect. I have to come to the realization of it and I ask Him daily to guide me. I know without a doubt that He loves me because I never knew Him and yet He died for me before I knew Him. That alone should push any doubts from anyone mind that God loves us. And above all that, He Himself came to me. No one introduced Him to me. He Himself came to me and revealed Himself to me and showed me His great love. " For He says: " In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you." Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."2 Co. 6:2. So, in my imperfectness, I will try my best to express His love to all. Many of you have been reading this wri ting for a while. You can see that there are many mistakes I have made in my writing and in my words but I am not ashamed. I know with every bit of knowledge that is within me and I know that God knows I try my best to bring His love to all who will receive. Not with Great skill, a learned or taught mind but with a testimony of my heart, with the revelation and the power of the Holy Spirit of what happened to my life right here in this city. I know for certain that He honors what I do. Not that I am perfect or does anything well but that I am His child and that I try with all my might to do all that I can. I know that He excepts me for He knows that in my heart I try because He knows all things. And I know that in my failures, He will perfect me over times. but if I don't try I will never know if I can do it. "For He said to me. "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."2 Co. 12:9. Before I began this Ministry I had not one clue of how to do anything. All I knew is that I have a testimony. I just wanted to share my testimony with as many people as I could that God lives, He is with us, He loves us, and that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ, His Son who can relate to all that we have to go through in life because He has been tempted in every way and has victory over all things. Many times in our walk ( I am speaking to many of us right now that are going through some down times) we may fall and trip on road blocks or run and scrape our knees, but we must not let any of those things stop us.

There is a race to be finished. I want to encourage each and every brother and sister in Christ and all who read this writing. I pray, even though I might not have the qualification or be in any position to, but I do pray that you would allow me to and that I may be a hand that God uses today to pull each one of you up from where you are. To spiritually lift you up to put each one of you back on your feet again and cheer you on to run, not walk, but run the rest of the race with exceeding joy knowing that Jesus is waiting and cheering you on. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37. There are so many people in our lives that think and believe that we are wonderful to them. First of all God thinks we are great, because He created us and that is why He sent His Son to die for us. Next, Jesus thinks that you are worthy because He excepted the calling when the Father sent Him to die on the cross for sinners. Then, the LORD, the Holy Spirit thinks that you are great because He obeyed the Father to abide with us forever. I believe that is some awesome Spirit of God because as I was typing these words, thoughts came through my mind and I thought " if anyone can stand to be with me forever, it is something else." So I praise God in all that (how many can say amen). In just those three I think that God thinks that we are worthy. There is also so much more. We have our family, our loved ones and our friends that are all around us who need us daily and believe that we are wonderful to them. I believe that we are so hard on ourselves because we think that no one notices. Often times people do notice but they don't express it the way we want or expect. I have come to know that many times my best will not please every one, but as long as I know that I did all I could at the time, then I have to let my heart be at peace and pray that God will some how, some way, send others to help the one that I could not help. So I pray this day, for each and everyone of you that ever have any thoughts in your heart that we are not worthy to receive God's love or that The LORD, the Great God, Our Father does not love us. I pray that each one of you would put those thoughts aside and let it be buried under the weigh t of the Cross. If we all would look up at the Cross, it should be a good enough reason that we know for certain that the Father loves us, that He is always looking out for us, knows what is in our heart, and never failed to bring us words of encouragement to lift our heart, fill our soul and rise our spirit with His Mighty and unconditional love for each of us. That is the reason why you are reading this and that He still gives me words and allows me to continue to write, to be one of His vessel, so that our hearts may always know that the Father and Jesus loves us and that they are with us always."And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matt 28:22

I pray that the Father would remove from each of you any fear, worries, frustration, doubts, disbelief, lies, pressure, heaviness, burden, thoughts that are not of Him right now in Jesus' name. May He cleanse your heart, mind, spirit, and soul with the precious blood of Jesus Christ and I pray that He would send forth His Holy Spirit to be upon you right now to fill your heart, soul, and spirit with His love, joy, hope, faith, strength, and peace which surpass all understanding to lift each one of your hearts in your times of trial. May this day and all your days be days of blessing and relief for your soul and spirit. May your heart overflow with His goodness that all may see that the hands of God are upon each of you. May His Spirit abide with you to guide and protect you now, forever, and into eternity. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Father's Love Ministries

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