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Happy Mother's Day

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Living in this current generation, we have so many holidays that we can celebrate. A few of those holidays represent the significant meaning of our beliefs, and some are important dates and memories of the historical past of this country, and others have just been assigned for the purpose of commercial benefits. But for whichever reason a certain holiday is assigned, we all are celebrating it to this day.

As for Mother's Day, the history of it dates back to 1908, created by Anna Jarvis, and was officially decided as a holiday to be celebrated in 1914. But in this sense, I believe it is a wonderful thing that this person was given a thought to set a day for mothers to be remembered. As for all mothers, some of us have been great parents because we have great parents that have set us some great examples. For some of us, we were not as fortunate and have had a very unpleasant upbringing and are parents ourselves now and are determined to change the course of history and vow to give our children a better future. Also for some of us have long to be parents and have missed opportunities because our children were taken away from us through different circumstances, yet the love in our hearts for our children has not changed due to the circumstances that may arise.

All in all, great or not as fortunate, we are all mothers who try our best due to the circumstances that we are in to raise our children with the resource that were given to us. To those who have not had children, One day, I pray, you may see the blessings in it. And to those who have given the privilege to have children, raised children, and are raising them, you would know that it is not an easy task, but as hard as it is, yet we would not want it any other way. Once we are mothers, we just can't decide not to be one and turn back the time, but we have entered into a realm of unconditional love that we have not experienced before. The maternity instinct overcame us, and the journey began for a relationship between two persons that no one can explain unless they enter and reach that place of motherhood.

Now that I have been given the privilege to understand motherhood and the love of a mother for her child to an extent. I would like to draw your hearts to another love. If we being mere human and have experienced such a love and a bond with our child, then I would like to draw your hearts to the love of the One True God and the longing of His heart to be with His children, and to bond with them as a Mother bond with her children. He has also declared in His words, “As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you; and you shall be comforted” Isaiah 66:13. If we all can understand, we can all believe that Mother’s Day date back further than 1908. It is when God first made a woman and given her the blessings to know that love from the beginning of time. It is He who gives us the motherly love to love our children, and he gives us his wisdom to teach and guide our children to understand them in the many stages of their growing and to help them through each trial and error that they may face, and also to celebrate with them in times of joy and of sorrow. As He teaches us, we in return teach our children to love and understand the many faces of life.

For this Mother's Day, I pray for all mothers out there. Wherever you are and whatever stages of life you may be in. Whatever trials you may face and if you are the best mother or not as good. I pray for each of you to know God's love for you and for how He created you to be. He wants you to know how much He wants to bond with you as His children. For He says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness" Jeremiah 31:3. For The Lord says not to be so hard on yourself. For those who are great parents to teach those who have not known. For those who lack the knowledge to seek Him, and He will guide us to where and what we must do. For the older generation shall teach the young.

May His love overshadow and cover each of you so that each of you may be showered with His great love for the task of the mother was placed upon you to Raise His children. God bless and be with each of you in all your ways and in all that you do. Amen.

Cyndie Tran

- The Fathers Love Ministries

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